The Breach - par Ludus Magnus Studio - livraison juillet 2023

Selon la faq, j’aurai du avoir l’EB mais avec les prix du late pledge.

Et comme j’ai reçu le mail pour renoncer à l’EB pour 15e de credit… attend, je vais le remplir :laughing:

Le PM de BRW: rebirth était aussi sur cette plateforme d’ailleurs ? :face_with_monocle:

Non, c’est la première de cette plateforme
BRW:R est sur Backerkit

Mail recu aujourd’hui avec un pledge 1$

1 « J'aime »

Du coup je relance mon mini sondage ^^

Qui pense craquer pour quoi ?

J’ai pris la totale… Mais je ne suis pas forcément l’exemple à suivre.

Le titan pledge et le playmat

Bon, j’ai eu ma réponse officielle pour le 1$

Copier coller :

In accordance with the LMS policy of the last two years all « No Rewards Pledge », they are imported on backerkit as a pre order, keeping the same credit paid during the KS campaign.
This is a choice of LMS as this type of pledge does not really help the development of the games but allows the backer to buy much later with economic advantages compared to those who have committed themselves financially at the end of the campaign.

LMS wants to benefit those who participate during the Kickstarter campaign; others can join in the Late Pledge as a pre-order.

Voilà. Soyez prévenu : 1€ ne sert à rien.

Sinon, le copier coller indique backerkit. Ce n’est pas encore mis à jour de leur côté :blush:

1 « J'aime »

Tu n’as pas reçu de mail pour le PM avec ton 1$ ? Moi j’ai bien reçu.

1 « J'aime »

Si si, avec les prix du ks.

Comme quoi, la réponse obtenue n’a rien à voir avec la réalité :sweat_smile:

1 « J'aime »

LOL ! Pour le moment, ils disent être à peu près dans les temps pour ce qui est de The Breach. Manquerait plus que ce soit vrai…

(Bien sûr, les plus cyniques/désabusés(/réalistes ? :wink: ) penseront que cette update arrive à point nommé, juste avant le lancement de Runar… et ils n’auront pas forcément tort. :sweat_smile:)

Production des moules à partir de mi-décembre, et ils estiment pour le moment avoir 15 jours de retard sur le game design (fin prévue pour mi-janvier au lieu de fin décembre). À voir pour la suite, donc…

N’empêche que s’ils tiennent tous leurs plannings, ils se retrouveront à livrer BRWR, NAR vague 1 et The Breach à peu près en même temps. J’ai « un peu » de mal à y croire, personnellement… :sweat_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Si Runar fait suffisamment je vois pas ce qui poserais problème…

1 « J'aime »

Sans moi pour runar


Bonjour, voici une photo fourni par LMS a qui j’ai gentiment demandé le nombre de cartes du jeu et les dimensions. Réponse rapide en un jour. Si cela peut servir à d’autre :slightly_smiling_face:

8 « J'aime »

La dernière update que j’avais zappé. Par contre, leur we remain confident that we will be able to keep the delivery date for this summer ça ne va pas tenir encore bien longtemps je pense ^^

Update #33 - From Japan with Love

Hello, Breachers!

here we are with our regular Monthly Update, the first one in 2023!

Pre-production work on The Breach is progressing on all fronts! At the time being, the design of the Core Box and expansions of Prometheus, I.C.E. Breakers, Copy_Right, and Kabuki Nights is complete. All of this content has successfully passed the multiple playtest sessions. The game design of all the content in Gene.Sys, the stretch goals box, has also been completed. We are now working on the graphic layout of their content, which will then be followed by translations.

Game design work is continuing on the last expansion left: Erebus. As you know, this expansion will introduce several new mechanics compared to the core game (the Agents, Team VS Team, new I.C.E.s), so the work schedule has been longer than for the other expansions, and more playtest sessions needed to be sure that it works properly. We are therefore devoting more energy to making this expansion truly a must-have for the fans of The Breach, and we will soon show you the result of this work!

So let’s move on to the topic you are surely most interested in, which is the timeline for the fulfillment of The Breach. Despite the slight delay at the end of the design phase, we remain confident that we will be able to keep the delivery date for this summer.

