Earth Under Siege: Flashpoint - par Dark Horizon Games - livraison mai 2023

Des videos reviews, des renders 3D et des visuels de cartes à venir prochainement

Hey all, I know we’ve been a bit quiet lately, but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes! We’re still prepping for the launch and getting our video reviews and play thoughs finished! In the mean time, I thought I’d share some finished art we received recently for some Operatives that will be part of the campaign. We’ll be posting the miniature renders and card images for these Operatives soon!

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Présentation du Lieutenant Hicks - Team Leader

L’ennemi se déplace avec une confiance et une détermination qui suggèrent une longue histoire de conquête. Vous pouvez le sentir dans leur posture, le voir dans leurs gestes, le ressentir dans l’air qui les entoure. Détruire des mondes entiers n’a rien de nouveau pour eux.
Le mépris désinvolte qu’ils montrent à nos forces est exaspérant. Nous ne sommes rien pour eux. Des insectes à écraser. Des ressources à consommer. Rien, et moins que rien.
Mais leur supériorité incontestée les a rendus paresseux. Ils ne s’attendaient à trouver aucune résistance, aucun obstacle, aucun effort. Au lieu de cela, ils nous ont trouvés.
Ils ne tournent leur regard paresseux vers nous qu’à contrecœur, reconnaissant notre présence comme on le ferait d’un moustique. Une nuisance qu’il faut écraser.

Mais nous ne sommes pas écrasés si facilement, et leur ennui commence à se transformer en colère. Qui sommes-nous pour les défier ? Qui sommes-nous pour perturber leurs plans, tuer leurs chefs, détruire leurs lignes d’approvisionnement ?

Nous annonçons notre présence comme un poignard dans l’obscurité et crions sur leurs cadavres :
« Nous sommes AEGIS, et ceci est notre planète ! »

Nous vous combattrons furtivement, par le sabotage et par les armes. Et si cela échoue, nous vous combattrons avec nos mains.
Chaque pouce de terrain que vous emprunterez sera pavé de votre sang.
Chacun de vos pas sera sur les épines que nous avons déposées.
Chaque souffle sera accompagné des efforts de notre résistance.
Vous êtes venus ici en espérant trouver un autre trophée pour votre empire, mais à la place vous avez trouvé votre tombe."

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Et hop l’unboxing pre-KS!

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Date du KS (1er mars) et box art pour la première extension…

Hey all, I know we’ve been a bit quiet lately, but there’s lots going on behind the scenes, you can count on that! Firstly, we have a launch date set for March 1st! Finally! :slightly_smiling_face:|

With a launch date firmly in sight, we’ll be back to posting preview images again! Here’s one for you that we just recieved, the box art for our World Killer expansion! As always, feedback is welcome!

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Focus sur le warbringer…

Like a nightmare of metal and horror the Warbringer wades into battle, looming over all like the shadow of death. With each step it fills the air around it with lethal firepower, swinging its terrifying weapon in sweeping arcs, driving its enemies into cover as they cower from the endless hail of fire. Bodies crunch underfoot as it moves unrelentingly forward, always forward, shrugging off enemy attacks as if they were nothing. Whole squads have fallen to a single Warbringer, both those who made a valiant last stand, and those that fled and were cut down from behind. All are fodder before the Warbringer as it moves mercilessly forward, always forward.

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Focus sur les Ravagers…

“They say that continued use of the Xethan teleport technology has side effects. Apparently, whatever space they pass through between portals…changes them. Deteriorates the mind. Alters their very DNA. That explains why the Xethan only use the teleportation technology sparingly. But there are some among them that have been overexposed. Gone through a portal one too many times and have become…different. The Ravagers are one such example. Not only have their minds decayed to the point where they are driven solely by rage and aggression, their bodies have been altered and no longer seem fully anchored to this reality. They flicker in and out of existence, almost as if they have merged with this world and the world between the portals. This makes them difficult enemies to deal with, since even the most accurately placed bullet can pass through them without hitting anything. Luckily they seem vulnerable to weaponry that hits a large area, such as a grenade, of which we have plenty.”

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Et voilà le trailer video KS avant la page preview la semaine prochaine…

One month until launch! We’ve got a ton of things that will be happening before then, but we wanted to celebrate the upcoming launch by sharing our Kickstarter video with everyone! The preview page will be up next week!

