Blood on the Sands - par Dead Again Games - fin le 11 mars

Salut, ça a l’air sympa!
Mais je reviens sur la traduction, comme dit plus haut ce n’est pas forcément une question de complexité mais de plaisir de jeu.
S’il y a peu de textes ça peut même être fait sans passer par un distributeur (ou mise à disposition de pdf et la commu s’en occupe).

En revanche je suis curieux de voir le matos proposé dans la boite car le prix paraît élevé pour ce qu’on voit sur la photo.

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L’information sur le contenu exact devrait bientôt être communiquée.

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Est-ce qu’une version téléchargeable du manuel + jetons + autres accessoires imprimables est envisagée ?

Ça serait sympa pour ceux qui ont déjà des figurines, des décors, des dés et qui veulent peut-être pas laisser un rein en frais de port…

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Pour l’instant, je ne sais pas, mais cela a été discuté par le passé lorsque l’auteur n’avait pas la certitude de pouvoir éditer le jeu dans un format boîte complet.

Ceci dit, en t’inscrivant sur le groupe Facebook, tu peux ensuite avoir accès au groupe fermé « Blood on the Sands players group » où l’auteur distribue une version simplifiée et incomplète (mais suffisante) des règles pour les tester.

Et voici le détail du matos prévu :

We’ve been asked what will be included in a Blood on the Sands box set, and we’re excited to share this mockup image of the components and their quantities! Please note that this does not include any potential stretch goal items or add-ons.
Each box set will contain everything you and an opponent need to start playing. However, keep in mind that the contents shown are still subject to change.

Et une option sympa :

We are excited to announce our collaboration with Sarissa Precision Limited, masters of high-quality wargames terrain! Together, we’re crafting a stunning Roman gladiator arena surround, made from precision-cut MDF, that will elevate your Blood on the Sands experience. Plus, we’re offering an optional MDF hex board for seamless gameplay. Both products will be available as add-ons for backers on our Kickstarter campaign launching February 11th. Whether you’re looking to build your own gladiatorial arena or enhance your battlefield with custom terrain, Sarissa’s quality will bring your games to life!

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Un mot de l’auteur sur lui-même et son principal complice :

Ave, lanistae! It is about time we properly introduce ourselves to those of you who might not yet know who’s behind the Blood on the Sands Kickstarter.
I’m Frank Sultana from Sydney, Australia, and I’m the creator of Blood on the Sands—my first serious tabletop gaming project. Many of you may already know me from the local convention scene or virtually through the Lead Adventure Forum. I’ve been an avid wargamer for over 40 years, and I’ve been tinkering with rule-writing since I can remember. In addition to this, a close friend and I run a small company that specialises in 1/30 scale diorama accessories and terrain pieces. I love building terrain at all scales, and over the years I’ve crafted some massive table layouts—many of which have featured at local conventions, where my mates and I have showcased various rulesets.
Blood on the Sands has been my passion project for far too many years. It’s gone through countless playtests and revisions. For a long time, I searched for a publisher willing to take it on, but it wasn’t until recently that the right person came along…
It is my pleasure to introduce N. R. (Nic) Jenzen-Jones, an established publisher, editor, and arms historian, with whom I have been working for a while now to bring Blood on the Sands to life. Nic has run several successful Kickstarter campaigns, and brings to the table a lot of experience in managing complex projects through their lifespan—from design and development, to manufacturer and delivery. He is also a keen gamer, playing just about everything from card games and board games through to skirmish wargames and large tabletop battles. Nic has been working behind the scenes to develop and manage much of what you guys have already seen in our public announcements and partnerships over the past few months, and his skills will come into play even more as we continue to move from my long design and testing phase toward making the game a reality. Both Nic and I are committed to making a high-quality, historically accurate game that respects players’ time and investment. I am confident his input will ensure that my vision becomes a reality. I hope you will join me in publicly welcoming Nic to the Blood on the Sands team!

Quelques figurines qui figureront dans le jeu. Peinture de Matthew Leahy.

Citation Check out some of the incredible Wargames Atlantic figures you can make from the upcoming gladiator sprue, painted by the talented Matthew Leahy.

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Bonjour tout le monde,
Le financement a débuté ce jour :

Kickstarter « Blood on the Sands »

Faut vraiment être fan des créateurs pour y aller car c’est hyper amateur comme projet, la boite de base est très chère, avec un risque de surcoût à la douane (frais de dossier et cie), et un shipping délirant si envoyé depuis les US.
Ça va faire un bon 150€ à l’arrivée pour pas grand chose dans l’assiette.

De à quoi ça ressemble quand on joue (en english) : OnTableTop - « Blood on the Sands »