Resident Evil 1 : The Board Game - par Steamforged Games

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Hâte de voir la pose qu’ils vont donner à Wesker :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Le Boss Final

Les protos sont prêts pour être envoyé aux reviewers… Des videos vont arriver d’ici peu

4 « J'aime »

Quand tu vois tout le matériel visuel dans lequel tu peux piocher pour créer la boîte d’un jeu comme Resident Evil / BioHazard, bah, tu te dis que cette cover, c’est trop dommage…
Le code couleur était presque respecté… Dommage qu’il y ait cet infâme rectangle violet, qui nous explique que RE est un jeu de type « Survival Horror » (au cas où on serait arrivé sur cette campagne KS, par hasard…)

  • edit:
    j’ai eu un déclic, un vieux souvenir que j’ai été vérifier: en fait, il s’agit de la cover japonaise du 1er jeu sur Play (BioHazard). Il y avait même ce bandeau violet « Survival Horror » moche :open_mouth: Je l’avais complétement oublié !!! Bref, cette boîte est fidèle au jeu original japonais.
3 « J'aime »

Cette cover ça fait tue l’amour en vrai, je pige pas y a tellement moyen de faire mieux.

Rien qu’une vue de devant du Manoir Spencer, comme pour demeures de l’épouvante ce serait 1000 fois mieux…


Nouvel article…

Before you set foot inside the mansion, you’ll need to choose whose boots you’re going to fill…!:eye: Let’s peek behind the curtain of board game character design, S.T.A.R.ring the one and only Rebecca Chambers!

Designing the Player Characters

Resident Evil: The Board Game is coming to Kickstarter this October 26 and, with it, our first tabletop exploration of the infamous Spencer Mansion!


Last time, we took a look at what makes this Kickstarter our first open world campaign, and how your choices can change the results when it comes to advanced characters.

But you aren’t the only ones making character choices. Before we could bring this to the tabletop, we had to decide which four S.T.A.R.S. would be the [S.T.A.R.]ter characters.

So, let’s hand over to Sherwin for a peek behind the curtain of board game design…

Breathing Life into the Board Game Characters

By Sherwin Matthews

Welcome, all, to another article on Resident Evil: The Board Game! My heartfelt thanks to you for stopping by.

Writing updates and blogs is always one of my favourite activities in the run up to the campaign, as well as speaking with people after they go live (usually in the Facebook group).

Before you even set foot inside the mansion, you’ll need to choose whose boots you’re going to fill. Yes, today we’re talking about player characters!

Selecting the Core Game’s Player Characters


Unlike the previous two Resident Evil board games, which featured a mix of playable characters from a variety of backgrounds, the player characters in Resident Evil: The Board Game are all drawn from a unique police division — the Special Tactics and Rescue Service, or S.T.A.R.S., for short.

The men and women of this division are the elite, far from some of the civilians you’ve encountered before. And some of the Resident Evil world’s most popular figures, each one brings their own specialisation to the table (and a wealth of character, besides).

Before we could start designing the player characters for Resident Evil: The Board Game, though, we needed to decide which four S.T.A.R.S. from the video game would make the cut.

Sounds straightforward? Truthfully, it wasn’t.

Sure, Jill and Chris were obvious. But if your only Resident Evil experience was playing as Chris, then you’d find yourself asking who Barry Burton was.


« What is this place? »

Likewise, if you’ve never played as everyone’s favourite boulder-punching police officer (that’s Chris Redfield, for the non-RE players among you), you’d wonder why we included a member of Bravo team in the mix.


« We continued our search for the other members… and it turned into… a nightmare… »

Then we have Albert Wesker — present at the start of both character’s campaigns, but probably not the right choice because… well, Wesker.

In the end, we landed on Jill, Chris, Barry, and Rebecca as our starting characters. But fear not, if your favourite didn’t make the cut! We also added in a couple of non-playable characters in the form of dedicated support characters, too, like Brad Vickers and Richard Aiken.

(What’s a support character, you ask? More on that in a future post…)

Designing S.T.A.R.S. Characters for the Tabletop

Once we’d chosen the player characters, we had to design them for the board game.

To begin with, we compiled everything we knew about them. Their background, their appearances across the franchise, and even their appearances in cutscenes.

From this, we began to build a picture of the role each character would have on the tabletop, and to figure out ways of making them feel as close to their video game counterparts as we could manage.

Let’s take a look at Rebecca Chambers, for example:

Is That You, Rebecca?


« Yes, I’m Rebecca. Rebecca Chambers. I’m a newcomer. I just joined the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team last month. »

Our team has several levers and dials that we can adjust when creating characters, and each has to be balanced around the others.

