Aeon Trespass: Odyssey - par Into The Unknown - Livraison Q1 2022

Tiens c’est étonnant, le late plege est encore ouvert, et il a même baissé de prix à la fin de KF, il est passé de 300 euros à 300 dollars !! C’est fou quand même :crazy_face:

1 « J'aime »

Dépêche-toi ! Ils n’attendent plus que toi avant de fermer :grin:

2 « J'aime »

Dans leurs rêves !! :smiley: C’est soi un bon prix plus tard soi je l’aurais jamais.

Par contre je suis pressé d’avoir mon all in primal pour me faire oublier celui là ^^.

1 « J'aime »

si tu veux, je te revends mon all-in à 450€ :slight_smile:

C’est le prix du all in en late pledge donc non pas vraiment intéressé xD. Sinon je l’aurais déjà pris :stuck_out_tongue: .

Je vais me venger sur mon all in primal qui me sera revenu moins cher qu’une core box xD.

Franchement, Primal n’est pas une copie de KDM, mais pour le prix, ça vaudra probablement plus le coup qu’un ATO à 300$ :slight_smile:

Si je n’avais pas déjà trop de jeux, je le prendrais p’têt, tiens :slight_smile:

Ah bah ça c’est clair et net. C’est d’ailleurs pour ça qu’il est totalement hors de question que je mette aussi cher pour une core box ato, alors que mon all in primal m’a coûte 250 balles.

Après tu aimerais pas c’est un jeu de cartes :stuck_out_tongue: . Après y a le monster hunter encore en late pledge si tu veux. Mais bon y a pas beaucoup de retours.

Oui voilà pour moins cher que la core box ato, je peux même m’offrir le all in monster hunter world. Ça confirme encore plus ma pensée.

Édit : ah bah monster hunter a fermé y a pas longtemps trop tard.

Ah oui, je me souviens maintenant pourquoi je ne l’ai pas pris :grin: (entre autres)

De toutes façons, des gros jeux comme ça, je ne peux pas en avoir 36… Avec mes potes, je peux soit sortir des jeux d’escarmouche, soit Krosmaster, soit des euro games… J’ai réussi à réunir une équipe pour Middara, mais… C’est au point mort depuis Novembre, deux des joueurs ayant eu un bébé. Je me tâte à recommencer une campagne en Solo :grin:

Je pense que tu rêves, c’est le prix KS

Je ne parle pas de « 5-cycle Pledge », mais d’un all-in

Mais si tu comptes avoir un pledge au prix KS, sans payer de frais de port, je te laisse chercher :wink:

1 « J'aime »

Ah oui d’accord xD. J’avais oublié que quand tu pledges tu prends que des all in chez all in à chaque fois xD.

Désolé je croyais que tu parlais d’un 5 cycles pledge (pardon pardon !). Pour moi les all in c’est gameplay lol (oui je sais je pense petit >< ).

Le soucis c’est que là j’ai carrément pas le budget en fait ><.

Pars contacter cetelem

Encore une update titanesque à faire briller les yeux… Que c’est beau tout ça ! Et le fin mot du shipping… oh joie tout est bien qui finit bien pour nous !

Update #84 - Everything! And shipping!

I’m back! As ‘teased’ in the comments, my vacation did not go exactly as planned, but what are you going to do? Soldier on, as we’ve been doing for the past 2 years, with every conceivable challenge and obstacle encountered and overcome!

Today’s Update is going to be juicy! Updated Rulebook, exclusive Game Content, shipping dates, sneak peeks! Let’s begin!

Rulebook Returns!

Last time I’ve mentioned you’ve left a staggering 30 000+ comments on our Beta Rulebook. Thank you! After combing through them, we’ve arrived at those we deemed important and helpful, and implemented them… along with some other Quality of Life Changes! This upload will not allow you to comment, but it will allow you to download the Rulebook.

Three important caveats! One, spoilers remain blurred or cut. This pertains mostly to the Mnemos Theatre section and the Master Index (which incorporates the Rulebook and all 3 Storybooks).

Two, story snippets remain. After carefully examining the comments and the Rulebook contents and layout, we came to the conclusion that they are sufficiently cordoned off the rest of the content (they’re mostly separate paragraphs) and that they serve as a vital cornerstone of worldbuilding, which you can’t fit anywhere else.

Three, there are some section that, based on your feedback, saw considerable re-structuring, like the Adventure rules, which you communicated were not clear enough. We also clarified the Ability Usage sections, as well further dividing the abilities, by adding a ‘kratos abilities’ sub-type. This does not add or re-work rules, but it clarifies the usage of those abilities.


Shipping Dates, Rates and Incentives!

