[Terminé] "The Wastlanders" (et ses différents KS)

Comme la gestion des KS en passionne certains ici que je nommerais pas… :mrgreen: … je vous signale ce KS très spé.

  Il donnait d'ailleurs la possibilité d'envoyer une copie (juste payer le port) à ses anciens backers de son proto.


Is the new link. It was important for us to cancel the project. The pledge levels reflected funding for stretch goals and it became apparent we weren't going to reach those goals even though we remained funded, it wasn't fair to our backers to charge for content that was undeliverable. IE, the current game that we have with the addition of the planned solo campaign and zombie apocalypse scenrio that we wanted to include as additional content.

Thanks for bearing with us. I know this is inconvient.


C’est pas commun 8-O