Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum - par Knight Games - fin le 7 février

Disons que dans la section commentaire Harry Potter, un gars a appelé à manifester leur mécontentement sur la page Batman pour se faire entendre. D’où l’effet « masse » avec plusieurs mécontents d’un coup (c’est leur droit hein, pas de jugement). Un peu comme les backers de Village Attacks peuvent le faire sur the Everrain et le projet de la nouvelle structure qu’à montée le cofondateur de GG sans livrer ni donner de nouvelles sur ses précédents jeux. Donc j’ai voulu me faire ma propre opinion. Après, on est beaucoup plus suspicieux depuis l’affaire MG et c’est certainement une bonne chose.

1 « J'aime »

Le risque de retards d’un projet ne vient pas interférer dans ma prises de décision si je back ou non car sinon on kickstarterait jamais vu qu’ils ont tous des retards. c’est certains qu,il y a un lien avec la confiance a mener a terme le projet mais disons que je le met tout en bas de ma liste de mes considérations

Nouveau Dev Diary sur le combat…


Each character has their own techniques and abilities, ideally adapted for their actions to be able to face these encounters in a funny way that will give us a fantastic experience in the game.

Hello, inmates! We return with news from the Arkham Asylum to show you a crucial element to use when trying to escape from this place: Combat.

In « Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum » the Combat system adapts to each character thus giving it an original touch that will make you change your strategy depending on the Super-Villain you have chosen.

The Combat action is one of the most complex actions because, apart from needing a dice roll to solve it, the life and ability of the opponent must also be considered in order to win the confrontation.

Combat works by pitting the opponent’s values against those of the character. The success or failure of the fight will be determined depending on the opponent’s strength and handicaps (if they have them) and your roll result and the additional abilities of the Super-Villain (if you have them and have decided to activate them).

Each character has their own techniques and abilities, ideally adapted for their actions to be able to face these encounters in a funny way that will give us a fantastic experience in the game. The abilities of the characters are shown on their character card, and the character skills cards which you will have to unlock by successfully overcoming the objectives required to unlock character improvements. Activating these additional skills will give the character certain advantages that they can use during the game.

The mechanics behind the game play were designed to create a playing experience in which escaping was not only the final objective but also the most exciting part of the game, therefore, several handicaps can be found that will hinder the success of the characters. Hence, you can also have additional elements so that you can try to counteract the difficulties that you encounter along the way.

This is the way in which our Super-Villains will face the Bat-freak and his friends. What style do you think each of the characters will have?

3 « J'aime »

Et aujourd’hui on apprend… qu’il y aura des cartes…

J’espère que la DA n’est pas définitive, ça ne me branche pas du tout (surtout celle des ennemis).

C’est clair avec une licence pareil ça serait bien dommage et moi aussi ça elle m’a pas franchement emballé cette DA genre dessin d’enfants multicolores…

1 « J'aime »

Le nouveau Dev Diary…

Update #16 - Dev Diary: We Have A Plan!

Do you have a plan to escape from here? You’re going to need it if you want to successfully escape from Arkham Asylum.

In this game the Escape Plan is the most important thing. So, in order to make all the games challenging, and different, all the 4 Escape Plans included in the core game (1 for each different Boss), has a huge impact on the gameplay.

These Escape Plans are dynamic, strategic and fun! They are created to match the boss that is currently present in Arkham Asylum and thus make the gaming experience more immersive.

For instance, included in the core box is the Aaron Cash related Escape Plan, and that has a completely different mechanic than would be introduced for example by the Killer Croc Escape Plan.

The Aaron Cash Escape Plan is our simplest one, and is the perfect way to introduce you into the game. It has some really easy mechanics to follow when you reach the different Alert levels, and for the requirements to get items.

The Final Stage Cards of Aaron Cash are also an “introduction” to this part of the game, and to make faster games which are a lot of fun. They follow a direct mechanic where you need to find the best way to succeed in the final stage of the puzzle fighting against Aaron Cash and his team, in a final and desperate race to stop more reinforcements arriving and make your escape completely impossible.

Pretty amazing, right? Let’s take a look at Killer Croc’s escape plan to see the differences!

In Killer Croc’s Escape Plan all of this changes, you have a more thematic gamemechanic introduced in the later stage of the game. The Flooding markers represent Killer Croc finding some Water Bombs and trying to flood the whole of Arkham Asylum. You will need to make a quick race to the end to avoid this plan succeeding before yours, because you are trying to escape in a boat through the sewers.

In addition, the Final Stage is completely different. While the Aaron Cash’s Escape Plancan be done by beating just 1 of the Final Stage cards, and the tile (the Escape Plan tile) doesn’t have any special rules related, the Killer Croc’s one does, and you need to focus in reducing the incoming « Flood » markers if you want to succeed with your plan.

