Set a Watch : Swords of the Coin - par Rock Manor Games | VF par Boom Boom Games - En cours de livraison

Oui, l’upgrade pack sera dispo sur la campagne VF. C’est même la principale raison qui faisait que j’étais pas trop chaud pour que la version deluxe de la première boîte soit de nouveau proposée.

1 « J'aime »

Le souci de la boîte de base concerne surtout les d8 violet et bleu roi, amha. Ils sont si foncés que les autres joueurs autour de la table ne voient pas le résultat des lancers, ce qui est un peu dommage. Pour ce qui est des autres, aucun problème, ils sont tous bien lisibles (les turquoise aussi ; c’est peut-être même les plus réussis de tous, en fait).

3 « J'aime »

Oui c’est vrai, les bleus surtout en fonction de la luminosité. Il avait été évoqué que les chiffres imprimés seraient blancs, mais ça n’a pas été fait.

2 « J'aime »

Oui, ça aurait été un plus indéniable, c’est sûr. :wink:

1 « J'aime »

perdu ! c’est un nouvel item.

mmmh bon. Pour les 4000 peut-être!

Tu me prends une boîte ?

1 « J'aime »

La campagne vf a déjà démarré ? Bonne journée

Non fin du mois a priori

1 « J'aime »

j’ai lu un peu en diagonale la news KS de SaW.
elle dit qu’ils ont updaté les règles afin de les rendre plus compréhensibles, c’est ça ?

Hi everyone, Todd here with another update. I wanted to go over share with everyone what we learned from your feedback and how it influenced what we are doing with the game moving forward. In case you missed it, we launched a standalone sequel to Set a Watch called Swords of the Coin on Kickstarter a couple weeks ago and have already unlocked 17 Stretch Goals!

I want you to know both Mike and myself listen, watch, and read as many comments, reviews, and suggestions as we can. The more data we get from people who enjoy the game the more complete a picture we have to enable us make better games.

Revising the Original

Let’s start with the rules. We read numerous comments about how the rules needed to be improved for clarity, but there was a lack of useful details as to what exacted needed improvement in most of these comments. We figured we needed new eyes with experience in editing rules, so we hired Andrea Dell’Agnese & Julia Faeta as technical editors. You can check out a draft of the revised Set a Watch rulebook here:

Please look it over if you get the chance. We can still make changes based on input, so if you have any specific suggestions, now is the time.

We didn’t stop there though. We also had them edit every card in the original game and the upcoming expansion for clarity and consistency. This lead to a lot of changes/revisions to the original game. While the rulebook and cards are hopefully written more clearly now, the intent of the game and rules has NOT changed. If you’re interested in reading more about the card revisions in detail, please check out this forum thread: BoardGameGeek.

Every backer will be given access to the revised PNP files on, but if you’re interested in purchasing the revised version, please fill out this form:

Randomness & Difficulty

The next thing we heard about is randomness and difficulty (too easy and too hard). I mention them together because feedback pointed to these being connected. We designed Set a Watch to be about figuring out how to mitigate the randomness in the game using the information and agency provided by the choices the players make. There is a skill curve to this, where you get better as you play. The critique I most agree with is swingy , though I would say it is more from round to round than from game to game.

The description of game difficulty we received breaks fairly evenly. Half saying it is too hard and half saying it is too easy. This tells me that how quickly the game “clicks” for players has more to do with how the game plays rather than a single bad combo or bad luck in rolling.

There is one place in the game, however, that punishes new players the most and that is the very first round of the game. The randomness of the assigned abilities, coupled with bad rolls and the effects of bad luck are the most apparent in the first round. Players who quickly adapt to the learning curve will be able to weather this better than a newer player who hasn’t quite figured everything out yet.

The solution to this and other difficulty problems is to offer more ways to alter difficulty levels through more player agency. For those who found Set a Watch too punishing, we have a new Respite location in Swords of the Coin that you can choose to start the game with as the first location:

When Mike was developing the Outriders expansion, we created a new effect called Stun . The new Effect causes an Adventurer to spend a die on an ability without activating its effect. This is a bit more forgiving than permanently exhausting an ability. Swords of the Coin will include two new Summon cards that use the Stun mechanic when they summon an Unhallowed instead of Exhaust. You can use these for the first two levels of difficulty if you are finding the game a little unforgiving.

These additional Summon cards also allow those who want an additional challenge to go past the 4 summon limit. Simply add one additional Unhallowed to the Unhallowed deck for each Summon you add above the original limit of 4.

If you’re looking to increase or decrease the difficulty of the game for your group, Swords of the Coin includes a guide and examples for personalizing your game experience by constructing your own custom game. You can read more about that in this update.

Other feedback

We also heard a desire for more varied abilities for the Adventurers and more of a sense of progression or leveling up. We think we’ve partly addressed this with the Merchant’s items. Many of the more expensive items give make your Adventurers more powerful with new abilities.

There were a couple of things people wanted we didn’t address this time as well. New abilities for existing Adventurers and shorter games modes come to mind. Mostly if we create new abilities they take on a life of their own thematically and turn into whole new Adventurers, but we have kept it in mind for the future. Shorter game modes, like a 5 round game, make the game too easy and the levers to make it more difficult felt forced and clunky. Though we are working on it for the next installment.

I hope you can see that your input matters and we used that to make Set a Watch and Swords of the Coin more approachable while holding on to what you enjoyed most about the game originally.

If you’re interested in backing Swords of the Coin, you still have a little over a week to pledge on Kickstarter.

Thanks for your support,

- Todd

2 « J'aime »

Réponse de @davidbbg sur un autre sujet ,mais concernant ce point
Je fait un copié-collé de la partie de la réponse qui nous intéresse :wink:

« sachez que nous avons rectifié le tir et que le nouveau print arrive bientôt, et avec un livret allongé de 4 pages d’explications. »

1 « J'aime »

Du coup, les cartes corrigées seront-elles aussi proposées en VF ?

Ma correction des règles est antérieure à leur travail. Je n’ai pas vérifié leurs modifications, mais je pense qu’elles vont dans le même sens.

@patman : oui, pour les prochaines éditions c’est sûr, mais je vais quand même voir de quoi il retourne, si beaucoup de cartes ont été modifiées…

1 « J'aime »

Après un regard rapide sur le livret, même si ça va dans le même sens, j’ai pour ma part ajouté des pages pour des présentations plus visuelles : composants, cartes, actions du campement… mais aussi des éléments de FAQ (3 pages au lieu de 2, et écrit en tout petit, concernant les principaux points remontés par les joueurs), ce qui explique l’ajout de 4 pages.

4 « J'aime »

Je crois que tu avais partagé ta version améliorée du livret VF il y quelques temps, mais impossible de remettre la main sur le lien. Pourrais-tu refaire apparaitre ce lien stp ? :slight_smile:

Yesss, la dernière version (la version postée il y a quelques semaines ici a encore été améliorée, là c’est la version finale) :

Télécharger la dernière version des règles de Set A Watch

15 « J'aime »

coeur rose

3 « J'aime »

L’update citée plus haut mène entre autre à un sondage à propos des cartes, dans lequel (quelle aventure !) on apprend qu’il y a deux cartes erronées dans le jeu de base.

Que sait-on à ce sujet ? Je suis complètement passé à côté de ça.

ça pourrait expliquer pourquoi je suis parfois resté perplexe …

Super, merci :slight_smile:

ha bon, pas vu ça, lesquelles stp?