After the spoiler on the new I.C.E. Breakers rules from the last update, today we introduce you to the final version of another of the expansions that we have finished design work on. Get ready for a trip to Japan, here’s to… Kabuki Nights!

Many famous Breachers come from an Eastern background, with lethal and unheard techniques. With their stylish Avatars, they are ready to challenge the Database!

With Kabuki Nights you can add 2 new Avatars and as many as 3 new Breachers, let’s get to know them better!


This Avatar gains significant benefits while screened. She is able to deliver lethal attacks or cross the Rooms in the shadows, even in the absence of open connections. If you feel like a rookie ninja and like to move through the darkness, waiting for the right moment to strike, this Avatar is the one for you. Speed will be essential and her Malware cards will help you manage your cubes in this.

For example, Peripheral Diffusion will make you move all cubes from the Cache to another box the moment you take control of a Node.

With Kusari, you will be as silent and deadly as a ninja!

Kusari Components


If, on the other hand, you prefer more direct approaches, Gura is a dangerous war machine with two well-sharpened Katanas. He proves lethal in melee, able to strike several Enemies with a single slash. He may seem vulnerable to attacks, but the Illusory Mask Malware allows him to switch positions with a Seeker-type I.C.E. in the Database before suffering an attack. His enemy will be shocked to discover that they missed their target and that their real target is now in a different Room.

Gora Components


Okami may seem like a bit of a weirdo girl, but she is an expert in frequencies and signals. Her favorite Malware allows her to manipulate the behavior of the I.C.Es in the Database as needed. Her Cheat, on the other hand, allows her to move the Gates so as to reconnect in the vicinity of her target.

Okami and a Neko on the desk!


Oni is a skilled thief in real life and… well, he is in virtual reality too! His opportunistic strategy allows him to get the most out of Databases crowded with other Breachers, so he can steal as much as possible from others’ work. You will love this Breacher as much as your opponents will hate him!

Oni material and a (very) pink player board… What else?


This boy, of unknown origins, has recently gained visibility in the world of the Breachers, managing to use Disconnection and Reconnection techniques in the Database with great mastery, to generate devastating effects.

KOGA5HI is one of the Breachers created by the winners of the contests launched during the campaign, we will reveal all the artworks of these Breachers in a dedicated update! Some patience and you will know what they look like in the world of The Breach!

Database Goes Bigger!

In addition to these new Avatars and Breachers, Kabuki Nights add all the material needed to increase the number of players to 5 or 6, and the Database will also take on new forms to accommodate such a number of Avatars. Two new Rooms will join those in the Core Game, and these can be used in any game of The Breach, as well as create larger Databases.

We will show you some examples (taken from the Kabuki Nights rulebook) of Databases for 5 or 6 players. With the 6 players’ configurations, the Central Gate allows you to Reconnect directly to the heart of the Database!

A larger Database for all our brave Breachers!

What do you think? Are you ready to challenge the Database with all this new material? Give us your feedback!

That’s all for today, see you next month with a new update!


Bon, ben, contre toute attente, ça avance sur celui-là aussi :

« mass production of the miniatures will start in the second half of July. The production deadline for having all finished boxes ready to go, based on the information we have from the factory, will thus be by early September! »

Les trois projets continuent de progresser en même temps, manquerait plus qu’ils lancent aussi la prod de Runar cet été, tiens… :scream:

En tout cas, pour le moment, ils ont l’air de tenir à peu près le planning (NAR vague 1 et BRW pendant l’été, c’est pas gagné, il vaut probablement mieux viser l’automne, mais The Breach et Runar d’ici la fin de l’année, ça reste jouable). Et s’ils arrivent à écluser tout sans se retrouver exsangues au niveau des finances, ça devrait les mettre sur de bien meilleurs rails pour la suite.

2 « J'aime »

Ils ont prévus un prochain KS quand, ca sent l’annonce d’un KS dans les semaines à venir tout ça :smiley: ?

3 « J'aime »


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3 « J'aime »

Tu veux parler de Requiem: Downfall of Magic pour Octobre / Novembre ^^