Ok, le jeu n’a pas l’air de trop rassembler les foules, mais je poste quand même! LE premier SG est tombé :
" Update 3, Holly Stretch Goal Completed!
Again we are surprised by how fast this is moving. You amazing people have just unlocked the next stretch goal.
Holly Thompson, Full Character and Story Deck:
Holly was a very interesting character from the movie, however, translating her into a playable character was very difficult. (Let’s be honest, most of you know what happens with her). Holly’s story begins moments after “helping Nada leave her apartment” and finding the glasses he left behind.
Holly has high influence and intelligence, pretty much the perfect character for problem-solving and convincing human enemies to join her cause. Now you can be the one to surprise Frank on a stairwell in the final assault on Cable 54.
(Day 1) Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass now concluded:
You have all made this opening day very special. A big thank you to everyone who has secured their early backer pledge. This pledge is now completed and will revert to its original price.
FAQ Update:
We keep adding responses to the most common questions on the FAQ and will also respond to as many questions as possible. You will be able to find details on how to purchase add-ons and additional links to the rule book for those who had issues accessing it in the main campaign. Please remember we are a small team and it can take some time for us to respond.
Remember to find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on the following links as we will be announcing giveaways and possibly social stretch goals in the coming days. We love seeing all of your movie quotes and jokes in the comments here on Kickstarter, so why not join us on our other pages too.
Again, please accept a huge thank you from everyone at Iconiq Studios.