Dead Reckoning - par AEG

Ah ok :wink:

Vu que les colis vont arriver sur le sol européen le 16 mai, je viens vous rappeler que je voudrais racheter le jeu ou un pledge à l’un d’entre vous. Un all-in ou un all gameplay pledge. Merci d’avance

Édit: j’ai trouvé mon bonheur, c’est bon :yum:

Les envois de raient débuter fin Juin.
On atteint les 6 mois de retard.

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Ca me rappel la bonne vieille époque des 6 mois de retard syndicaux ^^

Maintenant avec la vague de jeux narratifs qu’il y a eu, on a plutot l’habitude de lire régulièrement des 1/2 ans de retard en 2/3 vagues :rofl:

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La phrase exacte c’est " we should be fulfilling French & German Rewards in the European and Canadian market in mid to late June."

Donc, je vais décider d’être positif et optimiste pour une fois, et espérer qu’ils auront fini fin juin au plus tard.
je déménage le 3 juillet, ceci n’a aucune influence sur ma décision bien sur :stuck_out_tongue:

mais bon, mon coté schizophrène et pessimiste revient à la charge et je pense comme toi : ça veut dire qu’ils vont commencer la démarche mi juin - fin juin… ça va être coton au niveau timing pour moi.

Pour les 6 mois de retard, ils ont l’excuse de la crise des matières premières et de l’impact sur les transports.

Pas de sous à ce moment là :smiley: Puis le PM est passé ^^

Ben tu aurais pu piquer dans la caisse d’hybris ou me contacter pour que je te rajoute à mon pm :slight_smile:

Bah j’ai racheté un pledge ici même :smiley: mais si tu as un Hour of Need je suis preneur :stuck_out_tongue:

A priori, les jeux ont dû arriver fin Mai en Europe.
A voir les étapes suivantes.

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Sur la news 53, ils disent que les jeux arrivent au port la 1ere semaine de juin et ils seraient livrés mi/fin juin

Tiens j’ai reçu un email comme quoi le fulfillment va commencer pour l’Europe, donc on devrait recevoir ça d’ici la fin du mois

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Excellente nouvelle

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YOUHOU ! Trop bien !

si par le plus grand des hasard quelqu’un ne voulait plus sa VF, ne pas hésiter à me MP :slight_smile:

Des nouvelles pour celui là ?

French & German Editions
Our factory has informed us that these Editions have been booked for shipment to the European Depot. They are expected to leave China on March 29 and arrive in Europe in the third week of May.

Etant déjà fin juin, comment ça se passe…? :smiley:

Les dernières news :

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Apparemment il y aurait eu quelques soucis colorimétriques.

we started to receive reports that some people have received Ocean Tiles where the Open Seas tiles are visually distinct from the Island tiles.

There are a number of issues which are connected to this coloration problem.

First, it does not affect everyone. In fact, to the best of our ability to determine, it’s not a widespread issue; it’s impossible to know but it seems like most copies of the game don’t have this issue.

Second, we don’t know why it happened. The ocean tiles are printed at the same time in the same factory for both Island and Open Seas tiles. The printing process has a standardized QA system where the press is checked regularly to ensure it’s outputting the correct colors. Because we have not been able to physically visit the factories in China since early 2020, AEG staff were not present for the printing of these boards but our partners in China are very good at what they do and we don’t believe there was any systemic issue.

The Island tiles were printed on one press sheet and the open seas tiles were printed on a second press sheet. Our best guess is that for some time during the printing of the Open Seas tiles the press was not properly calibrated, resulting in the slightly different colorations. All of the tiles were then put through the rest of the production process and packed out, and there’s no way to know how many may have been printed with the slight color error.

Third, fixing this problem on a case by case basis is essentially impossible. Across the entire print run, minor variations of color are expected; not only are variations on the press likely but there can be variations based on environmental conditions in the factory. These boards are not produced to a rigid color specification (the cost to do that would be extremely high). So even if we produced and sent out replacement Ocean Sea boards, there’s a good chance the replacements would not match the original color of your Island boards.

The problem of having mismatched Island and Open Sea boards is that if the color difference is enough to be noticed, players have advanced knowledge of which boards are Islands and which are Open Seas before they are explored. For some gamers, that’s problematic.

We’ve considered several options. As noted above, if we just manufacture more Open Seas tiles and offer them as replacements that probably won’t actually fix the issue and people who get the replacements will still be able to tell the difference between the two kinds of tiles.

If we produce entire sets of tiles to do a complete swap, the cost of the production of the tiles and the shipping would be unreasonably high. It would cost something between $20 and $30 dollars for us to do such a replacement (and recipients in the UK and the EU might be assessed additional fees for customs & VAT regardless of how we declare their value), and that’s just infeasible; it’s too much cost for us to absorb, and it’s too much cost to ask people to pay.

While this issue does impact gameplay, there is a reasonably simple work-around. We recommend that if your Open Seas tiles are visually distinct enough to be a problem for your play group, that you DON’T lay out the whole New Sea grid during game setup. Instead, sort the ocean tiles that you’ll use for the game, form a stack, and place a cover over them (we recommend using one of the otherwise unused tiles for that game). When a new tile is Explored, draw the top tile from the stack and place it into the grid. That way no player will be able to get advanced knowledge of the tile type before it enters play.

This preserves the integrity of the game system, doesn’t require an expensive replacement program, and is not onerous for the players.

When we do the next production run of Dead Reckoning, we are going to redesign the press sheets so that the Open Seas and Island tiles are mixed, we won’t have all of the Open Seas on their own press sheet. That way, when color variations happen in the future, they won’t exclusively identify a tile as an Open Seas tile.

We are very sorry that this issue has affected some of our Dead Reckoning community. We try extremely hard to deliver the highest quality product we can and when there are issues, to address them. This particular issue is relatively unique in that it’s technically infeasible to address ad hoc, expensive to fix en masse, and can be mitigated at the table without a significant impact on gameplay.

Purement esthétique , pas d’impact sur le gameplay, c’est-cà?

Bah dans le texte ils expliquent justement que si, car tu peux savoir à l’avance si c’est une tuile océan ou une tuile île.
Et ils donnent une solution pour ceux ayant le problème (du genre ne pas installer les tuiles au setup, et faire une pile ou on pioche une tuile quand on explore - mais il faut cacher le haut de la tuile avec une tuile inutilisée…).

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