Vampire: The Masquerade – Milan Uprising - par Xplored - livraison sept. 2024

D’après le compteur apparu sur la page preview de campagne GF, le lancement devrait se faire le mardi 25 juillet. A noter aussi, les près de 10K followers.

Voilà la confirmation de la date de lancement pour le 25 juillet dans la nouvelle update…

VTM - Milan Uprising launches on July 25th!

Announcing the official launch date for crowdfunding and the first prototype playtest kit!

Welcome Anarchs!

We are excited to officially announce that the crowdfunding campaign for Vampire: The Masquerade - Milan Uprising will go live on Gamefound on Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 at 5:00 PM CET! Not only do we have an official launch date, but we have just passed 10,000 followers on Gamefound! To celebrate, we are happy to show off our first prototype playtest kit for Milan Uprising this weekend in Modena, Italy at the PLAY - Festival del Gioco!

Milan Uprising goes to Modena PLAY!

This year you can find us in the Crowdfunding Zone in Hall B, Booth B1 between 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM Friday through Sunday. If you plan to attend, we welcome you to stop by to say hello, sign up for a Milan Uprising playtest, or even face off against the moody Zodiac Cancer in a new scenario from our first game for Teburu: The Bad Karmas and the Curse of the Zodiac!

That is all for this update, and don’t forget that all backers who follow the Gamefound campaign before launch will receive the Prospero, Prince of Milan miniature for FREE! If you’re not able to stop by this weekend at Modena, we’ll see you soon for our next update!

Nouvelle update…

Update #5 - The Camarilla of Milan

The Camarilla of Milan

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A Milan Uprising pre-campaign update on the Camarilla presence in Milan and the Teburu Team’s visit to Modena PLAY.

Welcome Anarchs!

In a previous update, we introduced you to the city of Milan: renowned for its world-leading fashion, prestigious football teams, and rich history. However, in the dark hours of the night, it is also a city at war. After only a few decades of rule, the Camarilla of Milan are finding their hold of the city weakening, an opportunity the Anarchs seek to exploit.

The Camarilla

As Prince of Milan, Prospero rules the kindred of the city with the assistance and advice of a council of prominent vampires, although some may not view him to be worthy of this position. Instead, they continue to vie for power, both for themselves and the various factions they represent. Let us meet a few of the more influential kindred in Milan:

Giacomo Borgonovo is an Italian Ventrue of prestigious heritage, both mortal and kindred. He is an accomplished businessman and politician who secretly covets the rule of Milan for himself. In a bid for power and influence over local kindred affairs, Giacomo openly leads the Cult of Mithras in Milan, serving as Primogen.

Typically operating in secret elsewhere, the Cult of Mithras is a religious fraternity of kindred who worship the vampiric figure Mithras, whom they believe to have ascended to godhood. Giacomo is a fervent worshipper, even coming to view himself as a descendant of Mithras.

As Regent of Milan and confidant of Prince Prospero, Hasanah is the keeper of many secrets. A Persian-Iranian woman only Embraced in the 1960s, she strives to climb the ranks of the Tremere and would do almost anything in the pursuit of knowledge and power.

Hasanah oversees a rather modest chantry, with only a few Kindred members supported by a dozen retainers and ghouls. It is here that the Tremere practice their Blood Sorcery and study the ruins of Milan’s past.

An Italian noblewoman Embraced in the mid-19th century, Lady Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso is one of the oldest surviving Kindred in Milan serving as Primogen of the Toreador clan. Lady Cristina has a passionate interest in the local politics of the city and appreciates the artistry of a good debate, but she harbors her own doubts about Prospero.

It is no surprise that the Toreador are the most numerous clan of Kindred in the city, as they are drawn like moths to the flame of Milan’s fashion scene, design industry, and vibrant nightlife. However, their need to participate in mortal high society makes them more likely to be targeted by diligent vampire hunters.

An elder Nosferatu and contemporary of Prospero, Il Dottore is well remembered for the variety of unusual and exotic masks he uses to hide his facial deformities. Though he is one of the Prince’s most loyal supporters, he has lately become a recluse, only acting through various agents and proxies.

Il Dottore is the Primogen of the Figli delle Catacombe, a coalition of Kindred dwelling beneath the city streets. They utilize a vast network of catacombs, crypts, and tunnels to travel the city and employ additional agents on the street to maintain a wide information network.

A Brujah with close ties to the 'Ndrangheta crime syndicate, Lorenzo Prestia moved to Milan in order to build his own empire, and established the Onorata Società. He is well-connected to the clubs, bars, and brothels of Milan and has a reputation for being able to provide even the most exotic mortal vessels for feeding, for the right price.

The Onorata Società is a group of local Kindred all affiliated with organized crime in some manner. While they may not directly control the local criminal groups, they have enough influence to gather intelligence from them, utilize their resources, and even occasionally direct their activities.

These are just a few of the more influential undead citizens of Milan and the various factions they represent. As you progress through the campaign, you will be able to interact with these factions and their members in a variety of ways, but whether you strike up a deal or choose a less diplomatic approach, the decision will be yours. Just be careful, these groups will remember how you interact with them and their rivals, so your choices can have lasting impacts. Will you seek allies in your fight against Prospero? Or will you find yourself surrounded only by enemies? Only time will tell.

