Grimcoven - par Awaken Realms - livraison en sept. 2025

Merci, j’ai corrigé :zipper_mouth_face:

1 « J'aime »

Monsieur Drummooooond

3 « J'aime »

Je suis vieux

2 « J'aime »

T’es vieux et faut qu’on trouve un créneau pour Abyss mon gars.

2 « J'aime »

Pas de boss battler dans la ludothèque ni de AR…j’ai toujours su tenir le coup jusque là.:triumph:

Peut-être que celui-ci fera exception.


Édit : leur DA semble particulièrement adaptée à cet univers victorien sombre.:star_struck:

3 « J'aime »

Première update de pre-campagne avec un premier vote…

Update #1 - Pre-campaign update / Meet two Hunters and participate in the 1st vote!

Hello Hunters!

The time has come. We are here with our very first pre-campaign update! :slight_smile:

Grimcoven will offer a deep, tactical experience for 1-4 players set in a grim Victorian universe where the hunt reigns supreme. Players will embody hunters fueled by Lament, engaging in strategic combat through dice allocation and character development in a roguelike fashion.

While this will be a “one-off” game, not a campaign - similar to some of our other previous games (like Nemesis or This War of Mine), we will be aiming at providing an extremely thematic experience. You can also expect story intros and outros to bosses and their scenarios. We will speak more about it in future updates when we will be unveiling more about bosses!

Today, we’re diving deeper into the Hunters themselves, starting with an introduction to one of the characters you’ll encounter in the game prototype (which is being crafted as we speak!) - the Gunslinger. Join us as we explore his legacy, and after that, we invite your participation in shaping the world of Grimcoven! :slight_smile:

The Gunslinger

Let’s start with a short background. Hunters are individuals who deal with a lot of Lament. This means that the more they have it, the more they evolve, which makes their appearance quite specific. Lament affects not only the appearance but also the psyche of Hunters, which means that, in addition to changes in their appearance, they can also gain completely new skills as a result of their ongoing transformation.

Gameplay-wise, during the scenario, this means you will be able to gain lament from fallen enemies and use it to build a special engine for your asymmetric hunter, making him drastically stronger with every turn. This means a lot of planning on how to get lament and what upgrades to choose from, but you will also have to make sure not to take too much. At some point, you will start transforming, and with every turn, you have a chance to make unpredictable moves - like attacking your allies or hurting yourselves.

Being a Hunter is not a trade passed from father to son or from mother to daughter. Few hunters start families, and fewer still would see their child follow in their footsteps.

This brings us to him – The Gunslinger.

The Gunslinger is an exception. He comes from a long lineage of Hunters and was trained to shoot and use the Lament from his early years. Thanks to this, he can control bullets with his pure will and infuse them with arcane powers. What’s more important, he endured a grueling, traditional rite of passage. He had to hunt down and kill his own parents, turned into monsters by the Lament.

With this, the Gunslinger earned his family name and a mission: to carry on his great legacy that will one day require him to fall at the hands of his own child.

Meet Duality

Duality is our next character whose name can also be considered a Work In Progress, so feel free to let us know in the comments about your proposals!

Duality is characterized by her prowess in close combat, striving to balance between good and evil, and neutrality mirrored in her appearance and abilities through her interaction with Lament. This substance not only transforms her physically and mentally but also grants her new skills reflective of her evolving state. Mechanically, Duality acquires Dark and Light tokens to activate bonuses from her abilities and actions, representing aspects of light and darkness and the extreme emotions they evoke, enhancing her offensive and defensive capabilities.

Having introduced you to Duality, we’re excited to involve our community in shaping this fascinating new Hunter. We invite you to voice your opinions and help us define her future by participating in a vote to choose from four different Duality designs you can see above! These early concepts are just the beginning, so the final design might evolve, but your feedback is invaluable in guiding which direction we take. Let us know which design resonates with you the most!

As you can see - hunters will be drastically different from each other, thematically and, most importantly, gameplay-wise. We cannot wait to show you how those two will play within a gameplay setting!

Oh, and one more thing regarding the vote itself. We look at more than just the dry poll outcome. Of course, it helps to see the numbers and tendencies, but we also understand that at the end of the day, we are responsible for providing you with the best possible product.

Having said that, we eagerly await to see how your votes shape and hear some of your ideas and feedback!

Pour le vote c’est ici que ça se passe…

3 « J'aime »

J’ai voté pour le design 3 perso.

Le 4 pour moi.

1 « J'aime »

le 3 pour moi

Idem, j’ai voté pour le 3 :slight_smile:

4 pour moi, le plus aérien le plus dynamique pour moi!

1 « J'aime »

Je vais avoir du mal à résister à celui-là je crois… :pray:

1 « J'aime »

Haïssez moi j’ai voté 1 :eyes::panda_face:

1 « J'aime »

Si je m’interessais au jeu, j’aurais voté 1 :grin:

2 « J'aime »

Moi 4 :slight_smile:

2 « J'aime »

De toute façon, aucun n’est viable en fig: le point de contact va créer une fragilité trop chiante.

2 « J'aime »

J’ai voté 3, je pense que le 4 à suffisamment d’avance maintenant pour que le 1 ne repasse pas devant.

Pour une fois que ce n’est pas le truc que j’aime le moins qui est en tête dans un sondage AR, c’est déjà une victoire pour moi :rofl:

1 « J'aime »

En tout cas l’esthétique qu’ils proposent est vraiment ma came, assez pressé de voir le gameplay qui y sera associé.

4 « J'aime »

Je me sens tellement seul avec mon vote pour le 2.

3 « J'aime »

J’hésitais entre 3 et 2 perso. :slight_smile:

2 « J'aime »