Extension pour le jeu 5-minute Dungeon. Jeu collaboratif dans lequel, comme son nom l’indique, on doit battre un donjon en 5 minutes. Le jeu de base sera disponible lors du KS !
Pledges : La totale à 50+13 CA$ (env. 42€ fdpin). Extension seule à 25+7 CA$ (21€ fdpin)
Curses are a new kind of dungeon card that makes things a lot more interesting for players.
These cards get shuffled into the dungeon deck and have a variety of effects, just like Event cards. But instead of making you do a one-time action (such as discarding a card), Curses actually change the rules of the game. They might force you to play with fewer cards, or play with your hand face down, or stop you from using your ability. And on top of that, when they come out, they stick around for the rest of the dungeon… unless, of course, you can find a way to remove them!
As part of the Curses! Foiled Again! expansion, each of the bosses gets its own custom deck of cards which includes Curses, new Event Cards, and new Mini-Bosses. So the Curses you encounter when battling the Baby Barbarian are different from those you’ll encounter when taking on the Grime Reaper, and so on.
Things are about to get tougher in the dungeon! What will the heroes bring to the table to help them take on these new challenges? We’ll give you a preview next week.
Nouvel update, avec deux nouveaux héros et l’ajout de cartes de types artifacts
New Hero Class: The Druid and Shaman
To bring more firepower to the table, the heroes have joined forces with the Druid and Shaman. They’re a very versatile class, with an even split of all the resources and solutions to deal with all three of the dungeon card types (Monster, Person and Obstacle). And they also have their own type of resource card, which counts as any number of one type of symbol… great against bosses that need many resources to defeat (I’m looking at you, Grime Reaper, with your seven scroll symbols).
With them by your side, you can now play with up to 6 players!
New card type: Artifacts
As if that weren’t enough, we’ve also added Artifacts into the game. These cards have powerful effects that the party can activate once per dungeon.
Each hero class has its own artifact, and your party brings along the artifacts for any classes that aren’t being used that game. This provides some much-needed help for games with fewer players!
Next week, we’ll fill you in on all the details about the Kickstarter campaign itself!
L’extension va être à $20CDN (~13€), et pour le tout si vous avez loupé l’ancien KS avec les booster ça coûtera $50CDN (~33€)
Il y aura des Early Bird pour la Big Box (17h chez nous si je ne me trompe pas (11 am EST)).
Only one week to go until the Kickstarter! We’re going live on May 22.
With the Kickstarter right around the corner, we’d like to tell you a bit about what to expect from the campaign.
For starters, we’re going to keep this campaign short. Instead of running a month-long campaign as we did for the full game, we’re going to run the campaign for only two weeks, from May 22 to June 5.
Voting on Cards
We had a lot of fun last time when backers contributed by choosing the art and titles for some of the cards. (Remember the Necrobouncer? And the Low-Tech Mech?) We’re definitely going to do more of that. We love seeing what you can come up with! So for this campaign, we've decided to focus on community involvement rather than have any stretch goals. Regardless of how the funding turns out, we're going to include everything that was originally going to be a stretch goal. Everything is unlocked from day one.
We’ll reveal more details as the campaign unfolds, but it should be a lot of fun.
What Are the Reward Tiers?
We’ve had lots of questions about what rewards backers will be able to choose from. We’re going to be offering three backer levels:
Curses! Foiled Again! Expansion ($20 CDN… about $15 USD)
If you backed the previous project, then this is the backer level for you! You get everything you need to play the expanded game with your Kickstarter edition of 5-Minute Dungeon.
If you missed the previous Kickstarter and bought your copy of 5-Minute Dungeon at a store, then you probably wish there was some way to get the Kickstarter-exclusive content from the last campaign. Well, we have good news for you! This backer level comes with the expansion content, plus the 25 bonus cards and 2 bonus bosses from the previous Kickstarter bundled inside!
This bonus content is Kickstarter-exclusive… it won’t be sold in stores. Grab it now while you can!
The Big Box ($50 CDN… about $40 USD)
If you want the whole package, then you’ll want the Big Box! With one purchase, it gets you the whole deal: everything in the retail edition of 5-Minute Dungeon, plus the bonus cards and bosses from the previous Kickstarter, PLUS the Curses! Foiled Again expansion... all bundled together in one neat box!
Early Bird Special!
The campaign goes live next Tuesday, May 22 at 11 am EST! And to start things off with a bang, we’re planning to offer an Early Bird special: 500 copies of the Big Box at a $5 discount! Show up early and take advantage of this great deal!
Parmis ceux qui possèdent la voite de base, que pensez vous du « problème » de difficulté en fonction du nombre de joueurs?
Ci-dessous le lien boardgamegeek avec un fichier permettant d’équilibrer le donjon en fonction du nombre de joueurs et de la difficulté choisie (c’est « officiel » car ça a juste été repris de la version allemande du jeu - par kosmos - qui contenait tout ça)