As much fun as an insanely overpowered Barry Burton would be, for example, watching everyone fight over using him really wouldn’t be a good experience!

To see how we adjusted those levers for Rebecca, let’s start at the top of her card:


Moving to the right from her name plate, the first score is Rebecca’s evade score. This represents how agile she is, directly informing her ability to dodge enemies.

Rebecca is pretty average here, giving her a decent chance to dodge a lone zombie, but struggling a little more against a Hunter or a pair of undead foes…


Next up is her inventory size, which is once again the standard size shared by most characters — in this instance, six.


Rebecca shouldn’t have to worry too much about space, but she’s no Jill Valentine either.

The final icon on the top row is brand new to the series — how many kerosene tokens the character can have. As a character that specialises in handling chemicals, Rebecca’s slightly above average here, meaning she can dispose of a few more corpses than most of her comrades before needing to refill her canteen.

And the kerosene tokens aren’t the only thing separating Rebecca from the other S.T.A.R.S.


On the far left, we can see Rebecca’s starting items: a Handgun and two First-Aid Sprays. As the S.T.A.R.S. medic, she’s the first tabletop Resident Evil character to not to begin with a knife, and also the first with multiple First-Aid Sprays.

Rebecca’s role is further underscored by her special rules, which every character has.

Medical Supplies is a nod to her expertise, and also the supply room, where she spends a large section of the video game treating her teammates’ wounds.

Mechanically, it makes Rebecca an extremely capable healer — doubling the effect of green herbs, and ensuring that most times she uses a First-Aid Spray, the recipient will return to full health.

Field Medic pushes this identity even more, allowing Rebecca a free action each turn to heal with, ramping up her action economy when she’s operating in line with her primary function in the team.

Rebecca’s special rules and starting loadout ensures she’s supremely efficient in terms of both speed and quality of her healing, and the strongest Resident Evil healer we’ve seen to date — but her extra kerosene allocation and average stats also make her a versatile utility character, capable of working on her own as well as part of a team.

And that’s before you consider her piano playing skills…

2 « J'aime »

Que faut-il comprendre, qu’il n’y aura que 4 héros dans la bdb? Ca fait pas bézef!

edit: je viens de voir ils font ça a chaque fois a priori. Après si ça reste 65 livres le pledge de base faut voir.

je sais pas sur les autre opus mais ya pas des millions de héros possible :

jill / chris / barry / rebecca

wesker en héros ?

brad / enrico / richard ?

ha mais je ne doute pas qu’il y a du monde au portillon pour les stretch goal, juste 4 héros de base quoi.

non justement je ne trouve pas qu’il y ai tant de monde que ca au portillon justement

Si on prend l’exemple de RE3, 6 perso supplémentaires ajoutés en SG plus des versions avancées des 4 de base. C’est pas ouf c’est sûr.

C’est vraiment la nostalgie qui parle, mais je vais surement craquer une troisième fois…

Par contre au niveau des SG, si c’est au niveau des deux premières campagnes, il ne faut pas s’attendre à une énorme générosité. D’autant que si l’adaptation se limite à l’original (et pas le rebirth), le bestiaire et le nombre de personnages humains ne sont pas foisonnants.

En plus, on semble s’orienter vers des versions avancées que de certains personnages selon l’orientation de la campagne kickstarter, donc même pas certain que les 4 de base soient présents en avancées.

toi qui a fait les deux autres , le jeu en VO reste facilement jouable ? les regles sont ensuites trouvables en vf ?

Le niveau d’anglais me paraît très abordable mais je lis régulièrement des romans en anglais et regarde les films et séries en VO sans sous-titres, donc mon avis est peut-être biaisé.

De mémoire, les deux opus précédents sont sortis en français plus tard, mais les tarifs ne sont pas forcément folichons. La boîte du premier KS (donc RE2) semblait bien vide sans les SG.

Pour le matos pas de souci mais le livre de règles en anglais pas possible

Rien vu sur les forums BGG en tous cas.

Histoire de mettre dans l’ambiance :

Une vrai bonne adaptation de resident evil ?
Au moins, y a plus Milla Jovovitch…

4 « J'aime »

Fan du jeu vidéo, ça me fait tellement mal au cœur de voir ça :sweat_smile: Après, en effet, ça a l’air de bien coller a RE2.

oui la chanson pop chiasse molle (tout ça parce que ça dit ‹ what’s going on ? › mouais le rapport bof) qui casse bien l’ambiance de la bande annonce. C’est ratée.

Après les acteurs collent pas mal et au moins ça devrait respecter le matériau de base.