Financements participatifs à venir

Et la tour, de par son côté aléatoire, a un impact sur la partie en cours.

J’ai testé qu’une fois le jeu. Ce n’est pas forcément ma came, mais je trouve le travail sur le jeu bon :

  • La tour amène une vrai présence sur la table et n’est pas que gadget. Alors oui, ça aurait pu être moins show off mais ça claque et continue grandement à l’ambiance
  • l’appli, je l’ai trouvé bien pour la partie exploration de donjon. Ça immerge dans le truc.
  • sur le seul scénario que j’ai fait, j’ai trouvé qu’il y avait de la cohérence entre le boss de fin, la petite histoire et les sbires sélectionnés

Sur le gameplay en lui même :

  • Assez simple j’ai trouvé, pas de difficulté à comprendre les actions et mouvements. Étrangement, il m’a fait penser à Vindication, avec le plateau où on peut se déplacer facilement, des règles simples et des objets pas trop compliqué
  • J’ai l’impression que ça manque un peu de variété dans les objets. Il me semble qu’au marché, le choix est limité à 7/8 objets, quelques soit le scénario. Les potions, il me semble qu’il n’y a pas non plus 36 sortes.
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Je ne sais pas si cela a déjà été abordé mais il paraitrai que CMON sortirai un jeu Stranger Things en ccop par Rob DAVIAU

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directement en retail :wink:

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Probablement du retail aussi parce que aucune info pour le moment autre qu’un petit teasing video diffusé ce soir par Avalon Hill. Probablement qu’ils vont en dire plus lors de la GenCon…

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Après le retour de HQ, celui d’HS ?

Un autre gros titre (mais bien plus récent) à venir sur Gamefound en septembre c’est Keyforge…

Et Endeavor: Deep Sea… Ça se voit qu’il y a la GenCon, c’est la fête des annonces et liens à tout va :sweat_smile:

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Carrément intéressé par celui là, à voir au niveau GamePlay

Il est bien à 2 joueur ?

Je ne sais pas pour la nouvelle version mais l’ancienne est une 3 à 5 joueurs

Gamefound’s Feast is an email we send four times a year with the best projects coming to Gamefound. We hope you like it, but if you don’t want to hear from us - simply unsubscribe below. If you’d like to find out more about what’s new on Gamefound, visit our blog.

We’ve got some magnificent projects coming to Gamefound. Sit down, relax and enjoy the Gamefound’s Feast.

Keyforge: Winds of Exchange

Check Keyforge: Winds of Exchange on Gamefound

KeyForge is the brilliant card game sprung from the fecund mind of Richard Garfield in which every deck is unique. KeyForge was acquired in June ’22 by Ghost Galaxy, a new company created by Christian T. Petersen, founder of Fantasy Flight Games. Ghost Galaxy will launch the next KeyForge set Winds of Exchange on Gamefound in September ‘22.

Winds of Exchange introduces a number of new elements, including a new house: the mercantile Compacts of Ekwidon, new “Token” creature mechanics, and sees the return of several older Houses as well, including long-missed favorites Brobnar and Mars. If you’re wondering what the trade winds will bring to the Crucible, be sure to subscribe to the campaign.

DANTE: The Invasion of Hell

Check out DANTE: The Invasion of Hell on Gamefound

The world of Dante’s Inferno comes to life like never before - right on your tabletop. Join the invasion of Hell in this adventure game for 1-4 players from the creators of the hit board game Chronicles of Drunagor. Follow a narrative path, which changes and flows based on your decisions, as you explore this unique version of the landscape of Hell. Featuring characters, monsters, and locations inspired by the classic epic poem, DANTE is sure to enthrall.

Endeavor: Deep Sea

Check out Endeavor: Deep Sea on Gamefound

Endeavor: Deep Sea by Age of Gaming is the follow-up to the classic sailing game Endeavor: Age of Sail. In this game, the action moves to the modern era and heads beneath the sea. Players work to explore the mysterious depths that unfold ever broader and deeper. Your goal is to be the one that makes the greatest positive impact; to do so you will recruit expert specialists onto your team, dive deep, make discoveries, publish your finds, and conserve the natural wonders you encounter.

The game is helmed by the same team responsible for Age of Sail; while it’s driven by the familiar gameplay engine, expect a whole new range of interactions in this awesome new endeavor beneath the waves.

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Il existe une adaptation 2j qui, je trouve, tourne bien :wink:
(C’est peut-être la même utilisée dans la réédition si ca se trouve)

1 « J'aime »

Cool ! Je vais regarder ça de plus près du coup, c’est toujours quelque chose qui manque pour ce jeu je trouve

La voici (sce : Faster, Friendlier 2-Player Endeavor | Endeavor)

Endeavor 2 joueurs

Set up the game and play completely as normal with the following changes:

During setup, randomly remove 18 chips before spreading them out across the board. Leave three blank spaces at the beginning of each shipping line. Choose a neutral color and place three round discs of this color in the blank spaces of each shipping line.
During play, when a shipping line is complete, count the neutral color as a player to determine who gets the governor card. If the neutral player has the most discs in the shipping line, he earns the governor card (i.e. it is discarded). Note: in the Far East region, the neutral player cannot win the governor card, because one of the two real players will of necessity have at least three discs in the shipping line.

During setup, place four neutral discs by Eur/Med, two by the Far East, and one by every other area. During play, after any occupy action which results in there being as many free spaces in the region as there are designated neutral discs, replace the chips on the cities with the neutral discs. Example: immediately after the sixth city in Eur/Med is occupied, fill the four remaining cities with neutral discs, discarding all the displaced chips.

During play, after a player draws a card, he/she may choose to discard the following card of the same card stack. If the player uses the Trade Office building, he/she draws two cards from the stack and then may decide to discard the third card or not.

During setup, removed 2/1/1/1/0 - 2 of each building type from build level 1; 1 of each building type from build levels 2-4. This leaves 3/3/2/1/1. This part is not necessary to make the variant work, but I do think it makes it better and it’s easy to implement.


During setup shuffle each of the card decks, except the Slavery Deck, and remove one card at random (not a Governor) from each deck. It can never be the 5 card, except in the Far East. Then restack the remaining cards in their correct sequence.

During setup, removed 3/2/2/2/1 - 3 of each building type from build level 1; 2 of each building type from build levels 2-4; 1 of each building type from build level 5

During setup, place two neutrals on shipping track at the end of size 6 shipping tracks (Africa, South America, Caribbean), three neutrals at front of 7 and 8 size shipping tracks (North America, India, Far East) and three neutral occupy discs for the final cities in Europe, 2 in Far East, 1 everywhere else except Africa, which gets zero.
(End means the spots closest to the card deck, the last spots you can fill in.)
During play, after any occupy action which results in there being as many free spaces in the region as there are designated neutral discs, replace the chips on the cities with the neutral discs. Example: immediately after the sixth city in Eur/Med is occupied, fill the four remaining cities with neutral discs, discarding all the displaced chips.

J’avais réorganisé en Setup / Gameplay. Je n’ai pas le fichier d’origine mais ça donne ça :

5 « J'aime »

lu dans les commentaires de la page de preview :slight_smile:


Nous on aime bien a deux, on avait écrit un article dessus si ça vous intéresse.

6 « J'aime »

Je viens de découvrir un blog fortement intéressant…merci à toi

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Ravis que nos écris te plaise

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@Jean-Michel Les 12 derniers messages mériteraient d’être déplacés dans un sujet dédié dans les campagnes annoncées

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T’inquietes les sujets pour chaque campagne vont se créer tous seuls (enfin y’a bien du monde qui va s’en charger :slight_smile: )