Also Killer Croc is going to try to stop you by searching your location, and hitting all the players inside that tile, so you cannot try to remove 1 Final Stage Card per round with all the players focusing on a tile because it can be really dangerous.

These plans are not the only ones that are different because, as we have said before, there are other Escape Plans that will also work thematically with mechanics suiting their bosses. Like Hugo Strange’s Escape Plan that is a final mind battle against the devious doctor, or the Victor Zsasz’s one, in which you need to try to avoid him continue committing crimes through all the Asylum during the usual game play to stop him from becoming stronger and thus have an easier Final Stage fight against him into the Shadows of his Final Stage tile.

In general, these plans have been created to give a unique experience in each game. You will have to follow their steps, get the tools showing in the funny examples and prepare yourself well because the Boss will be waiting for you. Do you think you will be able to defeat them? Find out in « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum » and…


Un premier Let’s Play par OnTableTop…

1 « J'aime »

Je suis clairement pas le public de ces vidéos de +1h et j’ai visionné que qq morceaux. Mais je m’attendais à un jeu plutôt déjanté et rythmé et là ce que j’ai vu c’est pas ça. Après c’est peut-être le format de vidéo qui veut ça mais pas plus hypé par cette vidéo. Du coup j’en espère plus!

1 « J'aime »

Je confirme ça a pas l’air foufou.

1 « J'aime »

Pas non plus hyper emballé pour le moment, à voir dans la durée. Bon déjà, ya pas de dés, donc ça fera pas doublon avec le Monolith. :slight_smile:

Quelques figs dévoilées en plus dans la nouvelle update…

Update #18 - Dev Diary: We'll Be More At The Party!

These are the some rewards that you will get at the beginning of the « Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum » campaign for free, but we have many surprises for you to acquire during the campaign…

Release day for « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum » is near. So, with the campaign beginning on January 24 we would like to give you the necessary information about some exclusive free benefits for Backers of supporting the campaign, and which miniatures will be unlocked during the first 24 hours.

First of all, if you are a Backer before the campaign starts, congratulations! You have got the Bane patient skin miniature where Bane appears in his patient uniform reading a book. An exclusive Bane miniature!

If you are a Backer within the first 24 hours of the project you will get the exclusive patient skin set for free. This set will complement the exclusive Bane patient skin awarded to those who registered support of the project before it launched.

Of course, during the campaign there will be Stretch Goals.

We don’t want to show you all the Stretch Goals we have in store because it would spoil the fun, but we can show you what the first free daily unlockable will be to give you a taste of what is to come…

Commissioner Gordon will be the first free daily reward. This exclusive miniature will be a new boss for the « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum » game and as such will increase the re-playability and versatility of the game. Are you prepared to face the law in order to escape from Arkham Asylum? It will be a confrontation in which you will have to use all your strategies and skills to defeat him.

Obtaining all of these exclusive miniatures during the first day of the campaign is pretty amazing, but also, thanks to the social goals you can also obtain exclusive miniatures such as the Penguin patient skin and Harley Quinn’s psychiatrist skin.

Besides, when the campaign reaches the goal you will get the exclusive Riddler (Playable Character) miniature for free!

These are the some rewards that you will get at the beginning of the « Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum » campaign, but we have many surprises for you to acquire during the campaign.

Playable characters, Escape Plans and much more will be waiting for you at Gamefound in the « Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum » campaign on January 24. Take advantage of this opportunity and become a Backer to get the mentioned products, stay tuned for our latest updates before the campaign starts and…


ou sinon je le prends que pour les figs, mais ne serait-ce pas un peu de la gourmandise ?


Video How To Play…

1 « J'aime »

Est ce les joueurs qui rendent ceci si mou? Ça ne donne meme pas envie de visionner.

1 « J'aime »

2h30 de vidéo, c’est trop long.
La prise son est dégueu (il y a de l’écho)
La vidéo est toute sombre, ils font des économies d’électricité chez Knight models :thinking: ?
Franchement, la vidéo ne donne pas envie :worried:.

J’espère qu’il y aura d’autres vidéos pour se faire une idée :slightly_smiling_face:.

C’est les joueurs, ils ont 2 de tension.

1 « J'aime »

J’ai zappé à plusieurs endroits et oui ils sont sous calmant.

Étrange en ces temps de proposer une vidéo d’un tel niveau, officiellement.

Je ne parle pas de payer un yes man us , ca on s’en passe aussi :grin:

1 « J'aime »

2 vidéos et la hype est retombée proche de zéro… Mon banquier vous remercie !

2 « J'aime »

on va quand même regarder la campagne, mais je pense ne pas pledger.

1 « J'aime »

Contenu de la core Box

4 « J'aime »