With the Rulebook, the final piece of the puzzle, going to printers, and with some prognostics of the container market for the coming months, we sat down to once again calculate the shipping costs and book us a spot on a ship!

The bad news, for us, is that it doesn’t look the prices will come down significantly in the short term. Both the container shipping rates and domestic prices remain at an all time high. Maybe if we waited to Q4 2022… but we won’t.

As I told you in the last Update, I was willing to postpone the shipping of ATO, but only to a point. That point has now come, so we are moving with shipping and swallowing the increased costs. And the costs for Wave I shipping have risen to a staggering $500 000. That is, half a million Dollars. That’s an increase of more than $200 000 from our pre-COVID estimates. However, time and time again we’ve mentioned we’re not very frugal with our funds, we make safe investments and we plan for contingencies. Nobody could predict this kind of increase… but we can bear the burden.

So. We have now pre-paid our shipping. This means, come hell or high water, your game will ship at our designated time. The time window we managed to secure is end of June, beginning of July 2022. Loading should take around 2 weeks. Not ideal, but considering everything that has happened and is happening around the world, it’s still an amazing feat. From what we’re told, ATO takes twice the number of containers the big KS games usually need. Your packages will also be pre-packed with foam inserts, as we don’t want to compromise the safety of your games, and that takes additional space and weight.

Just to reiterate: we are swallowing the additional shipping costs, and we have already paid them.

However, I would be lying if I told you that this was not a significant increase for us. It’s $200 000. It’s a big deal. And, with all the content it has, ATO is still a bargain, while at the time of the KS it was a steal!

Taking a cue from our esteemed competition, we thought we could provide something special to you that would provide you with value and additional game content, while simultaneously allowing you to show your support for Aeon Trespass and the ITU Team – after all ATO is a game about coming together against world-shattering events!

This new game content is completely optional! We’ve re-opened the Pledge Manager for you. You will be able to add it to your pledge for the next 2 weeks, after which the PM will close!

Without further ado, I present you the Onward Odyssey Expansion and the Godforms Miniature Pack!

Onwards Odyssey Expansion

This is something I always wanted to do but just couldn’t find the time nor the place in the already packed ATO Core Game. I love post-games, even though they seldom realize the full potential on offer (I’m talking of video games, haven’t heard of a board game post game yet :wink:). This is my chance to try!

Onwards, to a larger Aeon Trespass world!

So, what is Onwards Odyssey? Onwards Odyssey is a new Storybook consisting of two mini-Cycles, one that takes place after Cycle I and another after Cycle II. These are not campaign extensions! They’re new, separate stories with a more relaxed feel – you’ve won the respective Cycle after all – now you can take a more leisurely approach to travel around the Map.

New special adventure hubs tell new, uplifting stories of people coming to grips with the ending of each of these Cycles. Mind you, there is still danger in the world, some brand new, but the way you approach it is different.

Along with the new stories come new rules. The aforementioned new Voyage rules that allow for a more relaxed pace, completely new rewards and penalties for adventures, and new thematic Battles.

As the Onwards Odyssey stories take place after the corresponding Cycle, you won’t be able to access normal Cycle hubs… but you will be able to experience some of the R&R, Dreams of Pharos and Inward Odyssey adventures you’ve missed.

To keep it interesting, there is a caveat to going on an Onwards Odyssey though! During normal play, once you cross from Cycle to Cycle, you base Argo stats replenish. No such luck with Onwards Odyssey! So, if you were running on empty and snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat at the last moment, you’ll be hard-pressed to rebuild your ship and crew before you move to Lakonia or Delphi.

Onwards Odyssey is more than 50k words of stories, rules, battles and secrets!

If you would like to support us in our fight against the shipping crisis just a little bit, you can add this Expansion to your pledge. It’s a separate item in the Pledge Manager. It will be available for purchase for the next 2 weeks, after which the PM will close!

This is a Wave I Exclusive item, meaning just like the Gamechanger or the Core Game, it won’t be available when the PM opens for Wave II. We do not want the Onwards Odyssey Expansion to cause any delays to ATO shipping, so: if we manage to print it on time, it will be delivered physically with your ATO Core Game; if, for some reason, we won’t make it on time for shipping, it will be delivered to you as a downloadable PDF along with the game and a separate physical copy will be delivered with your next order from us (including Wave II).

We hope you enjoy this idea and want to add Onwards Odyssey to your order! At the same time, we emphasize that this is an optional purchase. Not having it won’t influence your ATO campaigns in any way – no reduced content or playability.

We’ve added the Onwards Odyssey Expansion to the Pledge Manager, if you’re interested, you can add it to your pledged HERE!

Godforms Miniature Pack

For the discerning ATO aficionados, we’ve prepared something you’ve been long asking about and we’ve been somewhat hesitant to do. We have been thinking about it and we have been working on it for quite some time… but still we paused before pulling the trigger.

