Bureau assis debout

Au bureau, j’ai un Varidesk : VariDesk® Cube Corner® 36 | Stand-Up Desk Converters & Risers | Vari®
Je passe à peu près 40% de mon temps debout et ça m’a bien soulagé les lombaires. Je pourrais plus m’en passer.

Wow ! Je vais zieuter ca. Avec un tapis de marche et c’est bon :sunglasses:

fiou l’update que je viens de recevoir :

Cet update n’est pas publique, impossible de le voir sans contribuer au projet

Hello Backers,

For the past few days, we have received a lot of enquiries about the relationship between Nate & Ergoplax. We would like to be transparent and give the full story from the beginning to end, and we have an important announcement to make at the very end.

Since the inception of Ergoplax, our team has signed a co-development and production contract with Nate, where Nate is responsible for production and provide its sit-and-stand desk experience; while Ergoplax would provide new designs and improvements, run Kickstarter campaign to collect data and market and sell the desks online. The contract also states the co-developed desk is an exclusive for Ergoplax and cannot be sold under Nate or other distributor brands. In addition, Nate instructed us to show that the entire team is from Nate, and provided exclusive exhibition and factory photos for us to include in the campaign. This is to show they are fully committed to the project. They did not want us to commit to another manufacturer if Ergoplax proves to be a success.

For the first 20 days, everything was fine. We have agreed that the desk is equipped with our originally-designed controller, PCB and accessories add-ons, and they will produce the order based on our designs. We also agreed that during the process, whenever we would receive existing product enquiries, they will be forwarded to Nate. At the same time, when they receive Ergoplax enquiries, they will forward them back to us. As one of our backers’ screencap shows, Eric is one of the bosses in Nate, and he was responsible for receiving all the enquiries of Ergoplax. Also, Nate has replied to backers’ email enquiries through his email eric@natekj.com at the beginning stages. So, this can already prove that the partnership has been existing since the beginning.

After 20 days, things started to go south. Because of our success and popularity on Kickstarter, this has sparked complaints from Nate’s existing OEM customers, enquiring the reason why they do not get offered the price point or design function that we possess. Currently, we are doing Kickstarter promotion, which is 40% off of retail price with well-considered design. There is no product like Ergoplax existing on the market. Understandably, this has started to upset Nate because these salty OEM customers and distributors are not offered the same thing that we have, which is in a way affecting their businesses.

That also explains why at the beginning, Eric from Nate would reply to customer service enquires from backers, with his own email eric@natekj.com and through Alibaba’s platform, admitting that Ergoplax is part of the Nate team and we are working together.

Thank you Sean for showing the verification.

They were also very responsive. This shows the responsibility Nate was adhering to since it was stated in the contract, which was signed by both parties. However, ever since the complaints and pressure from Nate’s existing OEM customers started pouring in, Nate decided to disregard the signed contract and their behavior has shown that they have changed their mind.

This was when they told us one of the team photos from the campaign had to be removed, with the reason two of the employees had left and started working for another company. They suggested to us that we cannot let others know that we co-design or co-work together, denying our original « partnership » formed, which was evident with the contract. They would only admit that we are « supplier/client » relationship. They would also like to pull out in helping us to respond enquiries about Ergoplax on Alibaba. However, since our popularity and the interest for Ergoplax is here, they would still like to produce the desk and guarantee October shipment.

Another thing that put us off about Nate is that, a few backers have been in touch with Nate’s general manager Linda, with conversation quoted by backers in the comment section. When we approached Nate and enquired about this, they say Linda has not been in touch with our backers. This has also further confused us more and make us wonder if Nate is trustworthy. We were also informed that after the launch of Ergoplax in late July, there was a significant drop in their overseas sales, which is Linda’s responsibility.

As more backers started digging into this relationship, we have also found out that on one hand, Nate wants to get our order; but at the same time, they claimed that they can offer Ergoplax’s desk directly in bulk, as long as shipping cost can be afforded by backers.

Thank you Juaquesch for providing proof of their breach of contract.

Thank you Jerry for providing more evidence of breach of contract.

This is a blatant betrayal of our original contract, where everything related to Ergoplax is originally designed by our own in-house team. With this dishonest and despicable behavior, we have decided to change partner/supplier. The technical design aspects and know-how is in our hands, and so far we have been approached by three other factories that are willing and able to produce our desk. Since we have been proving our sales volume on Kickstarter so far, these more reputable and bigger factories are willing to produce for us and we have decided to switch our production from Nate to others.

We hope our backers are following the whole incident and understand our stance. However, we must also state clearly that if any of our backers no longer feel good about our project, because of the incident between Nate and Ergoplax (which is the last thing our team has hoped to happen), you can cancel the pledge anytime. Kickstarter would not charge backers anything until the campaign ends. We do hope to retain your support until the very end, yet we also understand the choice is in our backers’ hands.

This announcement will be repeated for every update that we are going to post until the campaign ends, as a disclaimer so all backers will be informed. Also, if any backers are only informed about the whole incident after the campaign ends, they can still ask for the full refund.

From this announcement on, Nate’s factory information will be officially removed from our campaign until we have further confirmation with other potential factories, where this time we have learnt from experience that everything has to be dealt with carefully, and finding the trustworthy and reliable partner is of utmost importance.

