Dune: War for Arrakis - par CMON - livraison octobre 2023

C’est pas la même échelle, après il y en a des classes chez cmon, comme Hate
La guerre de l’anneau c’est plus cheap niveau plastic
J’espère surtout qu’ils vont nous pondre un bon jeu…
Pour le moment je ne regrette pas mon pledge

On est quand même loin en niveau des figurines de La Guerre de l’Anneau. On voit quand même du détail sur les figs même si l’éclairage sur fond blanc et les différentes couleurs du plastique donnent un léger voile pas très net. Après, comme toujours, on jugera une fois en main.

ni la même echelle si mes souvenirs sont bons

De mémoire, c’est 25mm pour WoTR et 28mm pour Dune il me semble.

j’avais en mémoire plus petit pour WoTR, merci !

Nouvelle update sur les boîtes blanche… et pour une fois qu’un CMON rentre dans une case de Kallax :champagne:

Update #43 - White samples - Boxes

We have received white samples of the boxes, and it’s great to see this game gradually become reality.

As you know, backers will get an exclusive version of the Dune: War for Arrakis core box, which includes all the Stretch Goals in it. That makes for a pretty hefty box. Here you can see it next to the two expansion boxes for Smugglers and The Spacing Guild:

The boxes were sized so that the two expansions together have the same height as the core box, making for one neat package.

This also ensures that, in spite of their great size difference, they actually line up neatly next to each other.

Here they are all together on a shelf.

In spite of its size, we made sure the core box would still fit in a standard Kallax shelf. Its length is just within the limits of the shelf’s depth.

Goûtons aux vents du futur.

Presque tous les fichiers d’impression ont été livrés par l’équipe graphique, ils vont donc maintenant passer par notre processus de relecture, ainsi que l’approbation finale par le concédant de licence, avant de pouvoir être mis en production. Dans le même temps, l’usine prépare les plateaux de jeu, ce qui est la dernière chose à emballer avant que la fabrication complète ne puisse commencer.

Avec cela, nous avons le livre de règles finalisé que vous pouvez consulter, y compris toutes les mises à jour des règles post-campagne. Il s’agit de la version Exclusive Edition, que seuls les contributeurs de Kickstarter obtiendront, incorporant le contenu exclusif comme les jetons 3D, les modules Possible Futures et le gargantuesque Old Man of the Desert. Vérifiez-le ICI :

Comme mentionné ci-dessus, cela passe toujours par les dernières rondes de relecture, donc si vous repérez des problèmes, assurez-vous de les signaler dans les commentaires ci-dessous.

La big box en version boîte blanche avec les trays, figurines et dés…

Update #48 - White Samples - Exclusive Edition Core Box

Today we look at the white sample of the Exclusive Edition of the Core Box. This has all the unprinted paper components, as well as the final samples for the trays and figures. While this is a big box, it was still quite a challenge fitting all these components in it!

Box closed

Cardboard dashboards in the box.

All the upgraded cardboard dashboards.


Token punchboard

Miniatures box

Game boards

Boards opened up.

Miniature trays

Top tray: Cards (with extra space for sleeved cards), dice, bag, Sietches, and Atreides Leaders.

Second tray: Harkonnen Units and Leaders.

Third tray: Fremen Units and Leaders, Eco Stations, and Sandworms (including the gargantuan Old Man of the Desert).

Bottom tray: Carryalls, Ornithopters (and their stands), Harvesters, and Settlements.

Tjs pas d’annonce d’une VF?

Rien vu passer pour l’instant de mon côté

Asmodee Canada l’annonce pour l’année prochaine (DUNE: WAR FOR ARRAKIS (FR) ^ Q2 2024)

2 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update…

Update #49 - Print Proofs & Last Call for Address Changes

Let’s sample the winds of the future.

First, we have a very important reminder.