Do you see it?

No more! I present you with the official Godforms Miniature Pack! Inside, you will find a miniature for each and every Godform available across both the Core Game Cycles, as well as Cycles IV and V (excluding the one you’re already getting with the Core Game, Zeus Herodotus).

[art Ares]

That’s 14+ new miniatures, each one over the top and one of a kind! The eight coming with the Core Game you already know: Demeter, Poseidon, Ares, Hephaestus, Artemis, Athena, Hermes… Some of the rest you can probably figure out… some of the others, probably not!

[art Hades]

The Miniature Pack will come with a handful of Collector’s cards and other surprises!

Making miniature molds takes a lot of time (3+ months) and the Godform Miniature Pack does include spoilers for Cycles IV and V, it will be shipped with Wave II.

However, we would like to offer you a deal, stretch goals if you will! If 2500+ backers get the Godforms Miniature Pack now, before the PM closes, we’ll add the Cirrotrireme Wishender miniature to the pack! If 5000+ backers get it now, we’ll throw in the Ramfist Hekaton miniature too!

We’ve added the Godforms Miniatures Pack to the Pledge Manager, if you’re interested, you can add it to your pledged HERE!

I hope you find this a fun, new addition to the ATO collection and will grace us with your support! And if not, no worries, this is completely optional!


This mini is taller than a Hekaton…

Speaking of :wink:

Final Proof Incoming!

With the Rulebook at the printers, we’ll again receive a new final, complete production copy of the game. When we do, we’re going to do an unboxing and show off all of the content! (hidden cards excluded :P)

This should happen sometime during April, we’ll know a more exact date soon, as depends on many external factors (like the current COVID lockdown in Shanghai).

Sneak Peeks!

But before that happens, let me regale you with some previews from across the Cycles! This is a very eclectic collection of some of the cool stuff that awaits you in the game box – these are not spoilers per se, but if you want to go in completely blind, now’s the time to cover your eyes!


Ready? Go!

This is the kind of divider we use for the various Secret Decks of ATO.

Just say no.

We’re always asked about ‹ crazy › loot. Well. And look at those SC numbers

You may have seen the Hermesian Pursuer in TTS… but have you seen his final color scheme, UI and layout?

The black/grey UI denotes the Pursuer as an Adversary, that is not to be trifled with!

Maybe something from Cycle III?

Final Titan layout with final rules and stats for the Returner!

Because some Primordials need more than one Primordial Sheet…

Some Gear cards are so big they don’t fit on one card…

And what is this???

2 « J'aime »

Wep enfin moi jme demande quand même comment ils font pour nous sortir deux extensions du chapeau à 3 mois de la date de reception avec une fenêtre d’achat de 2 semaines mais par contre c’est cool qu’on est une date fixée :slight_smile: espérons qu’elle le reste :wink:

1 « J'aime »

Cest quoi exactement les miniatures godform, ca sinclut comment ca ?

Ils se sont inspirés de Awaken Realms pour le coup de l’extension qui va servir à payer les frais de port. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 « J'aime »

C’est bien de fournir un supplément pour aider aux fdp. Plutôt cool

1 « J'aime »

2 « J'aime »

Je sais pas comment ils font pour avoir que +40% de shipping par rapport au pré-covid… je pense que tout le monde aimerait déjà n’avoir que +200% mais +40% c’est un peu magique (ou c’est la Wave 1 par rapport au total prévu toutes vagues ?)

J’avais pas vu passer ça mais je trouve ca méchamment élégant !!!

C’est la facture de shipping totale, transit + dispatch, les prix des dispatcher ont quand même moins augmenté que la première partie.
Pré covid le transit représentait une beaucoup plus petite part du prix total du shipping que maintenant.

Je n’ai aucun soucis avec ces ajouts payants mineurs (comme pour AR).

En revanche venir nous annoncer que c’est une bonne nouvelle qu’ils envoient début juillet alors que ça devait partir en mai lors de la dernière annonce juste avant la campagne de Forlorn est un peu discutable.

2 « J'aime »

Moi ce qui me dérange c’est d’annoncer que l’extension Onwards Odyssey n’est achetable que pour la Wave I mais au cas où ils sont en retard dessus ça sera donné en PDF et envoyé lors d’une commande suivante (Wave 2 ou autre).
Donc si tu ne prends que la CoreBox, t’es même pas sûr de recevoir l’add-on en physique à moins de ressortir le porte monnaie.

Les figurines c’est Wave 2 donc là pour ceux qui n’ont pris que la Core Box, c’est déjà dispensable mais là encore plus.

Je pense qu’ils l’enverront qd même en vague 2 même si tu as que ça, c’est un tout petit fascicule