Trudvang Legends - par CMON

et eviter des couts de stockage a l usine

Effectivement ! Je voulais dire que, pour moi, la livraison en deux vagues était le signe d’une mise en vente en boutique, sinon CMON aurait pu attendre de tout imprimer avant d’envoyer les jeux s’ils n’envisageaient pas de le faire. De toute façon, il faut qu’ils rentabilisent leur investissement :wink:.

Bon Todj77 s’etant desisté, mon pledge est a qui voudra (une fois qu’on pourra se connecter au pledge manager pour changer l’adresse, ou alors via le support CMON)

En tout :

296,18 $ pour le pledge
et 51,18 $ de frais de port
Soit 347,36 $ au total

Cela fait 315 euros au total

on a reçu mail indiquant de passer par le support et ça a été rappelé dans la dernière actu

Faut pas trainer…

We are reaching out to you in regards to your Trudvang pledge. We just need to check if your address changed since August of 2019, or will change before July 2022, please go to and open a change of address support ticket ASAP. One of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL.

In addition, since the pledge manager for Trudvang Legends closed many months ago, our Customer Service team is working on updating shipping addresses, to prevent any issues with deliveries due to address changes. You should all have received an email asking for any changes of address to be communicated to our support team. If your address changed and you haven’t yet contacted our support team, please make sure to submit an address change ticket to our Customer Support as soon as possible.

J’ai demandé à faire vérifier mon adresse car j’avais déménagé depuis la fin du KS… mais ils sont marrant les gars du support chez CMON

We will provide your tracking information in the Geekfunder Pledge manager, once the wave 1 core box of Trudvang is ready to be dispatched.

Geekfunder, il est pas mort ?

Ils sont effectivement très marrants, puisqu’on obtient un 503 si on tente de consulter son pledge de TL. Ceci écrit, pour l’éditeur de Zombicide, il est possible qu’il réanime geekfunder :wink:

Sur Zatu Games, la boîte de base est dispo.
J’avais souvenir que les extensions non ks étaient aussi disponibles. :thinking:

C est un peu le bordel. Je le vois en pré-commande sur le site d intra fin pour le 21/03/2022.
Prix retail conseillé 149.95 €

De l’espoir pour les personnes espérant le jeu en français : (lien découvert via un message sur BGG), il devrait être disponible en VF en 2023.

3 « J'aime »
Nouvelle update avec unboxing de la core box

Core Box Unboxing

Posted by CMON

Apr 9, 2022

View on Kickstarter

Let us fill another page in our chronicle.

We hope everyone is safe and well. A few weeks ago the print production of the core box was completed, and assembly has started. The MPC (mass production copy) was prepared and shipped, and was received in our office at the beginning of the week. The factory is now conducting final drop tests and quality assurance, assembly, and packing of the boxes to start shipping, a process that should still take a couple of weeks to complete. In the meantime, let’s check out the core box!

Please note that the following images may carry some light spoilers of the game campaign, like Adventure names and sheets content.

We start with the box, of course, which weighs a little over 4kg, a testament of how much content we have inside!

Once opened, the first thing you’ll find are the 10 double-sided Adventure sheets, packed inside a self-adesive plastic bag. We advise you to not read the sheets in advance, since they track your adventure path and may contain spoilers.

Pack of Adventure sheets

The 10 double-sided Adventure sheets

After that, the 2 punchboard sheets for the 267 tokens we have in the game, of 17 different types: Runes, Status, Damage, Points of Interest, Leader, Phase, Health markers, Chronicle markers, XP, Party, Cleared/Blocked, Generic, Quest, Threat, Enemy, Elite Enemy, and Personalities.

Then, we get to the Points of Interest board.

Points of Interest board front

The board contains a pockets on its back to safely slot the current adventure sheet.

Points of Interest board back

Once removed, each individual window’s back is also printed with the respective letters they represent, so they can be slotted back into their exact position, for a perfect fit.

After that, we have the Adventure and Map boards, properly printed in layers and with their sleeves to fit cards.

Adventure board

Map board

After the boards we reach the Rulebook. The components tray is also visible at this point.

Right below the Rulebook we have the Book of Sagas, which comes shrink wrapped with the double-sided Adventure Maps.

The paperback Book of Sagas contains 128 pages (124 completely filled with content) for its 20 Adventures, with 1030 Entries, reaching over 130400 words.

Book of Sagas front

Book of Sagas back

After that we reach the 4 Hero dashboards.

Hero dashboards front

Hero dashboards back

And finally the box of figures, bags, counter bases, and cards.

4 color bags

The left side of the tray comes with the Heroes’ decks, each packed individually, and the Starting, Events, and Enemy Attack cards, in a single pack. On the right, we have all Story cards packed on their paper tray.

Please note that the Story cards come shrink wrapped, as all the other cards, however, when the picture was taken they had already been opened.

In the center of the tray we have a space to initially pack the bags and counter bases, but that also serves as a slot for tokens and cards that should be kept separated during the campaign, like the Hero and Feat cards not in use, so the left side can fit Story cards acquired by the Heroes.

Story cards and paper tray

Each individual Hero deck and Starting, Event, and Enemy Attack cards

Box of figures

And on the back of the box of figures we have the storage guide, so you can easily repack the figures.

And here is everything together!

And this is it for today! We hope you have enjoyed checking out the core box and are excited for its arrival!

The legend goes on.

6 « J'aime »

Ca ce précise ! Il me tarde celui-ci.


Ca ce serait une super nouvelle quand même!!! :partying_face:

Quelle tristesse le dernier update :

aucune info sur la livraison alors que le 7 mai on nous disait :

Hopefully we’ll have more news on shipment by our next update.

edit : quoique, peut-être que c’est ça l’info attendue

The last estimate provided by the print factory was to have all core boxes packed for wave 1 today. While we wait for their confirmation to pick up the goods and start distribution among the hubs (…)

Oui, c’est ça ! À la lecture des commentaires sur la page KS du projet, l’information semble avoir échappé à la première lecture à d’autres personnes. On peut être déçu que la boîte de base n’ait toujours pas été expédiée mais CMON nous tient bien en courant sur ce sujet. Par contre sur l’état d’avancement des extensions, à part que la conception du rangement des figurines est prêt, on n’en est plutôt dans le flou.

mouais, j’aurais préféré qu’ils attendent la confirmation et qu’ils nous disent que la distribution vers les hubs avait commencé.
La c’est « on doit avoir la confirmation aujourd’hui alors en attendant on vous montre les trays des extensions »… et on va pouvoir attendre 15j avant d’apprendre si oui ou non ils ont eu cette confirmation
(bizarrement je crains qu’ils ne l’auront pas eu ou en tous cas pas le jour attendu)
après je vais pas trop me plaindre non plus, je ne m’attendais pas à cette news 15j après la précédente

Les navires transportant les boites de base pour l’Union Européenne et le Royaume-Uni devraient partir la semaine prochaine et arriver à destination fin juillet ! :slightly_smiling_face: (Actu n°126) Donc, a priori, on devrait (ENFIN) recevoir nos boites de base en août ou septembre. :dancer: :man_dancing:


Toujours pas de désistement :face_with_monocle:?

Sisi je l’ai deja dis.

Regardes mes posts plus haut