The Thinning Veil - par Triskelion Games - annulé (deux fois), re-reboot à venir?

Nouveau perso et render 3D révélés avec le Twilight King…

The Twilight King

The Twilight King is a cursed creature. Doomed to dwell in the Twilight, bound to the Ember Crown, for all eternity. No one knows how long he has been trapped in this perdition but the Twilight King burns for revenge. Legend has it he was once a High King of Inis Fael who loved Badb, but betrayed her when it suited him for the affections of an Aos Si Enchantress. Some say it was the other way around, and that Badb granted the Twilight King many victories in battle until he became High King, at which point his fame reached the Aos Si on the other side of Midnight, who came to him and cursed him. Either way, the Twilight King seems impossible to destroy for each time he is defeated he retreats to the Isle of Shadow and reforms, before returning to wreak havoc on his enemies.

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Un faux air d’Elric !

Je me suis dit la même chose ^^

Aucune idée de ce que vaut le jeu mais c’est beau!

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Un nouveau render 3D en 360°…

The Veil Warden

The Veil Warden drifts between the mortal plane and the spirit world, walking the boundary and patrolling inside the Veil itself. They have learned many eldritch signs and wards, some of which grant them powers which may seem magical, demonic or divine to others. The Veil Warden knows that understanding Truth replaces the perception of magic yet creates fresh wonder.

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Solo playthrough…

Unveiling dungeon crawl scenario ‹ Monument of Skulls › in a solo playthrough. The dungeon crawl mode features a random tile draw system, and this scenario is written for promotional material and will be included as an extra freebie with the scenarios for the Kickstarter. The playthrough features many explanations of the rules in a simple scenario leading to a climactic encounter which will follow in another video!

We are awaiting components from China, so you will see some handwritten cards and proxy materials from other sources. The tiles, dashboards, dice and miniatures are from our game!

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Putain, c’est beau! la DA et le thème me plaisent à fond, mais les lancers de dés et les figs (donc le coût) risquent d’être rédhibitoire…

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Boss Fight

This Thinning Veil playthrough video showcases the dungeon crawl format played in Solo. This scenario is called The Monument of Skulls, and especially designed for this promotional and tutorial video and for use at conventions. It will however be included in print as an additional freebie in the forthcoming campaign. This is the concluding part to the Monument of Skulls. In the other playthrough video we saw Level 1 & 2 of the dungeon. Now our Berserker has reached the final encounter, a Boss Fight against the death-cult fought in a graveyard where they are toiling to raise an army of the dead!
We are awaiting tokens and cards from our manufacturer. In the meantime proxy components have been used for your visual enjoyment! The Game Tiles are our own prototypes as are the miniatures, dashboards and dice.

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Cette autre société n’est pas nous.

Quoi quoi quoi ??? C’est des francophones derrière le projet ? :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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@Paul_Rose tu peux nous expliquer ? :face_with_monocle:

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S’il y a une version française de dispo je suis mal :scream:

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Je pense plutôt à Google Trad ou Deep L mais c’est très cool que le vrai Triskelion Games Ltd. vienne ici :slight_smile:

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En termes simples, une autre société portant ce nom semble avoir existé autrefois. Peut-être existe-t-il encore ? Ce n’est pas nous. The Thinning Veil est notre premier projet.

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Le KS se lancera lundi à 21H chez nous…

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Du coup @Paul_Rose il y aura une version française ?

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C’est notre premier projet. C’est complexe. Je recherche un traducteur pour les éditions en français et en allemand. Notre défi pour pouvoir offrir cela ? Exigence minimale de commande. Nous n’avons pas les fonds nécessaires pour commander 1 000 exemplaires d’un jeu pour lequel nous pourrions obtenir des nombres de commandes très faibles. Ce jeu ne sera pas vendu au détail, à moins que nous n’ayons nous-mêmes un excédent en raison du respect des exigences minimales de commande de l’édition en anglais. Magic 8-ball dit « l’avenir, c’est incertain ». Ou était-ce Yoda ? Nous ferons de notre mieux pour que sur ce tirage ou le suivant (nous aurons peut-être la chance !) qu’il y ait une édition en français.

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The Thinning Veil Adventure Game ( as opposed to the Dungeon Crawl format ) Promo Video is live! An hour of game play from a play-test of ‹ A Song of Sadness › - a 3 part campaign. This is Part 1: ‹ A Strain of Lament ›. Again we are learning as we go, and we’ll continue to bring you videos in the future. Any complete playthroughs will be of scenarios not part of the planned content of the Kickstarter! So no spoilers. That said we have decided to include them as additional material, so all our backers will get print copies. Anyway! Enjoy this and hopefully you’ll pick up some rules and at last be able to see how co-operative play works, and see also the difference between adventure & dungeon crawl modes.

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Moins hypé par les vidéos de jeu que par les figs… On va attendre demain pour voir!
