Dungeon Drop (et ext. Dropped Too Deep) - par Phase Shift Games

Pour ceux qui auraient loupé le ks il est en pré-commande ici en version deluxe

Cool :ok_hand:

On a bien fait de backer tiens…

Petite question, pourquoi barrez vous le prix de 30€ pour mettre 26€ ? :thinking:

ça semble être une promo

Oui mais sur une précommande c’est bizarre. Le prix va augmenter après la précommande ou c’est juste un effet de style?

Update :

Good morning!

This is one of those updates that just makes us SMILE! First we will give a brief world-wide shipping update, which should be received favorably by everyone. Then, we will ask for your help on something that is SUPER important to a company like ours - if we succeed, there will be gifts for all!! Let’s get to it…

The Good News - Shipping Update

Ok - as of this morning I learned that our company in China received word from their government that they are clear to return to work. That means that all shipping regions worldwide are now ACTIVE! Here’s the specifics:

  • USA : Shipping has been completed! If you have not received a shipping notification or your game by Friday this week (Feb 21), please reach out to support@phaseshiftgames.com, and we will check your order status and figure out how to get you your game. But as of now, thousands of packages have been sent and received successfully. Enjoy!
  • Canada-friendly : Shipping is underway! If you have not received a shipping notification or your game by Friday next week (Feb 28), please reach out to support@phaseshiftgames.com, and we will check your order status and figure out how to get you your game.
  • Canada-direct : See the Asia and rest-of-world below.
  • EU, Australia, and New Zealand : Your boat will be landing soon! The one headed to Barcelona lands today, and the one for Australia lands on Monday I believe. Then our two fulfillment companies kick it into high gear to get your copies individually wrapped and sent out to you. Look for those shipment notifications and packages by the middle of March.
  • Asia and rest-of-world : It is with great pleasure that I announce our company in China has been cleared by the government to head back to work! Please keep in mind that they have a reduced workforce at the moment, as many people are still working to reunite with their families, but everyone is free and clear of any virus, and the products will start to move once our position in queue is reached. At the moment I estimate that your packages will arrive towards the end of March, but it may well be sooner than that - we need to see how fast the company can get fully back on their feet, but at this point everything is active and moving in the right direction.

The Great News - we need your help to be THE MOST ANTICIPATED GAME OF 2020!!

You may recall a few weeks back we asked you for a « nomination » for Dungeon Drop to be entered into the « Most Anticipated Game of 2020 » contest - well it worked! We are now in the final running in 3 critical categories. In fact, we were ranked #4 in the final nomination list, which is simply UNBELIEVABLE!!

Here’s what happens next : Now we need official VOTES in order to actually receive this recognition. And folks I need to be very honest here - this is a BIG DEAL for a company and game like ours! We have the potential to be in the top 10 overall, and possibly the top 5 for Family Game and Short Game categories.

The bribes : This contest actually encourages publishers to explicitly bribe their fans in order to vote, so we’re taking them up on that! If we make it into the top 5 for Family Games and/or Short Games, we will add a special Dungeon Drop card to our next « drop-style » Kickstarter for EACH category we’re in the top 5. Then, if we make it into the top 20 overall, we will add a special Dungeon Drop mini-expansion to our next drop-style Kickstarter! Further, that mini-expansion will be driven by a community-led contest that we will run shortly after the voting period (specifics to be announced later on). In short, we really want this recognition, and we will pay back this community for helping to make it happen!!

Let’s vote! : Voting is simple, but you really need to make sure you hit each of these steps. The voting page is on BoardGameGeek. Here’s a visual of what the voting page looks like and the 4 checkboxes/buttons you need to click:

Image linked to the voting page on BoardGameGeek

That last step is super important - you need to scroll to the bottom of the voting panel and click VOTE, or your checks will not be recorded.

So, please head on over to BoardGameGeek and help us win this incredible honor!!



Thanks so much as always. We’re stoked that people are now getting their games, and we’re even more stoked with how the market has received this game - people are buzzing about it everywhere, and contests like the one above only help to keep that momentum going. HUGE THANKS for your continued support!!

1 « J'aime »

Le prix public conseillé est de 30€. J’ai effectivement pris la décision de le mettre à 26€ jusqu’à ce que les jeux soient arrivés en boutique. Comme je l’ai fait pour Dig Your Way Out et Kluster.

1 « J'aime »

Merci pour l’explication :wink:

Vous l’avez reçu vous ? Des notifications ?

D’après ce post sur Kickstarter, puisque je viens de tomber dessus et que je n’ai pas pu commander les mats dans la fenêtre de temps :

We will most likely make the mats available during our next Kickstarter. We also have them available for purchase online through The Game Crafter in US and PrinterStudio in the EU. Just that the prices are now retail prices.
Hopefully one of these options will work for you. Thanks!

Personne n’a encore reçu le tapis. C’est en cours de préparation pour le moment, ça ne devrait donc plus trop tarder.

Et a priori le jeu devrait plutôt arriver dans les boîtes aux lettres à la mi-mars.

C’était ce qui était annoncé, en effet, mais étant donné que la bateau était à priori arrivé en Espagne…

Hâte de tester mon premier jeu KS (ouais, c’est récent pour moi ^^)

Une fois le bateau arrivé à Barcelone (c’était le 19) il faut quand même compter :

  • la douane (principalement la vérification des documents, mais en cas de malchance le container complet peut être vérifié, ce qui rajoute une ou deux semaine)
  • la logistique depuis le bateau jusqu’aux entrepôts du distributeur
  • la préparation des centaines de colis
  • l’envoi postal

Trois semaines pour tout ça ce n’est pas surprenant.

Pour les mats (qui ne sont pas du tout gérés par phaseshift), ils ont commencé les envois cette semaine.

Pour les jeux, ils ont passé la douane hier et arrivé a l’entrepôt de dispatch aujourd’hui. Debut de l’envoi aux backers imminent donc.

1 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update pour dire que les envois ont commencé. À noter également le fait que, grâce à la campagne, ils ont envoyé 1500 boîtes (!!!) du jeu à un organisme offrant des jeux aux familles dans le besoin. Ils avaient en effet promis de le faire, mais je ne m’attendais pas à ce que ça soit autant. :+1:

6 « J'aime »

Plus les ralentis dûs au virus, on n’est pas sorti du bois…

Aucune notification ici même si visiblement ils disent que cela a commencé

Vu que c’est ma première réception de KS, on reçoit les notifications par mail ? ou via Kickstarter ?

Par mail.