Edge of Darkness - par AEG - Livraison Ext. Emissaries of the Vale en juillet 2022

Jeu de card crafting, façon Mystic Vale, par le même auteur. C’est en fait pour ce jeu, associant card crafting, ouvriers et deck-building qu’il a développé son système.

Pledges : Extension seule à $40 (37€). 1000 exemplaires du 1er Kickstarter disponibles à $120 ($100 lors du KS1).
Hors fdp, en sus et estimés à $27 pour l’extension et $27 pour le « pledge KS1 ». Attendez-vous à payer en plus les taxes et TVA, soit environ $15-30 de plus.

Bilan : 24 mars 2018, 636 384 $ collectés grâce à 5 284 contributeurs

La page KS : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/alderac/edge-of-darkness-cliffs-of-coldharbor-from-aeg?ref=cwowd

Autre liens : interview sur le podcast Cardboard Republic - Lien 1er KS

Pas de date annoncée mais ce serait pour très rapidement.

Les retours de GenCon semblent extrêmement favorables…

Lien KS
KS à venir le 20 février

Résumé : Un deckbuilding à combo inspiré du système de l’excellent Mystic Vale!!

Pledges : ???

AEG revient sur kickstarter après Thunderstone c’est devenu un peu une habitude rentable pour eux .

L’annonce officielle qui sent le allin!!!

J’ai remercié mais je sens que ça va faire mal à mon porteuf… :slight_smile:

Un ami vient de me demander des info dessus, et j’en suis bien content car j’étais passé à côté. Je pose mon petit drapeau :slight_smile:

Il a a priori tout pour me plaire (cartes, ouvrier, DA…). Curieux de voir ce qu’ils vont proposer plus en détail.

Bonjour tous le monde !

Pour ceux qui veulent une overview du jeu, AEG a diffusé l’article suivant qui appartient à une série publiée au cours du mois de janvier entrant plus en détail dans le gameplay. Cela me plaît beaucoup :smiley:

[quote quote=AEG]

On February 20th at noon (EST) Alderac Entertainment Group will launch the Kickstarter for the most ambitious tabletop game it has ever published.

That game is titled Edge of Darkness. It is designed by John D. Clair, designer of the ORIGINS Award Winning Mystic Vale. Graphic design and primary illustrations by Alayna Lemmer-Danner.

Edge of Darkness is a medium-weight game for 2 to 4 players featuring card crafting, worker placement, shared deckbuilding, and a cube tower Threat system. The game is modular to provide extensive replayability.

In Edge of Darkness players take the roles of leaders of powerful Guilds inside the city of Aegis beset by powerful evil forces determined to destroy it, known collectively as the Blight. Aegis exists in the same world as Mystic Vale, although in a different region of the world. The players must compete for resources and attempt to exert control over the various critical areas of the city in order to build support within Aegis while defending against the attacks of the Blight. The game is played in rounds, and ends after a set number of rounds have passed. The winner is the player that has amassed the most Victory Points.

Highlights of the game include:

  1. Card Crafting: Similar to the original card-crafting game, Mystic Vale, all cards are constructed of crafting slips which have game content on 1/3rd of the slip and are transparent on the other 2/3rds. During the game players will construct cards, combining (sleeving) different effects onto one card (ideally in ways that make strategic sense). However, unlike Mystic Vale, the transparent cards are double-sided, and when you upgrade the “good” side of the cards (front), you also add strength to the “bad” side of the cards (back).

  2. Group deckbuilding using one shared deck: Rather than having your own deck, there is a central deck that all players draw from and discard to. Different players will have the allegiance of different cards in that deck. Using other players’ cards means you have to pay them. During the game you can claim allegiance of more cards in the deck by sleeving a slip into the card with your color and seal.

  3. Card-driven worker placement: While your actions are card-driven, most costs in the game are in the form of opportunity cost. Advancements don’t have a cost, instead they require the use of workers to a greater or lesser degree depending on the power of the card. e.g. many effects require placing or pulling workers from different city locations as dictated by the card effects. Since you have a limited number of workers to use, you will constantly be choosing to forgo one useful thing in order to do another.

  4. Threat Tower: There is a Threat Tower which dictates when and who Threats will attack. Cards leave the shared deck and enter the Threat Board, where they accumulate Threat Cubes on each player’s turn. These cubes are color-coded, and when a threshold number of cubes of a given color accumulate on a card, it attacks the City. If the color matches one of the players, it attacks that player. If the color is black, it attacks all players!

  5. Modular set up: Edge of Darkness will come with 20+ Locations. Each game you use only 10 of these Locations, which can be specifically selected or chosen randomly, making for a lot of variety from game-to-game in the types of challenges you will face and the strategies you will need to employ. These Locations are comprised of a Location Board and Crafting Slips. Location Boards may specify special rules for worker placement, or extend the basic rules with all new systems. For example, a combination of Location Boards can be used to assemble a party of heroes to take the fight to the Threat Tower and engage in a Monster Hunt!

Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/alderac and subscribe to the Edge of Darkness newsletter at https://www.alderac.com/edge-of-darkness to learn more!

Source: https://www.alderacsite.com/2018/01/15/55140-2-2-2/ [/quote]

Vous emballez pas trop vite ! sur le papier le jeu est alléchant mais selon certain retours il semblerai que l’on profite peu de ces combos, à voir si ce ne sont que des rumeurs et/ou si ce trait à été corrigé depuis !


Ils serai judicieux d’envoyer quelques éclaireurs tâter le terrain :sunglasses:


Merci pour le retour. C’est bien d’avoir des avis sur des expériences de jeu :slight_smile:

Je précise que je n’ai pas pu écouter la vidéo (impossibilité technique à l’instant t), mais j’ai l’espoir que si problème il y a, il a été résolu car il n’y a qu’un seul retour négatif sur le fil que tu donnes et il date d’août dernier.

Je serais attentif à ce qui sort sur le sujet vu que en effet, sur le papier, le jeu m’intéresse beaucoup :wink:

EDIT: Un avis que je trouve plutôt nuancé du fait que la personne était très sceptique à la base, et datant de fin novembre:

[quote quote=BGG]

I had a chance to play a full game of Edge of Darkness at PAX Unplugged and wanted to jot down some quick impressions for those looking for information.

Card Crafting
I played Mystic Vale when it first came out. I found the card crafting mechanic interesting and fun, but the game wore out its welcome after only a few plays. Unlike MV where the mechanic is the entire game, the card crafting in EoD is only a part of the gameplay. Another thing that sets it apart is that you actually build enemies at the same time you build your deck. The reverse side of every card is an enemy that may attack you, and every time you insert a plastic addition, you make the enemy stronger.

That Tower Thing…
Speaking of enemies, that plastic tower is what determines what enemy attacks and who it targets. Each player draws cubes from a bag each turn and drops them into the tower. The colors get randomized and when 7 cubes accumulate on an enemy, it attacks the player with the most cubes on it. After the attack resolves, the enemy is discarded and a new card is drawn from the bottom of the common deck and flipped to its enemy side in the empty space. Remember that awesome card you built with all three spots filled to give you a super-turn? It’s now a 7-point monster poised to rain destruction on you.

Worker Placement
At its heart, this is a worker placement game. There are 10 locations each game and I was told there will be many to chose from when the game launches. These spots allow you to attack enemies in the aforementioned cube tower, defend from impending attacks, draw money from the treasury, add workers, claim neutral cards, etc. Each player drafts their hand from a common deck and adds one insert to one card each round. You can draft any card and use any action, but you need to pay your opponents to use cards that bear their insignia. Of course, everything you do will gain or cost you end game victory points.

After reading some overviews, I was worried that this game would be a jumbled mess, that there would be too much going on. After learning and playing it though, I found the gameplay smooth and intuitive. Turns move quickly and the enemy tower works as a timer that you can use to anticipate and plan for attacks. Our 3-Player game took less than two hours to include teaching and we were taking our turns without help by the second round. Our game played out much differently than any other games played that day even though we all had the same setup. This is the game John D. Clair designed for his card crafting mechanic and it shows. I look forward to seeing what AEG can do with it and will be a day 1 backer when the Kickstarter launches next year.

Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1889834/first-impression [/quote]

Allin pour moi, Mystic Vale est une bombe!!!

Je ne connais pas Mystic VAle, mais ce que je lis sur BGG donne envie…

Y’aura un PG ? Et y’aura une VF ?


Aïe j’ai l’impression que la fin de mois va faire mal au lard-feuille…

Pour la VF c’est clairement non. Pour le PG à voir en fonction des pledges car les cartes c’est lourd!

Truc étonnant, j’ai reçu une carte postale dans ma boîte à lettres pour m’annoncer le début du KS, hier. C’est vraiment la première fois que ça m’arrive. Un e-mail de rappel, oui, mais un vrai courrier physique avec timbre et tout et tout, c’est plus surprenant… 8-O

j’avais teste a essen, car je l’attendais bcp, j’ai pas ete plus emballer que ca , y a des bons trucs , mais trop de mecanismes se telescopent, sur les 4 joueurs pers n’a eu de coup de couer, faut dire le demonstrateur etait pas forcement emballant ;o)


Idem, j’ai été surpris de recevoir une carte postale d’AEG!


Merci pour la preview ! Même si sans son, je ne peux pas avoir les info les plus utiles ^^"

Au passage, si l’info n’y est pas donnée, il y a aura 2 niveau de pledge (réponse d’AEG sur BGG). Avec un lancement KS « Noon eastern ».

C’est parti !

Déjà 13K sur les 40 demandés


Petit pledge sans SG à 60$, le pledge avec les SG est à 100$ (+27$ de fdp).

À noter la précision moche dans le descriptif du pledge : « Add-ons unlocked by SG’s are not included. » Les déblocages d’add-ons via les SG, ça fait très « retour vers le passé »… :wink:

Ah, sinon, on a dit que ça avait de la gueule, quand même ? :wink: