Instant Color - par Scale 75

Un message d’un gars dans les commentaires :

Instant Colors classification:
*1/2 of them are « basically contrast paints » (nice contrast/pigment)
*1/4 of them are « basically washes » (less pigment/contrast so use them as washes BUT 2-4 coats = basically contrast paint results)
1/4 of them are « basically glazes » (these would need like 8 coats to be a contrast paint so… just use them as you would use glazes)
so basically… if you got the spellcaster pledge you got yourself a nice « all-rounder » pack of paints which serve different purposes in general.
If you just wanted them for the « contrast paint style 1 coat and done » thing then… test them out and find out which ones are the ones which act like contrast paints (which like i said should be around half of them so about 24 different paints) and use those and mix them with each other to get different shades and such…
all in all not bad. my only complaint is that… well… they were sold AS A PACKAGE as « instant paints » and well… not all of them are… which is missleading and leads to bad reviews as we´ve been seeing in the comments.
another problem is the fact that if you buy one of the potion sets… you are basically getting a mix of « 3 contrast paints, 3 washes and 2 glazes » instead of 8 contrast paints.
so… i hope they release a pack with « high contrast instant colors » or something like that for people who just want THOSE paints…
They made like 15 videos showing how the different paints behave. Even the ones that behave like « glazes ».

00, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45
Glazes: 17, 41
Washes: the rest (some of these might be closer to contrast or to glazes but they dont have as much contrast as the ones mentioned above

En résumé, toutes n’agissent pas comme de la contrast mais toutes sont utiles d’une manière ou d’une autre. En revanche, que c’est moche pour ceux qui n’ont pas tout pris de vendre par pack alors qu’on trouve que 3 contrast réelles dans chaque pack.

Moi qui comptait utiliser tout ça pour mes congés de Noël, me semble que ca va être compromis vu qu’ils n’ont sont qu’à 250 all-in + add on d’expédiés…

15 « J'aime »