Rosengarde - par Minstrel Creative - 2022

J aime vraiment la da, presse d en savoir plus :smiley: .

On connait l’heure ?

Non pas encore. Par contre, il répondu à une question pour une VF

Yes if enough French supporters.

EDIT: Il vient de répondre à la question de l’heure. Du coup pour nous ça fait demain à 17:00

April 28 1:00 am AEST

2 « J'aime »

Et c’est lancé, pour le Prologue RPG PnP à Project Rose, avec 3 offres dispo: l’EB du PDF (40AU$), le PDF (45AU$) et les figurines résines avec le Free PDF + 1 scénario exclusif (180AU$)

1 « J'aime »

J’ai pris l’EB du PDF, les figurines seront dans la campagne suivante également de toute façon. Par contre, 25 euros mais il faut compter le double pour imprimer tous ces composants en cartouches d’encre du coup ça me fait hésiter avec en plus le doute de retrouver tout ça dans la campagne du jeu également avec composants physiques cette fois-ci :S

Sinon c’est très beau :stuck_out_tongue:

On est 4 français. Le plus grand nombre de backer pour l’instant ça ne va pas durer mais c’est chouette ^^

La DA est très réussie. Ça promet du tout aussi beau pour Project Rose…

A noter cette nouvelle illustration pour Project Rose en bas de la page KS


3 « J'aime »

J’arrive pas à être emballé, next !

pour le moment j’en suis, mais j’ai les mêmes doutes et interrogations que toi par rapport a l’impression de tout ce matériel

Faudra qu’on se groupe pour l’impression ^^ Les prix pour l’impression des standees en acrylique sont stratosphérique pour une personne :sweat_smile:

Yep trop galère à imprimer pour moi j’aurai la flemme à 100% xD.

Pourtant j’aurais adoré des jolis standees acryliques vu la da ^^.

1 « J'aime »

Je n’ai jamais backé de jeu PnP mais j’ai envie de laisser le bénéfice du doute sur la qualité du jeu. Finalement, payer la démo une vingtaine d’euro (puis l’impression) peut être bien pour éviter d’investir trop dans un jeu qui ne me plaira pas.

Par contre @lykeios , lorsque tu dis impression groupée (jamais fait non plus), tu parles impression complète du jeu avec des vrais tuiles, cartes, etc, ou juste des standees ?

Une idée de la date du KS du jeu à proprement parlé?

Sachant que la livraison de ce jeu dématérialisé est prévu pour novembre de cette année, je pense que ce sera vraisemblablement pour l’année prochaine.

D’accord, merci.

Disons impression complète de tout le côté papier/carton du jeu. Après fait voir pour des standees acryliques combien ça peut revenir.

2 « J'aime »

Mais tu ne penses pas qu’on aura ça dans la prochaine campagne du jeu ?

J’extrapole complètement par rapport à ce qui se fait dans les jeux vidéos ou dans les œuvres narratives, mais il est possible que les protagonistes et autres ne soient plus présents dans l’aventure « principale » (mort, sortie de fonction, disparu,…) comme il s’agit d’un préquel. Il y aura peut-être des redondances mais je pense pas que nous retrouverions l’intégralité du contenu dans le jeu principal.

Après peut-être qu’ils vont proposer ce prologue à part, mais d’après ce qui est écrit dans la campagne, ce n’est pas prévu.

Oui c’est un peu ça. Pas sur qu’ils soient présent dans Project Rose.

En attendant, place au gameplay avec la première d’une série d’updates

La news

Alex here! Thank you for all of your support so far!

We have made schedules for many updates to explain all aspects of « CALLING OF THE MATRIARCH » as we are moving forward in the Campaign.

But instead of unfolding everything according to normal order, I’ve decided to bring in something more exciting, and I also believe that’s something you would like to see!

In this update, I’ll bring out the first part of the explainer for BATTLE SCENE and COMBAT rules.

Our Play-Testers has been painstakingly refining these rules, to the stage that enabling an reactive, engaging, and meaningful gameplay!

And for those who are fans of Dungeon Crawler Games or Role-Playing Game, you’ll find yourself on familiar ground, with something more!

Please enjoy the first part!


During your many quests and ventures in the city of crisis, Player will traverse between HOMEBASE SCENE, OVERWORLD SCENE, and THE BATTLE SCENE, and will inevitably run into dangerous monsters or hostile outlaws.