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Salut la compagnie ,
C’est moi ou il y a une ressemblance avec reichbusters ?
En tout cas , il a l air fun a voir au ks

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Et voilà un des deux boss…

Three weeks to launch! It’s going to go by in a flash, and there’s lots to do! Today I wanted to share with you one of two bosses that you can encounter at the end of the core box campaign (even greater horrors await you in the expansion). As we’ve mentioned in some of our gameplay articles on BGG, our campaign has a branching storyline where player decision leads you down paths with different rewards, different consequences, and different endings! Down one of those paths lies Kaazag, the ultimate general of the invading Xethan forces. Being an Overlord, Kaazag has special rules for resolving combat, and his AI is determined randomly each round, keeping his behavior from becoming predictable. Will he unleash his devastating Bombardment ability and lob plasma cannon shots all around the board? Will he fire his horrific Devourer Railgun, shredding Operatives like paper? Will he summon reinforcements? Hard to say, but one thing is for sure, Overlord battles are dangerous encounters that require the entire team working together…and making as few mistakes as possible. As always, feedback is welcome, thanks!

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Une dernière news pour finir la semaine…

“Hunted. Is there a worse feeling? That paranoia of constantly looking over your shoulder, jumping at every shadow, fearing every noise in the dark. That feeling of no escape. That is what the Stalkers bring. They hunt our people like animals; laying traps, setting ambushes, reveling in the kill. They are master hunters, and their arrogance is unsurpassed. They do not even bother to camouflage themselves, instead choosing to paint their armor white to show their contempt for their prey. Among their caste, the brighter the white, the better the hunter. Somehow, that contempt makes it feel all the worse. That feeling that your time is running out. Of being trapped. Hunted.”

Les figurines du proto…

Bonus update! Lance over at Learn 2 Play Games put together a 360 video of our prototype minis! These are just 3d prints, but they turned out very nice!

Le Hunter Killer en mode Docteur Octopus…

“Like a horror pulled from mankind’s worst nightmare, the Hunter Killer surges onto the battlefield like a wave of rolling flesh and writhing steel. A monstrosity of savage Xethan DNA and advanced cybernetics it is the perfect killing machine. It moves with a speed that belies its massive size, evading our gunfire with casual ease before falling among our troops in a whirlwind of lethal blades. It kills with appalling ease, immediately lurching towards its next victim, leaving a hail of failing limbs and tattered skin behind it as it seeks ever onward, never stopping, never tiring, and always hungry."

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Le mod TTS est prêt et déjà mis à disposition des reviewers. Espérons que ce soit aussi le cas rapidement pour les joueurs pour qu’on ait des retours dessus…

Hey all, I wanted to share some screen shots of our TTS mod that we got up and running this week! We had to use standees instead of minis because the importing was a little more complicated than we had time for, but we’re hoping to get it done in the future. This isn’t quite ready for the public, but we’re using it to give some demos to reviewers! As always, feedback is welcome!

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Vidéo présentant le gameplay

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Une page de preview de la page KS est dispo et…

  • Le jeu devrait être proposé en français :fr:
  • Le pledge de base est à 120$ (ouille, ça pique je trouve !)
  • Base + extension à 170$
  • Le shipping entre 35 et 50$
  • La TVA ne semble pas incluse, mais ce n’est pas hyper clair dans la section « shipping »

Lien : Earth Under Siege: Flashpoint — Kickstarter

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Invasion pledge : 170€
Shipping : 50€
VAT : à payer après


J’attend de voir plus de contenu et de SG débloqué pour voir si ça vaut le coup de s’investir dedans

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Sur les 6 persos, une s’appelle Vasquez et un s’appelle Hicks.
Bonjour le clin d’oeil bourrin. C’est un easter egg d’autruche là.

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Sur FB, ils ont posté ce message:

Obviously it’s still a work in progress and we are making tweaks daily, so please respond with any feedback you may have!

A word on prices. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the pledge prices. We are worried about being too high since we are a first time creator, but we also don’t want to hurt ourselves. This game has a lot of components and miniatures, and manufacturing costs are quite high right now (with no sign of dropping anytime soon). I studied recent campaigns, such as Harakiri, Ancient Blood, Marvel Zombies, and Kingdoms Forlorn and we are less expensive than those campaigns with similar amounts of content (or more). Plus, we have a very healthy amount of stretch goals we are hoping to unlock which will increase the value of each pledge considerably.

Also, there will be early bird discounts for the first 24 hours, although those are not showing up on the preview page.

Let me know your thoughts, your feedback is valued and appreciated!

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