Epic Seven Arise - par Farside Games - VF toujours pas livrée

Celui là ce sera une vraie découverte car vraiment rien en terme de vidéo de gameplay…

Oui à suivre.

Nouvelle update avec la présentation d’un exemplaire de prod pour les extensions…

Update #43 - Expansions mass production sample review

The samples for mass production for the expansions have arrived from the factory. These are product samples that were taken directly from the production line and sent to us for approval and review. This ensures that all rounds of approvals, releases of white samples and miniatures have been accounted for and the final product will be printed and packaged into complete games.

We’re very excited to see the game in its final reconfigured form!

Once again, a big thank you to our production team! That’s all we’ve for you this week. We look forward to updating you again later this month on the status of print production at the factory, and after that we’ll provide the shipping and fulfilment schedule! So please stay tuned for more!

Dernières news…

Everyone in the studio is excited to see the production samples from the factory. More information on production and shipping schedule will be announced in the coming updates.

1 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update avec l’annonce des premiers bateaux qui partiront de Chine à partir du 27 décembre…

Update #44 - Production and fulfilment update

In this monthly update, we’ll keep you up to date on the latest developments in production and fulfilment.

First of all, production of the English version is complete! There’s still a lot of assembly work ahead of us, but it’s coming along! As for the other languages, don’t worry, production is underway and we’ll have different versions of the rulebook available for preview in the coming update.

Next week we approved the final assembly line copy and receive the first patch of physical copies off the assembly line. This is an exciting feeling and the next step is to get things out of the doors and onto boats and roads!

Here’s a recap of the printing production with pictures from the factory.

To that end, we are also busy with all the administrative things with the factory so that sea freight can begin.

Also, we’re happy to tell you that we’ll have our FIRST of many sailing dates on December 27.

On December 27, our containers will leave the port of China to the United States, with final destination at our North American fulfilment centre.

On December 27th our containers will be leaving the port of from China to U.S., with final destinations to our North American fulfilment partner. We’ll have more details to share about these containers once they ship, we’re excited see the first units unloaded from the trucks and sent out the door to you.

From then on, we’ll be shipping more containers, as well as delivering to our Europe and international fulfilment partners.

That’s it for this week! Once again a big thank you to our production team in China for their help to sort out all of our previous problems and issues on production in a short amount of time and to our shipping team for preparing all the final backer data and going through our preflight checklists.

Petit point sur la VF par Cedric de Legion Distribution…

Le jeu a pris énormément de retard, mais est en cours de finalisation. On se gardera de vous donner une date tant qu’on n’a pas de certitude.

1 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update dans laquelle on apprend que les livraisons ont commencé en Amérique du Nord et que pour l’Europe il faudra attendre encore un peu…

Update #47 - Production and fulfilment update

First of all, we’d like to apologize for not issuing an update last week. We’re in the process of gathering more information about the fulfilment. We hope everyone is doing well this week, and thank you for your feedback and questions about the games. Thanks for your patience and understanding while we work to give you more detailed information about the status of fulfilment.

North America:

We see orders starting to ship at all pledge levels! Our partner Global Games Distribution received the container earlier this week and things are moving quickly, we’ll keep you posted. This was truly a huge task, and Global Games Distribution pulled it off swiftly! Canada still has some catching up to do, but all fulfilment will be delivered as soon as possible due to delays at the borders we have been encountering.

If anyone want to a change of address (North America only), please go to https://japanime-games.kustomer.help/ and create a ticket.


Our partner at VFI are just returning from their well-deserved time off for the Lunar New Year. Things will understandably slow down a bit while they get their operations back up to speed. Goods will be arriving in the coming week, so we expect things to get back on track soon. We’ll keep you posted as soon as we have more information. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

European & Rest of the World Fulfilment

While we have already completed the English version of the production, we’re still working on printing the other languages. We expect them to be completed by the end of March to early April, and we anticipate shipping to Europe in April. We’ll post a separate update as soon as we have more information about the production and fulfilment details.

That’s it for this week, we’ll report back with more news next time. In the meantime, we’d like to say THANKS to everyone who is joining in the joy of fulfilment. We hope more backers will celebrate, including those who are patiently waiting for fulfilment to begin. We know that we still have a long way to go in all parts of the world, and we thank you once again for your support of our project.

2 « J'aime »

edit : c’est la VO, désolé. La VF KS est toujorus dispo

J’ai fait un tour sur la page KS en pensant que le jeu été livré mais non
Pour le paragraphe sur le remboursement c’est du copier/coller à une actu MG^^.

Mise à jour des remboursements :

Les remboursements se font dans l’ordre chronologique des demandes et sont effectués au début de chaque mois selon un montant plafonné qui est revu chaque mois et calculé de manière à ne pas fragiliser la trésorerie de l’entreprise et à ne pas mettre en péril la livraison des projets. Ces remboursements peuvent donc être très longs (plusieurs mois d’attente). Lorsque la situation s’améliore, ce délai peut être réduit.

2 « J'aime »

Ça en est où ? (Je ne suisbpas backer, juste curieux)

Ca a du etre livré y en avait sur philibert. Mais j’ai vu aucun retour perso.

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Ça sent pas bon : version anglaise livrée pour les US, et VO pour l’Asie. Des SG manquants et des problèmes de finitions. Le plastique des figurines semble trop mou… Donc SAV à foison…
L’europe n’a pas été livrée., ni VA, ni les autres langues y compris la VF.
Un délai S1 2024 a été donné mais plus de news depuis juillet 2023.

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Plastique trop mou? C’est la première fois que j’entends ça, c’est bizarre, non?

Mou n’est peut être pas le bon terme car il relève de la tribologie. « souple » est peut être plus adapté.

2 « J'aime »

Légion distribution prévoit une livraison en mars.
C’est en précommande.

1 « J'aime »

j arrive pas à me décider si je préco ou pas ; la DA est sympa et j’ai pas de jeu style japanime, mais j arrive pas à trouver des infos sur le gameplay (au delà du livre de règle qui n 'est pas foufou …) des avis ici ?

1 « J'aime »

Preco je ne sais pas, mais plutôt lorsque le jeu sera disponible. Pour l’instant rien ne garantie qu’il sera livré.

Il est en preco sur ludum en tout cas.

Il me semble qu’il est en preco depuis le KS de 2021…

Sur philibert oui, mais pas sur ludum il me semble.