Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum - par Knight Games - fin le 7 février

Vous pouvez me rappeler ce que ça va être niveau gameplay? J’ai cru comprendre que ça allait être un peu comme nemesis par rapport à la semi coop.

Nouvelle update pre-GF avec la présentation de Scarecrow/L’épouvantail et sa figurine…

7 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update pre-GF avec le deuxième Design Diary…


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If you want to escape, it’s time to get to know the game better…

In « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum », players must think of themselves (and what other players can do) to win and escape from Arkham Asylum. In this update we explain some details on how to play « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum ».

In order to start playing « Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum » we must take into account certain key points of the game.

The first thing is to decide the number of players, considering that it is made from one to five participants. Once decided, each one will choose a super-villain to play with.

The next thing is to choose an escape plan. Escape plans carry the information necessary to configure the game and what will happen while playing.

The escape plan indicates the number of rooms that will be used, and the number of additional corridors that must be placed in order to properly develop the objectives of each player such as crafting, combating, etc.

To prepare the rooms, the room of the cells of the super-villains will be placed first. This room is the only one that is turned face up from the beginning. From that moment on they will be placed in contact with up to 3 of the edges of this room, a corridor and a room chosen at random and face down. This will be the way to place the board game until you have placed all the necessary rooms indicated by the plan.

At that time, additional corridors may be connected at the players discretion.

Finally, the control board will be placed with the alert and time meter set at 1.

The escape plan also shows the player which « boss » they will fight against to snatch an iconic object from it (like Aaron Cash’s hook), and also four other objects that each of the other players must find. All of this will be necessary to make the plan a success.

Each object will indicate which room it is in and what are the requirements to be able to obtain it first.

With all these elements ready, each player takes the character cards for each of their super-villains, the Infamy dial and the tokens associated with their character in order to start the game.


In « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum » each round consists of two phases: player phase and adversary phase.


Players will get a character and a group of opponents. The latter will be obtained randomly.

The player phase is when the player can perform actions with his character. This phase occurs first, and is usually followed by other player phases until everyone finishes their phases, then the adversary phase will start in the game. Generally, the phases come in this order.

Each action will have a cost, usually one action point. Players have to be smart, because if they run out of action points, they will be useless.

If the players act with cunning and luck, they will be closer to escape. However, if they are unlucky or make a bad decision, the alert level will increase, and if the alert level reaches the maximum, Batman will appear!

Watch out for Batman because, although he’s a weirdo, he’s also the most powerful adversary. He will go after the most successful super-villain of the moment and the latter will struggle to survive the attack.

When all players have performed the actions, the event cards they drew at the beginning will develop random events, usually negative. They will have to overcome the circumstances to win!


This is one of the most fun moments of the game, because players will switch roles and play as their own adversaries. Will you prefer to attack your adversaries or trick the guardians and vigilantes to win as a team? That’s your choice! Each player will draw a card and play as an adversary miniature to attack a super-villain.


When everyone has played as an adversary, the round will be over and the players will start another round. There will be a limit to the number of rounds, so everyone will need to be quick in their strategies.

That’s all for now… But remember, all backers who follow the project before the start of the campaign will receive a free Bane (Arkham Asylum Patient Character Skin) to escape from Arkham Asylum with a unique and original look.

In the next updates we will talk in depth about more mechanics (such as crafting, event cards or combat) of « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum » but in the meantime…

Nouvelle actualité pré-Financement de Jeu avec la deuxième Revue de conception.

Please !

C’est vrai pardon, j’avais oublié d’enclencher le traducteur automatique MG :sweat_smile:

Focus sur les cartes pour ce nouveau Dev Diary…


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In this update you will learn about some of the cards you can find during your escape from Arkham Asylum.

We are back to bring more news about our next Gamefound project “Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum”. This time we will talk about cards.

In the game we can find several types of cards that will indicate from the character’s information to the type of encounters that will take place in the Arkham Asylum.

The Character Cards will be one of the most important. These cards bring all the necessary information to know the skills, which dice to roll and possible weapons that can be made with the objects that the character will find.

These objects are represented on their own cards. In the Item Cards deck each card contains an item that will give an additional ability to the character (you can only use it once, then you will have to discard it) or save it to craft it together with other items.

Each item will have one of these letters: M (Metal), P (Plastic), O (Organic) or M/P/O (choose the one you want). These will determine what kind of material these objects are made of and you will be able to put them together to create the weapons shown on the character cards. The crafting action has no cost and the materials to be used will be specified on your miniature’s character card.

There are also theTip-off****Cards that will expose certain objectives that you must overcome together during the turn. If this does not happen, the players will be penalized by raising the alert level and giving them an event card each.

Event Cards are the most common cards in the game. They have two functions. The first will be to give handicaps to the game, and the second will be to point out the location of the noise as you advance through the corridors of Arkham Asylum.

The Adversaries****Cards show the adversaries that will enter the game. When two noise markers match in the same room they will be removed and replaced by a group of adversaries. To find out which adversaries will enter the game, draw a card from the Adversary card deck. As the alert level rises, tougher opponents will be added to the deck to increase the difficulty of the game.

These are some of the cards you will be able to find during the escape. As you already know, « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum » will be released on January 24, so stay tuned and…


3 « J'aime »

Au tour de Two-Face / Double-Face…

3 « J'aime »

Les renders 3D sont jolis en tout cas.

Je viens juste de comprendre qu’on joue les méchants… faut vraiment que je fasses attention au texte ^^!

1 « J'aime »

C’est d’ailleurs ce qui me plait dans ce jeu. Mais sans VF annoncée je crains que ça coince (même si gameplay simple). Enfin on verra bien, le tarif va peser dans la balance aussi.

VF selon le nombre de backeur il me semble

3 « J'aime »

il faut 500 backers français pour une VF, on sait pas si c’est juste les règles traduites ou tout le jeux
C’est dans la FAQ de la page Gamefound

4 « J'aime »

Pour moi, « translate the game », c’est tout le jeu non ?

oui je pense, mais c’est pas comme sur kickstarter ou on sait combien par pays participe au projet. Après il faut voir si c’est eux qui ce charge de la traduction ou font appel à un éditeur.

Dernière actu dans laquelle ils font bien d’insister sur le système d’alarme graduel et la découverte des tuiles « à la Nemesis » qui sont des points forts du jeu je pense.

3 « J'aime »

On a une idée du prix de celui-ci ? Madame adore Batman, j’aime jouer des méchants, on pourrait conjuguer nos passions communes!

Pas encore mais ils ont communiqué aujourd’hui sur une update qui devrait peut-être donner plus d’infos…

The campaign will run for two weeks. Next week we will have a special update on the campaign that you should not miss!

En attendant, ils ont posté un nouveau Dev Diary il y a quelques heures sur le Control panel

3 « J'aime »

Merci ! Du coup après ta réponse je suis allé voir la section commentaire sur GF. J’avais manqué la shitstorm liée à leur précédente campagne. Cest pas engageant du coup…

De quelle shitstorm parles-tu ?

Ben la suite de commentaires dans la section dédiée sur GF où les gars appellent à ne pas backer. Entre le 20 et le 24 les seuls commentaires sont pour les dégommer et appeler à ne pas backer :

Ça me rappelle la pré-campagne de Lobotomy 2 où les seuls commentaires appelaient aussi à ne pas backer en les taxant de voleurs.

1 « J'aime »