In game, it’s represented by when your party draws and resolves an ENCOUNTER card at the OVERWORLD SCENE, or when your current QUEST card instructs you to set-up a BATTLE SCENE scenario.

The tactical and dynamic BATTLE SCENES happens very often and is the most signature action phase of a game session, as victory means survival and reward, and defeat often spell the end to your quest.


A typical BATTLE SCENES is a clash between two sides, and the two sides indicate each other as ALLY and ENEMY - To put it simply, units belonging to the same side are ALLY units, and all units on the opposing side are their ENEMY units, a useful idea when determining the operation of ACTION EFFECTS, BATTLE-SCRIPTS and BATTLE AI CARD.


Usually when one side eliminates the other from the BATTLE SCENE - either by being completely destroyed in combat or fled the scene, the other side claims victory for the BATTLE SCENE, and for you and your party, striving to claim victory is always the most preferable option.

Depends on the QUEST cards, sometime there are special Victory and Defeat conditions for a particular BATTLE SCENE.


Before we jump into the fray, let’s look into combat statistics on CHARACTER card and PROFILE Card, which determine the number of actions a unit can perform, and their strength in combat.

Each PLAYER CHARACTER have a CHARACTER CARD that represents them, (The above shown the CHARACTER CARD for a pre-made character - The Wayward Sojourner), they have 4 ATTRIBURES and 4 TRAITS on the card’s front.

A PROFILE CARD represents a non-player controlled character (NPC), they have 4 TRAITS, BASIC ACTIONS and BATTLE SCRIPTS instead.


Every PLAYER CHARACTER has four basic character stats called ATTRIBUTES:


  • BODY (RED DICE) - Indicates how physically strong and tough a character is, primary attribute of BESIEGERS.
  • REFLEX (GREEN DICE) - Indicates how agile and dexterous a character is, primary attribute of SKIRMISHERS.
  • WILL (BLUE DICE) - Indicates how resilient and enduring of a character’s mind and body, primary attribute of RAIDERS.
  • MIND (PURPLE DICE) - Indicates how clever, attentive, and deductive a character is, primary attribute of ARCANISTS.

ATTRIBUTE SCORES have their different uses in the OVERWORLD SCENE & HOMEBASE SCENE, but in BATTLE SCENES these scores determine the number of ACTION DICES a player can draw for their character at the start of their turn, which affects how many actions they can take in their turn actively, and within their round reactively.

PROFILE CARDS doesn’t have ATTRIBUTE SCORES, these non-player characters and entities don’t draw ACTION DICES at the beginning of their turn, but instead their actions are controlled by BATTLE SCRIPTS or BATTLE AI CARDS.


Every PLAYER CHARACTER also has four combat stats called TRAITS:


  • POISE: Indicate a unit’s battle presence of a unit, their zone of control in combat, and how threatening they are, it affects the effectiveness of displacement attack effects, such as KNOCKBACK or DRAW-IN.
  • SPEED: Indicate the number of hexagon tile (or HEX) a unit may move in one MOVE or SHIFT action.
  • DEFENCE: Indicate the overall defensive capability of a unit, such as the armor they wear and/or how well they dodge an attack. When a unit is hit by an attack, that unit makes a dice check against their DEFENCE CHECK VALUE X+, they suffer no damage if succeed, and if failed, they suffer amount of damage based on the damage value of that attack action. some attack effects may affect your DEFENCE CHECK, such as IMPALE or PIERCE.
  • VITALITY: Represents the amount of damage a character may suffer before they lose consciousness or dies. VITALITY score indicates how many FATIGUE and WOUND a unit can suffer before they are DEFEATED, and how many VIGOR they can collect. A character can suffer a number of FATIGUE and WOUND equals to their VITALITY score. (e.g. a unit with 5 VITALITY may suffer up to 5 FATIGUES and 5 WOUNDS.)


  • The FATIGUE, WOUND, and VIGOR system serves health gauges for all character and entities.
  • The amount of damage a unit taken are represents as FATIGUE and WOUND, when a character suffer a number of damage, it suffers as the same number of FATIGUE, and when no more FATIGUE can be taken, the remaining damage turn into WOUND, and when no more WOUND can be taken, that character is DEFEATED.
  • Sometimes a unit may gain VIGOR from various combat effects, when a unit takes damage, VIGOR are always removed first before suffering FATIGUE and WOUND, a unit may gain a number of VIGOR up to the value of their VITALITY score.
  • Throughout your quest, your character will suffer damage along the way, FATIGUE can be easily removed by common effects, and are all removed at the end of each BATTLE SCENE. WOUND however, can only be removed with powerful effects or in rare circumstances, and will stay with the character even at the end of a BATTLE SCENE.
  • All VIGOR are removed at the end of a BATTLE SCENE.
  • Some actions may demand a unit to suffer a number of FATIGUE and WOUND as part of the cost to activate its effect.


