Blood - par Ludus Magnus Studio - livraison en déc. 2025

Marvel zombies était plutôt beau dans l’ensemble, pourquoi en serait-il different pour Deceased ?

Depuis que je me suis m’y à la peinture sur fig’ maintenant 2 ans, j’ai commencé par Zombicide qui est vraiment pas ouf en qualité mais c’est lié au prix et ça date maintenant (il n’y a que les abominations qui sont chouette).

J’ai peint The witcher The old worl, Primal et BRWRebirth elles sont toutes de bonne qualité.
J’ai en projet à la maison Hybris, Oathsworn, Deep Madness reborn et MBRagnarok et pareil les figurines sont de bonne qualité.

MBR est même au dessus du reste.

J’attend Tainted Grail, Dragon Eclipse, Blood, Grimcoven et Odalin donc je pourrais comparer mais je n’ai aucun doute sur la qualité des figurines.

L’impression 3D grand public a tellement évolué en 2 ans que je suppose que c’est la même chose côté professionnel.

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Bah franchement les photos sur les updates me font pas rêver…. Après on verra en vrai :slight_smile:

Peindre du 36mm en boucle surtout en x4 avec les Zombicide il faut être prêt mentalement ^^
Souvent rien qu’avec un brossage à sec fait apparaitre pleins de détails que tu n’avais pas vu de base.

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Nouvel update :


Teen Wolf!

Update #35|100%xauto

New Hero and Development!

Hello, Guys!

Happy New Year and welcome back to Transylvania!

The year 2025 is off to a great start with the unveiling of a miniature of one of the most “beastly” Heroes from the crazy cast of Vasile’s Follies!

During the campaign, you asked us several times to add a werewolf, and what better time to pay homage to one of our favorite movies from the 1980s?

So here is Martino, the Teen Wolf of Blood, who can now also boast a fantastic miniature, ready to wreak havoc in Vlad’s castle!

As in his concept, Martino retains the typical elements of a Florentine Soccer player, with his two-tone Renaissance pants and his inseparable leather ball, which he loves to chase… but most importantly to hurl in the face of the hated bloodsuckers!

Compared to the concept art we showed you during the campaign (which had a slightly stylized style), his miniature has a more rugged and « realistic » look, in line with the classic image of a werewolf, but without losing his crazy and menacing aura… as any worthy member of Vasile’s Follies should have!

But his rules have also changed! In these months of development, we have made some changes to Martino’s initial traits. At first, his Madness value was one of his lowest values, as we wanted to represent his low sanity due to his werewolf status combined with his young age.

However, playtests revealed that a werewolf should have greater resistance to the horrors of Vlad’s castle—after all, he too is a monstrous creature!!

We thought about these factors and since he didn’t seem to perform as well as the other Heroes in playtests, we decided to revolutionize his playstyle a bit and make him as performant and fun as the rest of the Follies cast.

Now you can feel like a werewolf as you use your superior physical abilities to tear apart the bloodsuckers and their henchmen.

Another new feature is also his very tough Florentine Ball that can now be thrown like a projectile at enemies or thrown at a specific spot on the Battlefield to make Martino get there super fast!

Martino has thus become one of the most mobile Heroes in the game, as well as being lethal both up close and at a distance!

As always we would be happy to receive your feedback on his miniature and design, but read on, because we still have more to tell you.

About the development of the game

We have read on the message boards that some of you would like more details on the state of development of the game, in addition to the presentation of new miniatures and Heroes.

We think this is a more than legitimate request, but we also want to reassure you that if we have been talking more about news than development so far, it’s actually a very good sign!

Blood is already an extremely solid game, and the playtests confirm that it works perfectly. This means that we are not making any major changes to the basic mechanics: the game you saw during the campaign is already very close to its final version!

Tests are allowing us to refine some details, especially to improve the quality of life, the balance of Heroes, and that of Bosses, but in general, Blood will remain the game we presented to you, and if you want to try it by yourself, remember that you can test it on Tabletop Simulator (TTS) thanks to the official porting we have made!

Click here to try the Blood on TTS!

When we have defined the changes that we will make to Blood, we will show them to you. We will also start working on the expansions soon, and at that point, we will be able to flood you with news about the mechanics that will be added to the base game.

Anyway, we can reveal that Michele Morosini, the author of The Breach will be working on the final version of the rulebook for Blood!

The Breach is our latest game, being delivered right now, and is receiving very good reviews from those who have tried it. Above all, the rulebook is being appreciated for its completeness and clarity. We are sure that Michele’s talent and thoroughness will make a great contribution to making Blood even more unmissable!

We hope we have reassured those of you who had expressed some doubts about the validity of this project, but in any case, we are always here to read you and collect your suggestions :wink:

Well, that’s all for today too! See you in February with a new Blood update!

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C’est vrai que Marino a beaucoup plus de gueule qu’avant et son gameplay est intéressant.
J’espère que le travail sur le livre de règles sera porteur. Dans toutes les langues…

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