Arkham Archives : The Lovecratian Gamebook, Chapter I of IV - par Delta Dreams - Livraison février 2021

Ne lâche surtout pas l’EB au prix ou c’est. Sinon moi je prend.

Si je l’avais lâché j’aurais proposé ici avant de toute manière comme on l’a fait avec moi ^^

Franchement ça sent moisi ça, c’est leur premier KS, je pense qu’ils évaluent mal les couts, surtout pour la traduction, c’est voué à l’échec. En plus le livre de 200 pages pour une histoire dont vous êtes le héros, cela va se lire en 30 min, même 20€ c’est trop cher. Tu peux les garder pour avoir ISS à 20€ de moins. Je dis 20€ mais faut ajouter plus de la moitié pour les fdp, cela revient donc à mini 30€. A ce prix là tu peux avoir Dungeon Drop.

Bref je te rend service en t’en débarassant.

1 « J'aime »

We know, that’s pretty confusing. If you watch at the scheme « from above », we mean.

The illustration you see here is the structure of the demo of « The Limestone Abyss ». Each square is a chapter, a knot in the story.

Let’s dig that a bit by using colors to better identify the parts.

The blue part is the « introduction ». As you can see, the story kind of goes on by itself, but you have to keep your eyes open to avoid missing cool objects or insights.

The red part is what we call a « hub ». It is usually a room, an intersection or a moment of complete freedom in which you explore tons of opportunities. Just like in real life, you have to think of all the opportunities you might lose and the risks you will be facing.

And finally, the green part is the « exit stage ». You get out of that part of the story, leaving the danger behind. Often, you won’t be allowed to get back, like in the case of a crumbling ruin, for instance.

And the small coffins next to the red boxes? Well, we think you get it. Those are the parts in which you get killed. It’s sad, but knowing that death can be around every corner is a great source of fun and a driver that keeps you active and vigilant! They are not so many until now, but just wait until you get ahead in the story! :smiley:

To create the flow, we used an open source software called Twine. The name is iconic, of course, and it basically explains itself. Using Twine, our Samuele developed the entire book, placing the paths and studying the structure from a wider perspective.

If you have a story in mind that you would like to develop with an interactive system, we strongly encourage you to download and use Twine. It’s a huge helping hand in the task and will increase the quality and the pace of your work for sure.

You can download the software at this link!

Until the next time!

The Kickstarter time is almost ended, so we believe it’s time we make you some major revelation about Jack’s quest in Egypt. You will find some of these insights in the full version of the book, but don’t worry: there’s no spoiler here, just the evocative backstory leading our hero into the Limestone Abyss.

The scrap of paper above is a part of Jack’s diary. It contains his thoughts about the findings of an ancient Mesopotamic prayer, mentioning Azathoth, a God he found to be directly connected to Nyarlathotep.

The city he mentions in the note, Al-Qasr, really existed in the past, and it was located next to Luxor.

But there’s more to it.

In another interactive story we published online, there were four other runes that Ace finds during his travels in the people he can possess. Each of them is directly linked to a different deity:





And the Ouija table (the same you will use to play the gamebook) contains a rune that Ace, the real main character of the story, didn’t recognize at first…

And finally, just a side note: all the runes you saw here have been designed by us. It’s no material you can find in other media. We defined the concept by immerse ourselves into the mind of ancient cultists and thinking about how would they depict a symbol for a terrible God!

Stay tuned: we have incredible news for you tomorrow!

We fell for it again: we completed the work to prepare the second stretch goal reward, the Cthulhu magnets. Then, we saw that nearly 400 amazing people believed in us… and we decided to just go and unlock it!

This is a reward that might sound a bit unusual, but it’s something that’ll make you scream « I want it! ». The magnet is a circular disk, around 1,5 inches (3,8 cm) diameter that you can place pretty much anywhere you want, provided there is a metal surface, of course.

The reward is available for the backers that choose a physical bid (Gambler & Adventurer).

The fantastic thing is… it glows in the dark! Your Cthulhu, once white, will become green during the night. Consider it a cool feature… or an omen!

Below, you’ll find the artwork represented on the magnet! It’s a new Cthulhu concept designed by our Davide Molino:

We hope you are happy to get this small surprise. It’s the least we can do, since you supported us in a way we could not even imagine.

Again, thank you for everything you did for us.

Until the next time!

@Captain_Kiwii pour toi ça :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 « J'aime »

Je peux peut être aider si besoin, ils ont demandé ca ou?

Tient au passage je ne sais plus qui demandais si chaque histoire était séparée :


Sinon nouvelle update pour le SG social débloqué.

A new stretch goal has been unlocked! A poster with a full size illustration is on its way… and you will decide which one will be realized by our artist Francesco Crisci, in a post-campaign survey!

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Delta DreamsCréateur

21 octobre 2020

Ok, you all are amazing. Period.

Yes, because today, even the first money stretch goal has been unlocked, and we just want to say « thank you all », again.

A new additional item joins the other stretch goals, and it’s a very good one indeed.

You surely remember the cards illustrations. Well, imagine one of them, but bigger and adapted for a poster, with additional details, a wonderful background, and with a new study of light!

Our artist, Francesco Crisci, will work to adapt the illustration that gets the most votes in a post-Kickstarter survey, and we’ll send the poster to you. And it will even be signed, if you wish so.

Just a couple of words about our Francesco: he is an Italian artist, working with TV networks and many independent projects. He likes very much painting otherworldly creatures, as you can see from his Behance page and Instagram profile!

This is him, working really hard to turn your cards into an art piece you will be proud to show your friends:

We’ll keep you up-to-date, since we have another cool surprise for you in the next days.

Stay tuned!

mail perso,
peut-être comme je leur avais écrit au début pour les frais de port.

Si t’es motivé go :wink:

Bon la vf est pas folle si certains ont pris, j’ai essayé de leur en parler mais même pas de réponse…
Perso ce sera VO.

Bon je leur avais signalé de gros soucis sur leur vf quand ils m’avaient envoyé de quoi lire, j’ai eu leur réponse :

J’essaierais de checker si j’ai du temps pour ça, mais en l’état pour l’instant je vais rester sur une VA.

La qualité des cartes semble pas ouf. Un peu flou.

Edith: en video c’est deja bien plus sympa en faite.

L’illustration fait un peu tache par rapport au rendu global du livre, c’est dommage ^^

Une présentation plus sobre sans l’illustration à mais avec logo aurait sûrement été mieux. Comme le dos en faite.