  • In BATTLE SCENE, actions available to a Player Character is determined by the WEAPON, SKILL, ITEM, ACCESSORY, TECHNIQUE, and SPELL cards they equipped.
  • To use an action in a BATTLE SCENE, simply spend an ACTION DICE of the same colour that’s available to you to activate its effect, indicated by a « Coloured Dice Shape » at the top left corner of an action box. (Red Arrow on the image below.)

  • Sometimes MANA and COUNTER are also used as resources to activate an action. (For example as above: In addition to a MIND dice, A MYSTIC MANA and an OCCULTIC MANA are also needed to activate the « ON YOUR TURN: Gain 1D3 COUNTER » effect, and the action box below require 2 COUNTERS on this card to be spent to activate it’s action, but no MIND dice is needed.)
  • Some actions required WHITE DICE to activate, which means any ACTION DICES of any colour can activate its effect.
  • Some actions are PERSISTENT, require no ACTION DICES to activate and its effect is always active.
  • ATTACK ACTION is resolved by a universal, COMBAT RESOLUTION rules, and will be explained in detail along with THE BATTLE SCENE IN ACTION section.


  • Instead of equipped WEAPON, ITEM, ACCESSORY, TECHNIQUE, and SPELL cards, NPCs on PROFILE CARDS have their own set of BASIC ACTIONS, these actions are put to use while their BATTLE SCRIPTS are being resolved.
  • Some BATTLE AI CARDS contain unique actions, and are called upon while that BATTLE AI CARDS is being resolved.

So that’s it for Part 1!

We want to hear from you! If you have any questions and feedback please feel free to leave a comment, all the better if you would like to chat about the rules!

On our next update we’ll look into BATTLE SCENE IN ACTION! Please stay tuned!

1 « J'aime »

Ca aurait été tellement top déjà imprimé. Apres une démo payante ça aurait été chiant.

1 « J'aime »

Suite du gameplay dans la nouvelle update


Alex here! I hope everyone enjoyed the last update with the first part of the BATTLE SCENE rules explainer, and it is time to unravel the second part of how to form the stage for battle, and rules for battle rounds and turns, enjoy!


A BATTLE SCENE appears when your party draws an ENCOUNTER CARD (BRONZE) at the OVERWORLD SCENE, or when your current QUEST card instructs you to set up a BATTLE SCENE scenario with a special ENCOUNTER CARD (SILVER OR GOLD).

Before a battle can be fought, a scene will need to be set, ENCOUNTER CARD contains all information needed to set the scene for the battle, all in one card! the player will first look into the details on the ENCOUNTER CARD drawn.

*Example of a « BRONZE » grade ENTITY CARD

1 - ENTITY: Indicate which ENEMY ENTITY DECK to draw from and how many cards are drawn from the deck based on the current FORCE MULTIPLIER. Or, if INSIGHT can be spent to avoid this BATTLE SCENE. According to their associated PROFILE CARD.

2 - PLACEMENT: Indicate how many BATTLE SCENE HIVE BOARDS will put in play and how they are placed, and the icons also indicate where to place the player character and enemy units.

  • HOME ICON: Player character units are deployed on this BATTLE SCENE HIVE BOARD.

  • SPAWN ICON: Unit(s) associated with an ENEMY ENTITY CARD are deployed on this BATTLE SCENE HIVE BOARD.

  • RETREAT EDGE: If a player character unit ends their turn on HEXES adjacent to the RETREAT EDGE, they can declare RETREAT and is removed from this BATTLE SCENE. (See RETREAT for details). Some BATTLE SCENE may not have any RETREAT EDGE.

3 - AMBIENT MANA: Indicate how many MANA DICES are present in this BATTLE SCENE, all units in the BATTLE SCENE may draw these dice as MANA to power their SPELLS or special abilities.

4 - HINDRANCE: Indicate a condition that affects all units in this BATTLE SCENE, in “CALLING OF THE MATRIARCH”, there are three such conditions.

