Dying Light: The Boardgame - par Glass Cannon Unplugged - livraison en juin 2025

Conversion au PM avec la solution de paiement en plusieurs fois proposée par le porteur ?

2 « J'aime »

Ou simplement attente de la campagne pour se décider sur un « retail » ou « KS » ?
Mais au moins tu sécurises ton accès au PM si tu changes d’avis.

Oui je le fais souvent sur les KS de SIMON mais là c’est le nombre qui a soulevé question ^^

Mince !
J’ai raté le KS :frowning:
Le late pledge n’offrira pas l’accès aux SG (dommage mais logique dans le remerciement des backers) alors si un participant au KS habite du coté d’Angers et me permets de grouper ma commande à la sienne, je suis preneur :slight_smile:

Sur le late pledge normalement tu devrais avoir les SG mais normalement pas les KS exclus.

Au pire tu te débrouillerai avec un amateur de lapins :grin:

Ah oui, les KS exclus. Merci pour la rectification.

@Nixx: je pars de suite couper de l’herbe et ramasser des carottes !

1 « J'aime »

Oui enfin les KS exclu, c’est pas non plus super foufou.
Hormis la dizaine de cartes, il y a rien d’autre il me semble. Le personnage « bonus » éventuellement ?

C’est sur ^^

C’est clair, il faudrait des trucs vraiment exclusif kickstarter pour vraiment avoir un intérêt de backer un jeu bien entendu sans les retrouver dans les magasins

Il y a ça aussi en KSE

C’est pas ouf pour autant

2 « J'aime »

C’est un vrai bracelet ? Je n’ai pas trop compris l’intérêt ^^

Ces truc là ça sera dispo au PM car de mémoire il n’y avait pas moyen de l’ajouter pendant la campagne (enfin hormis la hache ^^)

Ce truc, j’ai compris que ça remplaçait un tracker présent dans le jeu par un bracelet.

Genre au lieu de mettre ton marqueur sur la bonne case sur la table, tu le fais sur ton méga bracelet trop kikoo.

2 « J'aime »

C’est un clin d’œil au bracelet biomarker du héros dans le jeu vidéo.

3 « J'aime »

Rohlalal faut que j’arrête de trainer ici, je découvre plein de ks que j’ai raté et qui donne envie !

Bon celui là pour le financer il suffit de revendre mon ks marvel zombies… auquel j’ai d’ailleurs toujours pas joué…

2 « J'aime »

Dernière update avec le PM qui ouvrira en mai et devrait rester ouvert environ 6 mois…

Update #41 - Working that Pledge Manager magic

Dear Survivors,

We invite you to read what is our first truly post-campaign update. As promised, we will be publishing these approximately every month, so as not to overwhelm you with information but to keep you well-informed about the progress on the project. Today, we’ll talk about:

  • Progress on the Pledge Manager
  • Progress on design and development
  • The anticipated work schedule

Let’s begin!

Progress on the Pledge Manager

Pledgendary is a custom Pledge Manager which we have created during the campaign for Apex Legends™: The Board Game. Since then, it has already been successfully utilized by several partners, including Board & Dice and Fantasia Games. We’re continuously hammering out the details of this tool to meet the expectations of our backers and partners, as well as ourselves.

Our team is currently working on a version of Pledgendary dedicated to Dying Light: The Board Game. This primarily involves creating entries for all the products in the system, and using them to assemble the pledges. These must be established for every language edition and considering variants with and without zenithal priming. Since together we’ve made sure to enrich the game with a wealth of unlockables in the course of the campaign, we now have to work our magic to make sure that their descriptions and illustrations properly represent all the available content. So, although the campaign has ended, our work on creating descriptions and graphic assets is far from it! It continues well into the future until the closing of the Pledge Manager.

Wait—did we say ‘closing’, not ‘opening’? Yes, you read that right. The Pledge Manager for Dying Light: The Board Game will open in May and remain so for about six months. However, the product list available at the opening may differ from the one used at the very end. This is because of the numerous additional products which you have called for during the campaign. We plan to introduce them in the Pledge Manager based on a survey which you will find there. For example, one of the things you’ve requested is an additional set of Runner miniatures in traditional, non-parkour poses. Another is a separate set of tiles and buildings to allow you to double the area of your City using the graphic assets on the reverses. These products will definitely be included in the survey, along with the minimum number of backers needed to make them come to life. Which brings us to the million-dollar question: are there any other ideas or needs regarding the products for the game that you might have? If so, please share them in the comments section of this update—we’ll make sure to add the especially popular ones to the survey!

Setting up the product line in the Pledge Manager also involves a great deal of work in development, logistics, and accounting in order to consolidate the entire process related to purchasing, taxes, and installments into one coherent system. Most of the work is already behind us, but the devil’s in the details, and we’re in for a lot of testing, more testing and then some.

Progress on Game Design and Development

As we move into post-crowdfunding game development, it’s crucial to properly organize our work. The content unlocked during the campaign needs to be systematically arranged on each and every task board of our entire team. After returning from their well-deserved post-campaign vacations, the game’s authors, Przemek and Bartek, along with all the other developers and testers here at GCU, began planning work on the content for the Core Box and all the expansions. Our goal is to complete the substantive work on the game and its expansions by the end of this year, so production can start in winter and the game can reach you by next summer. Given the amount of additional content unlocked during the campaign, we’re expanding our team to ensure timely delivery. We’re also fine-tuning the game’s base mechanics, implementing corrections based on the feedback we gathered from your gameplay sessions on TTS. A huge thank you to everyone who took the time and effort to play the demo and share their comments!

But working on a game involves more than just mechanics and content in the form of scenarios and texts. It’s also about art! And sculptures! Our Art Team is continuously working on sculpting the next models for the critters that you’ve unlocked during the campaign. Which is why we’re glad to present to you, for the very first time:

The Bolter

The Spitter

And the Charger

Our illustrators can’t start brushing away just yet, as the content they will be creating has to be based on briefs from the development department. Moreover, we believe that this is not the right place to start showing off their work—the secrets of the City are best revealed directly as you play the game!

That’s what’s up with the people working on Dying Light: The Board Game, but what about the rest of the crew? Well, they can hardly be accused of slacking off, as they have their hands full working on a brand new beauty…

4 « J'aime »

Si on se greffe avec quelqu’un lors du PM, pouvons nous avoir les KSE?

Salut pas de late pledge?
Le PM est ouvert ?

Pas encore.

1 « J'aime »

A priori le PM ne devrait plus tarder, à moins que…