Back on Kickstarter August 18
Dear SYNDICATE backers and supporters:
If you were not following our Kickstarter closely, you may have missed that we decided to retool and relaunch SYNDICATE on August 18th . With this retooling, we are bringing exciting new elements to the game and campaign. This email includes answers to the most frequently asked questions we’ve received about our new campaign.
We’re giving free games, game pieces and merch in the coming weeks, so read on below.
Why relaunch after already funding 50% in a week?
We have listened closely to all the feedback we received from our backers via comments and direct messages, and we are incorporating a number of positive changes. Unfortunately, Kickstarter restricts certain changes to a live campaign, so we felt that in order to deliver the best value to our backers, we needed to scrub our June 23rd campaign, redesign our offering, and relaunch with a new campaign better for you!
If you liked our original offering, you’ll love the REDUX!
What will be different in the REDUX?
Based on feedback from our backers, we are making several adjustments to what’s included in our core pledge level and to our various pledge levels:
- NEW MINI SOVEREIGN BLOCKADE: Our core pledge level will include an injection molded plastic SOVEREIGN BLOCKADE starship mini. (Previously, this mini was to be 3D printed for a limited run and only part of the “Merc” and “Sovereign” pledge tiers. Now a mini will be part of the CORE OFFERING FROM DAY-1!)
- NEW SINGLE-PLAYER MODE: We have been developing a series of highly re-playable and variable solo mode games. Each solo game will be unique to a syndicate and dive deep into that syndicate’s lore. As a KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE, our relaunched core reward will include one of the solo mode series games centered on the Ngata crime family.
- NEW GROUP PLEDGE: We will offer a multi-pack that allows groups to reduce the per unit cost of shipping when buying in bulk.
We are launching our REDUX campaign on August 18, but you can already access the pre-launch page HERE.
I backed the original campaign early. Will I still be able to get the Early Access Special?
Yes, we will once again offer the Early Access special, so if you back the REDUX campaign in the first 36 hours, you will get a limited edition Sovereign Pin and pledge manager voucher which can be used to reduce shipping (or purchase some SYNDICATE merchandise in the pledge manager).
How can I win free games, game pieces and merch in the meantime?
While we’ve already incorporated a lot of feedback from our backers, we’d like to get even more feedback before we’d launch. To that end, we’d like to enlist you to take a first look at our new Kickstarter page before we launch and provide feedback.
Sign up HERE to officially become a SYNDICATE previewer. All previewers that review our new page and provide feedback in a short survey will be entered into a raffle drawing to win a bronzed-steel Sovereign Destroyer.
Also, next week we’re launching a series of creative contests, so stay tuned!
We challenge you to make your mark on the universe of SYNDICATE. Starting next week, we’re launching the Arcturus Creative Contest Series. If you can draw, write or 3D-model, you will have an opportunity to win free games and merch.
Not a creative type? Well stay tuned anyway because you and our other Kickstarter backers will be voting for the winners. (Plus we’ve got all sorts of other giveaways coming up in the next few weeks.)
Thank you again for your support! Stay healthy and well, and don’t hesitate to reach out.
Yours truly,
Josh & Greg
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