Soulgivers - par Gravity Games - Livraison Avril 2021

Hello everyone!
I apologize in advance for writing in English, but my French is not so good.
We’ve already uploaded a post here, but in case you missed it, here’s a brief description of our game:
Soulgivers is a two-player, strategy board game. It is based on a capture-the-flag concept but uses a roster of characters with different Abilities capable of acquiring the Souls of fallen heroes to boost their powers.

We like to think of Soulgivers as a work of art. We really put a lot of effort into making a board game not only fun to play, but also nice to look at. We hope you will appreciate its minimalistic style, which is counterbalanced with the detailed illustrations of the characters.

As the campaign goes on, we plan on unlocking a French translation of the game.

Pledges : jeu à 69€ (Early Bird 48h à 59€) ou avec 12ème personnage à 75€.
Frais de port : en sus, estimés entre 14 et 18€ (CA: 29€)

Autres liens : Fiche BGG - Site éditeur

3 « J'aime »

76 messages ont été fusionnés à un sujet existant : Gestion des timelines lors de fusion de sujets

We are proud to finally announce the official launch date of our Kickstarter campaign: SEPTEMBER 15th, 2020.

Soulgivers is a two-player, strategy board game. It is based on a capture-the-flag concept but uses a roster of characters with different Abilities capable of acquiring the Souls of fallen heroes to boost their powers.

We like to think of Soulgivers as a work of art. We really put a lot of effort into making a board game not only fun to play, but also nice to look at. We hope you will appreciate its minimalistic style, which is counterbalanced with the detailed illustrations of the characters.

Another thing that sets Soulgivers apart is the lore behind the game. Soulgivers is not only a game, but a small part of a much larger creative universe. In this universe, two populations, that we know of, Shells and Specters, are fighting for their survival after the planet that kept them immortal, First Ring, was destroyed, bringing a disease, Decay, to their universe. In order to survive, they must conquer the Fragment, the last remnant of First Ring.

We know this post is not in French, but we’ll unlock a French rulebook as the campaign goes on and succeeds!

We hope to see you on the battlefield on September 15th, 2020!

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6 « J'aime »

First image, first typo… Good luck with the rest of the campaign xD

1 « J'aime »

Où ça?

1 « J'aime »

« seTtember » sur l’image :face_with_monocle:

1 « J'aime »

The image is in Italian, because we are an Italian company :grinning:

4 « J'aime »

Looks promising !
In bocca al lupo :smiley:

1 « J'aime »

Ah ouais, maintenant même les boîtes italiennes viennent annoncer leurs campagnes sur le site.
J’aime bien la sobriété de la boîte.
Et le plateau modulaire…
On verra si y a un mode solo :smile:

Hi, thanks for posting here and welcome.
Are we supposed to ask our questions in English? Or can we ask in French and you answer in English?

I had spotted your game earlier already. Very much like the graphic design. Both the drawings and the board look neat.
My first questions are: Is the early bird only for the core set? And how can we unlock the French translation?

Good luck with the campaign launch!

4 « J'aime »


Thank you! Yes, English would be better for me, but I have a basic understanding of French if you prefer. However, my answers will be in English only.

There will be a regular pledge for the core set as well after the first 48H. For the campaign, the Core Set will also include a special Kickstarter hero for free!
You can unlock it by simply back the campaign from France or a French speaking country!

Thanks! We hope to see you there!

2 « J'aime »

Good news for French players with this possible VF.

I can’t wait to see the campaign

3 « J'aime »

But alors you are French ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

3 « J'aime »

Mais non ce sont des :it: :smiley:

The game looks great ! Can’t wait to see the campaign.
And so the early bird is a discount on the price for the core game but nothing for the collector then ?
We can be very FOMO here haha

Well, of course! :smirk:

Busted! We are, indeed, Italian!

Nope, the Early Bird is only for the Core Set. But I promise that the Collector’s Edition will be great for that price! Plus you’ll get extra stuff as well. The Collector’s Edition is the most complete of the pledges. If you check on our FB page you can have a sneak peek of all the pledges and what they include.

2 « J'aime »

very interesting !
And love the trailer

2 « J'aime »

Du coup y’a 2 topics pour le jeu

J’ai demandé au patron de virer ce premier sujet qui n’avait rien de plus que celui là.

Sinon ça sort aujourd’hui à 14h ! Hâte de voir la bête ! :smiley:

2 « J'aime »

I saw, thank you so much! I did write in this post that we made a previous post, but it didn’t have all the details of the pledges.
Hopefully, we’ll see you on Kickstarter at 2PM!