Modena PLAYtesting

As we shared in our previous update, we were able to attend thePLAY - Festival del Gioco in Modena and hold our very first public playtesting sessions for Vampire: The Maquerade - Milan Uprising. Although the illustrious members of the Camarilla did not deign to make an appearance, we did get the chance to meet quite a few of you Anarchs. We have received a lot of great feedback and have been reinvigorated by the positive reactions. Please enjoy a sneak preview of some of our playtest sessions in the photos below and stay tuned for more frequent updates as we rapidly approach the launch of the campaign!

2 « J'aime »

La page est live

Pour l’historique, ils ont dit que la licence les avait obligé à sortir le KS à cette date (ils auraient repoussé au max). Et que le PM resterait ouvert jusqu’à réception du premier KS. Perso je prendrai sûrement à ce moment là.

En bonus ils ont annoncé ce matin un partenariat avec Hasbro.

Un peu trop cher avec leur teburu system obligatoire (si je l’utilise uniquement pour Vampire).A voir a plus long terme quel jeux seront développer avec.

1 « J'aime »

à priori un sword & sorcery

pour le reste, sauf erreur Heroquest et D&D c’est chez Hasbro…

Heroquest sur teburu c’est même sur !

Et c’est déjà financé.

finalement peut-être pas de Sword & Sorcery… en tout cas il n’est plus cité dans la FAQ…

Will there be other Teburu games ?

Bad Karma :
Yes, we already announced a multi-title partnership with Paradox to bring World of Darkness on Teburu, and with Ares Games for a new line of Sword and Sorcery games.
But this is just the beginning. Teburu is an open platform: on top of the games Xplored is developing, we are already onboarding well-known gaming brands to develop their own games.
Last but not least, thanks to the Teburu SDK, the community will be able to develop and share their own games for free.

Milan uprising :
Yes, additional information about our next upcoming games will be released during the crowdfunding campaign. But this is just the beginning. Teburu is an open platform: on top of the games Xplored is developing, we are also working with other gaming brands to develop their own games.
Additionally, thanks to the Teburu SDK, the community will be able to develop and share their own prototypes, as well as test our own print-and-play prototype games.

à suivre dans les actus de la campagne…
et concernant le SDK et des développements par la communauté, on passe de « develop and share their own games for free » à « share their own prototypes »

Salut, personne n’est tenté ? Quelqu’un a déjà essayé le système avec leur premier jeu Bad Kharmas?

J’ai un all in de TBK qui n’arrivera pas avant octobre donc j’ai mis 1€ pour accéder au pm et bloquer le gift
Les reviews vidéos donnent l’impression d’un livre dont on est le héros plus qu’un rpg (ce qui était la promesse initiale)

L’un des modérateurs a assuré que c’était l’effet tuto du premier chapitre, seul joué par les reviewer qui fait ça

Donc j’attends car la collector a 250€ HT et hors fdp ça pique … Er ils ont ajouté des éléments de gameplay qui rendent la classique peu intéressante (extensions)

Donc j’attend de recevoir mon pledge et je verrais. Ils ont promis que le pm resterait ouvert suffisamment longtemps

1 « J'aime »

Merci de me rappeler de m’être mon euro

Oui c’est une bonne idée la tactique de l’euro PM, je m’en vais pledger du coup :sweat_smile:
Et on attend ton retour sur TBK, je pensais que ce serait déjà livré.
Le problème de ce Vampire c’est que je ne comprends pas quel style de jeu c’est. Ce n’est pas du Dcrawling, pas de la ressource, pas narratif pur…. Je m’y perds un peu

C’est censé être la déclinaison d’un rpg ou la tablette joue le rôle de maître de jeu. Tu as même des fiches de persos évolutives (ce qui le rend normalement plus profond niveau gameplay qu’un destinies par exemple)
Mais bon les vidéos de gameplay ne sont pas spécialement appétissantes

Mattes celle de boardgameco et passe les 15 première minute

1 « J'aime »

Je te rejoins la vidéo fr de gameplay me fait l’effet de pub à la quackaprout plutôt que d’influenceurs qui aiment les jeux. Ca ca me refroidi direct.

De plus j’ai encore plus l’impression de les voir sur les appareils que sur dark quarter par exemple.
La config conseillées c est une tablette ou pc pour la table et un appareil chacun, ça m’a fait lacher le suivi du projet.

Sur le mode de gestion du je (chacun a un service plutôt qu’un device qui tourne) c’est la marque de fabrique du concept

Donc la dessus il sont réglés
Mais lancer une campagne alors que le premier jeu n’est pas livré, ils commencent bien

Y a vraiment des gens qui pledgent le jeu vu la gueule du premier ? :slight_smile:

Le premier a été livré ? :smirk:

He ! Tu vas mieux parler de mon pledge a 470€ !
J’en attend bcp !!

@tchikaboum non tjs pas. Ils annoncent être sur la fin mais ça sera au mieux octobre

2 « J'aime »

Ahah je sais bien. J’attends aussi mon pledge. Mais je ne savais pas si c’était un taunt ou une erreur avec le Vampire Chapitre de Flyos.