With production ongoing, we will soon have to generate the backers’ packing slips to begin organizing the packing of pledges. To ensure a smooth delivery of your pledge, it’s extremely important to make sure your address is up-to-date in our system. If your address has changed since confirming your pledge, please go to your Backerkit account and update your address. Also, if you have registered a land line number, please switch it to your cell phone number. Note that, at this point, only the address can be updated, not the contents of your pledge. If you have any issues, please contact our Customer Service.

Please note that if your address change results in a higher shipping cost, you will have an outstanding balance on your pledge. In that case, make sure to pay for the additional shipping cost and reconfirm your pledge, otherwise your packing slip will not be generated and your pledge will not be delivered.



We have recently received the print proofs for all the Dune boxes. These printed sheets are sent from the factory to ensure everything is coming out as intended, that the colors are working, nothing too dark or too light, and a last change to catch any mistakes.

We’re glad to say everything was looking great and so it was all approved to start printing.

Box cover

Game boards


Planning Cards

Leader and Prescience cards

1 « J'aime »

La box va être bien belle et bien grosse…

Update #50 - Exclusive Edition goes Gold

Let’s sample the winds of the future.

Production Update

With mass production fully underway, here’s the general estimate timeline the factories provided us:

  • First Mass production Copy (MPC) should be ready by the end of the month.
  • Assuming the MPC is approved, all plastics will be delivered to the printer at the start of October.
  • The printer will then assemble the products until mid October.
  • Assembly of the individual pledge boxes then starts and should be done by early November.
  • As soon as possible, we’ll start loading the pledge boxes on containers and sending them to the distribution hubs all over the world. We don’t yet have estimates for this delivery, but we’ll keep you updated.

This means delivery will happen a little later than the original October estimate, but hopefully not too much later than that. We apologize for the extra wait, but leave you with some words of wisdom from Lady Jessica:

Now, let him come, she thought. We shall see what we shall see. And she prepared herself in the Bene Gesserit fashion for the wait, accumulating patience, saving her strength.

Exclusive Edition

We do have a special treat for you today. The core box backers will get is different from what will go to retail, since it contains all the Stretch Goals unlocked during the campaign, including the 3D tokens, Possible Futures characters and cards, cardboard dashboards, and the giant Old Man of the Desert. This Exclusive Edition box is considerably thicker than the regular retail box. But besides that, we wanted it to look extra special for our backers. To that end, we’re adding Golden Foil to the titles of the box cover! We have received the print proof for it, and it’s looking shiny!

Miniature de la vidéo du projet


2 « J'aime »

Encore des photos de la big box dans la dernière update….

6 « J'aime »

Je suis décidément très fan de cette typo double sens.

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Ça s’appelle un ambigramme :wink:

10 « J'aime »

Merci de m’avoir appris un mot que je n’arriverai sans doute jamais à placer :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

3 « J'aime »

De rien :smile:

Nouvelle update et annonce d’un retard de 2 semaines pour la prod sur ce qui était prévu…

Update #52 - MPCs and Production Update

Let’s sample the winds of the future.

Production Update

Production wrapped and we received the first MPCs (Mass Production Copies). However, while checking the MPCs, we identified a few mass produced plastic components that were not quite up to the high standards we expect. We regretfully decided to not approve the MPCs and asked the plastic factory to redo the production of those components. We wish we could have moved forward right away as planned, but we hold that the quality of the product is more important than delivery time. Thankfully, it seems this will cause no more than a 2-week delay on our previous schedule. So this is how things are looking like:

  • All plastics will be delivered to the printer by mid October.
  • The printer will then assemble the products until the end of the month.
  • Assembly of the individual pledge boxes starts in early November and should be done by late November.
  • As soon as possible, we’ll start loading the pledge boxes on containers and sending them to the distribution hubs all over the world. We don’t yet have estimates for this delivery, but we’ll keep you updated.

Meanwhile, let’s just take a look at these MPC boxes. There are so many ways to display this beautiful collection. Check out a few of them.

Bordel cette boîte est tellement grosse….

Content de pas y être allé.

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