We also understand that some backers would suspect the authenticity of this announcement, and even suggest we do not have a contract with Nate. As a matter of fact, we do have a contract with all the information of both parties sealed with company stamps. We will not publicly share this confidential information but if Kickstarter requests, we would be able to provide this to them to prove that we have been telling the truth.

Although we are very disappointed this once great collaborative partnership has soured, we are still very grateful to Eric for all his support. It is a shame he cannot overcome the pressures from his partners and existing distributors. Hope this explains what has been happening on our side. Sorry for all the confusion caused and thank you for your patience while our team has been trying to figure out the best way to deal with the whole incident.
Talk soon!

Ça va, il reste 19 jours pour unpledge si nécessaire.

ça refroidi quand même un peu toutes ces histoires, même si on peut remercier leur volonté de transparence. Je me suis pas décidé de mon côté pour le moment

C’est classique avec ce genre de produits ces histoires. Pour ça que jamais je prendrais ça en financement participatif, surtout que de nos jours il y a de vraies alternatives dispo qui ont fait leurs preuves.

1 « J'aime »

C’est quoi les points d’hésitation (pas pris le temps de lire :see_no_evil:)?

En resumé, « ergoplax » avat un deal avec la societé « nate »:
Ergo s’occupe du design des bureau, de la campagne kickstarter, de la pub, du marketing… et une fois les fonds recupérés de la campagne, ils passent la commande / production a Nate pour produire les bureaux.

Mais en gros du coup yavait pas mal d’inquiet qui pensait qu’il n’ y avait pas de vrai lien entre ergo et nate, et que c’etait probablement du scam.
Pas mal de backers ont donc contacté Nate pour avoir des infos sur la veriacité de l’affaire
=> oui pas de soucis ils sont bien en lien avec ergoplex
Sauf que twist, ils auraient proposé de bypasser ergo et leur campagne pour traiter directement avec eux (uniquement dans le cas de grosses commandes, pas juste pour 1 pu 2 desks).

Ya aussi le fait qu’au depart, Nate leur a demander de dire qu’Ergo est une sous branche de leur maison , mais que finalement (et ce serait a la suite des clients habituels de nate qui ne sont pas content content de voir un produit moins cher proposé a un autre client) ils ne veulent plus qu’ils soient presentés comme associé mais uniquement comme fournisseur).

Du coup Ergoplex est pas super super emballé par cette attitude, ils stoppent donc de bosser avec eux, et sont en cours de nego avec « d’autres fournisseurs »

bref perso j’ai baissé ma contribution a 10HK$ pour suivre mais c’est tendu…
Et c’est dommage, je viens de demenager et j’ai besoin d’un bureau

1 « J'aime »

On peut saluer la transparence c’est sûr.
Et ça répond à certaines questions que se posaient les backers (genre les changements de photos en début de campagne)

Je reste, je vais voir comment ça se passe d’ici la fin de la campagne

Non seulement le fond de la situation est pour le moins calamiteux, mais de plus, étaler leurs mamailles / querelles internes de la sorte (au lieu de résoudre les problèmes en interne) est tout sauf professionnel / ne peut que nuire au KS.

Perso, si j’étais vous, je me retirerais d’urgence d’un tel kickstarter. Après chacun fait ce qu’il veut (mais venez pas pleurer plus tard).

1 « J'aime »

Je suis pas tout à fait d’accord avec toi sur le fait que ça nuise au KS.
Je dirais auX KS en général.
D’un point de vue Backer, je trouve qu’il est plus rassurant d’avoir un porteur de projet qui assume les problèmes et qui les explique de façon claire et précise qu’un porteur de projet qui balance aç sous le tapis.

Surtout dans la situation actuelle où il y a des indices de problèmes sous-jacent, dans les commentaires des backers.

Si l’entreprise ne dit rien, c’est suspicieux, et là le KS en pâtit et les gens se barrent.
Je ne vois pas en quoi c’est pas professionnel ? Le problème est résolu en interne comme ils le disent, et ils expliquent le changement de situation/de fournisseur donc transparence pro pour moi.

1 « J'aime »

On se fait un ptit comparatifs de poeles en acier après ?

3 « J'aime »

Je les préfère en fonte, est ce mal ?

1 « J'aime »

On est à 22h de la fin qui reste?
Ils sont quand meme à 770 00€ !?

Perso non, trop de red flags, et la somme est trop importante pour yolo.

Justement il m’en faut un isolé. Si tu peux commencer à regarder…

Au final, j’ai défendu le projet, mais je n’ai pas trop aimé leur attitude à la fin (le côte où ils s’en prennent à un mec en particulier dans les commentaires)
Et j’ai finalement abandonné…

Je sors ce sujet de sa tombe car je faisais le tour de mes projets en cours (et donc des projets abandonnés)
En effet, il semble que lâcher le projet ait été une bonne idée.
Les backers n’ont pas reçu les bureau, ils seraient coincés quelque part, leur site est down, et les backers n’arrivent pas à se faire rembourser…
Un bon gros scam en fin de compte !

4 « J'aime »

J’avoue que de mon côté, je trouvais l’idée très tentante, mais j’ai eu assez de déconvenue depuis 2 ans sur des projets hors JdS pour m’embarquer dans cette galère… :sweat_smile:

2 « J'aime »