  • SAFE - No special active effects.

  • DIMMNESS - A unit can only TARGET another unit up to four HEXES away.

  • DARKNESS - A unit can only TARGET another unit up to two HEXES away.

5 - TERRAIN: Indicate if whether SCATTER TERRAIN will appear in this BATTLE SCENE or not:

  • O - YES, follow the steps and place SCATTER TERRAINS onto each BATTLE SCENE HIVE BOARDS in play. (see below: SET-UP STAGE)

  • X - NO, SCATTER TERRAIN will not be used in this BATTLE SCENE.

LOOT MULTIPLIER: When the player character party achieved VICTORY for this BATTLE SCENE, each player may gain loot tokens by rolling on the LOOT TABLE, they may roll a number of times equal to the LOOT MULTIPLIER.

FORCE MULTIPLIER: A value that scales with the number of the players in the current party (1-2 Players, 3 Players, and 4 Players, including players of DEFEATED characters.), the value adjusts the overall strength of the adversary in this BATTLE SCENE, such as the number of enemy ENTITY CARDS drawn for this encounter, and the strength of some actions on some enemy units.


The player party goes through 7 steps to set up the BATTLE SCENE:

1 - PLACE BATTLE SCENE HIVE BOARDS according to the arrangement shown on the PLACEMENT section of the ENCOUNTER CARD.

2 - PLACE SCATTER TERRAIN if applicable, roll a D6 for each HIVE BOARD, on 1-2: Place a 1 HEX TERRAIN, on 2-3: Place a 2 HEXES TERRAIN, on 5-6: Place a 3 HEXES TERRAIN. Then, place the resulting TERRAIN on the HIVE BOARD with all of its parts occupying only the middle HEX and any adjacent HEXES, and you the party decides where to put them exactly. If you run out of HEX TERRAIN of a particular size, use any remaining HEX TERRAIN of your choice.

3 - DEPLOY PLAYER CHARACTER UNITS onto the HIVE BOARD with the HOME ICON on it, indicated in the PLACEMENT section, units are placed only on the middle HEX and any of its adjacent HEXES not currently occupied by SCATTER TERRAIN or other units, and each player decides where to put them exactly.

4 - DEPLOY ENEMY UNIT(S) for each ENTITY CARD drawn from the deck onto a BATTLE SCENE HIVE BOARDS with a SPAWN ICON indicated on the PLACEMENT section, start from resolving the northmost HIVE BOARD with a SPAWN ICON, then resolve the rest in the clockwise direction until all ENTITY CARDS are resolved, units are placed only on the middle HEX and any of its adjacent HEXES not currently occupied by SCATTER TERRAIN or other units, and the party decides where to put them exactly. TIPS: Since all final placement of terrain and units on both sides are determined by players, use it to your tactical advantage to create a favorable condition for your party and disadvantage your enemy!

5 - FORM INITIATIVE TRACK by collect all ENTITY CARDS of all player characters and enemy entities, shuffle them together, then deal cards from left to right on a track and place a red token on the leftmost card.


Mana dice on the MANA STREAM PANEL

7 - OBTAIN HINDRANCE REFERENCE CARD if the ENCOUNTER CARD indicates a condition other than SAFE. (You don’t have to do so if all players are familiar with the rules for each condition.)

The following is an example of a BATTLE SCENE setup using the « VILE BLOSSOM AHEAD IN THE SHADE! » ENCOUNTER CARD. (Click for larger image)


The BATTLE STAGE is divided into ROUNDS. A round consists of each ENTITY taking one turn. Once each ENTITY has had its turn, the ROUND is over, and the next ROUND begins.

All involved characters and entities act in order, indicated on the INITIATIVE TRACK. Whenever the RED COUNTER is placed onto their corresponding ENTITY CARD, their TURN starts.


  • BATTLE SCENE ROUND DIAL is used to keep track of how many ROUNDS has passed in the BATTLE SCENE, starts at ROUND 1 at the beginning of a BATTLE SCENE, each time a new ROUND begins, Rotate the BATTLE ROUND DIAL 1 step in the clockwise direction.


All player-controlled character units resolve their TURN through three PHASES: REFRESH, ACTION, and END PHASE.

