PG WITH A SMILE AND A GUN par Gov [Paris/Clermont-Ferrand/MR -En cours]

On va finir par avoir les plateaux doubles couches, on y croit ^^

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SG débloqué…:wink:

On ne saura jamais quelle était cette surprise…!

Peut être qu’avec le PM ça fera augmenter le montant et ça débloquera un autre SG mais pas sûr…

Bonjour à tous,

Le PM n’est pas encore ouvert mais je vous envoi le mail des modalités de paiement ce weekend.

À bientôt

Allez hop, adjugé, payé :money_with_wings:

J’ai bien reçu le paiement et j’ai mis à jour le tableau.


À bientôt

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@Gov des news de la livraison ? Tu ne devrais plus trop tarder à les recevoir, non ?

J’ai eu la demande de paiement et effectivement ça ne devrait pas tarder, j’ai reçu la dernière news…
En mai si tout vas bien.

Most games are on their way!

A month ago, I showed off the 50 cartons of games I had received and which were taking up a large portion of my home office. After a month of work, a bunch of calls, and a lot of tape, boxes, and bubble wrap, that number is down to 22 cartons, which only takes up a small portion of my game room!

So here is the status as of right now:

Canada, Asia, and New Zealand: All backers should have already received their games. If you haven’t, let me know ( and we will see what’s happening with that!

United States: Fulfillment has started on Monday, and should take place over the week.

Australia: Copies were shipped 2 weeks ago, but I was told to expect they could take up to 6 weeks to arrive. Therefore, they should be expected by mid-May.

Europe: This is where the shipping situation becomes a bit more complex, as my original plans did not consider the current Brexit situation. From how it’s been explained to me (my political understanding is quite shaky), Brexit is currently ongoing, and that’s made fulfillment across Europe very complex. Prices have gone up by thousands of dollars, and therefore I can no longer have a single partner fulfill all European copies. Also, my understanding is that merchants are now forced to charge VAT on the full retail price: given that I didn’t (as that wasn’t the case in July/August), and promised friendly shipping to the UK and Europe backers, I will cover these costs.

Some area-specific updates:

----> UK: The games are on their way to our fulfillment partner. As of right now, fulfillment is still on track to happen in May.

----> France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark: Due to some communication problems with our partner and some misunderstanding with customs, the games were returned, and are set to be shipped back to Belgium this week. That said, fulfillment is still on track to happen in May.

----> Other European countries: Because we only have 1 or 2 backers per country outside of the ones mentioned above, the rates for fulfillment were astronomical, between three and four times what was planned in July. I therefore shipped all of these games from Montreal, Canada. If you live in one of those countries and are hit with customs fees, please contact me at and I will reimburse you fully.

Now, hopefully, by the next update, all backers will have received their copy of the game, and I’ll be able to start talking about the next Subsurface Games project!


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@Gov navire à l’horizon ? :innocent:


Pour le moment pas de news sur une livraison prévu…

Les jeux commencent à être livrés aux UK, ça ne devrait plus trop tarder

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Quelqu’un a des nouvelles des réceptions France ?

Si tu es dans le PG tu recevras ça dans 4 mois quand gov va rentrer.
Donc y a le temps.


Oui retour en novembre pour moi mais le jeu ne va pas tarder à être livré.

À bientôt

Hello @Gov tu reviens toujours en novembre, ou tu fais un extra soleil ? :slight_smile:

Je reviens bien début novembre :wink:

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