  • Obtain ACTION DICES according to each of your character’s ATTRIBUTE scores. If this is your second TURN, remove all the unused ACTION DICES on the previous ROUND first. (Or simply replenish the dices spent on the last ROUND.) e.g. The Wayward Sojourner’s draws 1 RED, 1 GREEN, 2 BLUE, and 1 PURPLE ACTION DICES according to her ATTRIBUTE SCORES, as for her BODY(RED), REFLEX(GREEN), WILL(BLUE) and MIND(PURPLE) are 1, 1, 2, 1 respectively.

  • Also, trigger any « AT THE START OF TURN » action effect if available.

  • TIPS: ACTION DICES are drawn from the unused action dice pool and return to the pool when each of the dice is spent, you may put all unused action dices in a DICE TRAY reachable to all players to make things easier!

  • Spend an ACTION DICE to trigger an ACTION.

  • STANDARD ACTIONS apply to all characters and entities, the three STANDARD ACTIONS are MOVE, RESPITE, and INTERACT.

  • CARD ACTIONS are available to those with their cards currently equipped, the two CARD ACTIONS are ATTACK and EFFECT, generally provided by WEAPON, SKILL, ITEM ACCESSORY, TECHNIQUE, AND SPELL CARDS.

  • You can take any action in ANY order.

  • Sometimes cards a character equipped provide PERSISTENT ABILITIES and those effects are always active, always keep these PERSISTENT ABILITIES you have in mind.

  • Declare the end of your turn and trigger any « AT THE END OF TURN » action effect if available. Then, move the RED COUNTER one step to the card on the left on the INITIATIVE TRACK.

  • Unused ACTION DICES stays with the character unit, which can be spent to trigger instant or reactive « ANYTIME » action effects available to them.


  • All non-player entities and units controlled by surrogate players resolve their TURN through three PHASES: REFRESH, BATTLE SCRIPT, and END PHASE.

  • The Player controlling the next upcoming character unit will resolve their TURN as a surrogate player.



  • BLUE TRACK: The player of THE WAYWARD SOJOURNER serves as the surrogate player for PACK OF CRAWLER-INVADERS, as she is the next upcoming character unit when a new ROUND starts.

  • PURPLE AND RED TRACK: Players of THE GUSTY SOJOURNER and THE STEADFAST SOJOURNER will not be surrogate players for this BATTLE SCENE as no NPC/ENEMY entities are immediately ahead of them on the INITIATIVE TRACK unless there is any change on the initiative order.

  • Trigger any « AT THE START OF TURN » effect on the entity’s BATTLE SCRIPT/BATTLE AI CARD if available.
  • For an entity using BATTLE SCRIPT, resolve actions according to their BATTLE SCRIPT.

  • For an entity using BATTLE AI CARD, draw a new BATTLE AI CARD and resolve actions according to the BATTLE SCRIPT on that BATTLE AI CARD.

  • Trigger any « AT THE END OF TURN » effect on their BATTLE SCRIPT to end their TURN. Then, move the RED COUNTER one step to the card on the left on the INITIATIVE TRACK.


  • When the entity on the last of the INITIATIVE TRACK acted on their turn, the RED COUNTER goes back to the leftmost ENTITY, and a new ROUND begins.


  • GENERAL VICTORY CONDITION: Eliminate all enemy units to achieve VICTORY, each player character roll on the LOOT TABLE and receive their reward, then return you and your party to the current stage of the OVERWORLD SCENE.

  • GENERAL DEFEAT CONDITION: When all player-controlled character units are DEFEATED on the BATTLE SCENE and no one has RETREATED to safety (See RETREAT for details), your party is defeated and the current QUEST fails immediately.

  • SPECIAL VICTORY/DEFEAT CONDITION: Sometimes a BATTLE SCENE may have a special victory and defeat condition stated on QUEST CARD, differ then eliminate all enemy units, observe its conditions and derive tactics accordingly is the key to victory.


A player may decide to call for RETREAT for their character unit to preserve the party.

  • RETREAT FROM BATTLE SCENE: When a player character unit ends their turn on HEXES adjacent to the RETREAT EDGE, they can declare RETREAT and is removed from this BATTLE SCENE.

  • If your character has RETREATED and your party achieved VICTORY in the end, you rejoin the party, but you may not roll on LOOT TABLE to receive rewards.

  • If your character has RETREATED and your party suffered DEFEAT in the end, you return and rescued the dying party, all DEFEATED player characters have their WOUND removed up to their last WOUND capacity.


1 « J'aime »