Etherfields - par Awaken Realms

J’ai un mythic pledge sur le PG mais j’avais quand même mis 1$. A la réouverture j’ai pris 3 boîtes pour des potes et une pour moi :smiley:

Pour le moment, de ce que je vois, cela me plaît beaucoup de par la qualité visuel et l’originalité.

Je vais allez zyeuter le draft maintenant ^^

La direction artistique et le chara-design sont superbes… reste à voir ce que le jeu propose en terme d’expérience ludique. Sans oublier le prix qui risque d’être salé… Ensuite, je n’ai encore jamais pledgé de jeu chez AR, je les ai toujours trouvés intéressant et bien finis, mais trop cher pour ce qu’ils sont…

Je vais quand même surveiller celui-là, ne serait-ce que pour en savoir plus :slight_smile:

Focus will not be on killing your opponents but interacting with them and learning from them. We will talk more about game and prototype in near future but I can give you general idea of a game: it will be story based with lots of narrative , focus on etherfields creatures and impossible places that exist there. Players will control human characters who woke up in their beds but somehow on the other side - in Etherfields. They will try to learn about the world and how to escape it. There will be lots of exploration and it will be progressed on 3 layers: world map with locations of different lands when you will macro manage your charters and story, map of locations where you will be choosing your path from few asymmetric options and maps of encounters where you will be to explore specific places and interact with etherfields creatures. You will be encountering main characters like Funeral Witch many times, learning their story and shaping them via your actions and decisions. There will be deck based character development that will reflect your character and play style. There will be a mood track of world that will reflect current mood promoting aggression or charisma and influencing behavior. I hope that will be enough for now

Ça sent le all-in tout ça…

Un jeu PvP qui n’est pas de la gestion de ressources ni taper sur les autres, cela m’intrigue et me parle pour le moment ! :slight_smile:

[quote quote=468350]Un jeu PvP qui n’est pas de la gestion de ressources ni taper sur les autres, cela m’intrigue et me parle pour le moment ! :slightly_smiling_face:

c’est pas pvp, si?

Ah en effet, c’est un co-op.

Mais cela ne m’avait pas sauté aux yeux ^^"
A voir la redondance par rapport à The 7Th continent pour l’explo coop. Mais je pense que le gameplay est assez différent à vu de nez.

Marcin Świerkot en dit un peu plus… et plus il en dit plus l’impatience grandit :slight_smile:

Check out another art for character skills - drafting cards and building your deck will be crucial in Etherfields.

Each cards will have its totally unique action, but can also be used as resource - you will need to be very smart about your deck (chest) and how you manage it.

Sometimes you will modify your deck in totally unexpected places - going into some wired interaction with local mud-monkey? It might be a card skill, that you will add to your deck. Or it might be a curse, that you will have to carry with you all the time.

All those things give us so much freedom in terms of art…

[attachment file=469248]

Qui est-ce ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Des info en perspectives j’imagine ?

Je n’ai pas vu de modif du draft de la page KS

Peut-être utile de mettre le lien en en-tête d’ailleurs ?

Cest marcin, mais l’important c’est la boite :mrgreen:

[quote quote=469846]Qui est-ce ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Des info en perspectives j’imagine ?

Je n’ai pas vu de modif du draft de la page KS

Peut-être utile de mettre le lien en en-tête d’ailleurs ?


alors ce n’est autre que Marcin Świerkot, un des membres fondateurs de Awaken Realms et un des développeurs du jeu, ainsi que le génial Tainted Grail !!
pour l’instant je ne pense pas que nous aurons vraiment beaucoup d’informations sur le jeu, car justement ils sont en plein travail sur TG, donc faut attendre un peut… :wink:

De quoi donner encore plus envie… publié sur BGG

Hello Everyone!

My name is Michał Oracz, I like to think of myself as a Board Game craftsman, with some experience at this point but still with a lot to learn. I’am author of games such us Neuroshima Hex, This War of Mine: TBG, Theseus: The Dark Orbit or The Edge: Dawnfall. Many others I had a pleasure to help in different ways, especially through my years in Portal Games.

Today I would like to share with you a very special project that I have been working on with Awaken Realms team for quite some time now and give you a little bit of insights on what you can expect from it. In my situation. I have a comfort of making games that I always dreamt about making and would love to play myself. I believe this crucial in any creation process - to do things that you think are important and will push the boundaries of what people think is possible just a little bit further.

Etherfields started few years back, with a very artistically distinct world build by Adrian Komarski and Ania Myrcha – it looked amazing and had a great ethereal feel. I immediately knew, that this is something, that I want to be a part of. Having another thematic and story-telling game on my account (This War of Mine: TBG) I wanted to use all the experience and implement it in this new title in a fresh, more
approachable aspect.

Lessons from past

When you design games, there is always a choices you must make – an experience designer is able to make those choices knowing consequences to the whole game. When designing This War of Mine: TBG, there was a lot of hard choices like that – from bigger then normal randomness (that simulated the unfairness of warfare) to game complexity (so that it could have a very high replay ability). A lot of questions like: How much of the game is possible to calculate and predict, how much of it is pure story, when the game is not fair to the player because of the theme etc.

While I stand by the choices that were made for this game 100%, as I feel that they fit the theme very well, I choose a different path for Etherfields. Obviously, the two games are extremely different but they share the story-telling aspect and a serious message.

In Etherfields, I put more emphasis on approachability – the story is no longer text paragraphs in the book, but rather tiles and cards with vivid dreams arts and comic-like quotations here and there, that will put you in the mood of the scene and leave crumbs of the story that you will have to collect. They also add what an art cannot – sound, voices etc. It fits the dream world great – you will never get a full, well described pictures, but you don’t need to. You will need to use a lot of your own imagination in the carnival of different, surreal dreams and find a conclusion on your own. After a lot of tests, I can tell that this way of storytelling is much faster and don’t take you out of the game too much, while players have tons of fun with creating their own interpretations.
Another topic is conveying a serious message – in This War of Mine: TBG theme was very much obvious and visible from the first minutes of the game. Etherfields will be much different – this game will have much more metaphorical sense, that you will have to figure out on your own. While it can still be very serious and sometimes creepy, you will navigate different dreams with totally different feels. As a side note – theme of the game is no accident. I put a lot of my personal time through the years on the literature about dreams, symbolic and very interesting findings in this subject. You will be surprise to learn a lot of them.

World that changes at will

One of the most interesting thing about Etherfields and the theme it brings is the absolute freedom of the dream world. You can get transported in the blink of an eye from a huge desert to claustrophobic car lost in the middle of nowhere. Your characters can do all the crazy actions, from flying to transforming into items or creating whole new areas.

To reflect this, but also give players sense of control over what is happening (which is always important in a good board game) I have introduced deckbuilding in almost every aspect of the game. You will not only deck build your Memory Chest (abilities and resources) or Items. By making various story or gameplay decisions you will deckbuild encounters deck, locations deck or map. Almost EVERY element of the game is decbuilded! – so that every dream you will visit have a big potential on changing your campaign from now on.

I will try not to spoil too much, but as an example you will visit a very surreal factory of mud, where hollow monkey-like creators will load up earth and water to create a mud. Depending on your choices and action in those locations you will need to put additional random encounter in your deck, that will stay there for the rest of the game or perhaps find something useful about the structure of the Mud in this dream world that will help you from now on in each muddy locations.
All this creates a world that can change at will, but it also have some kind of wired consistency and you will always know the consequences of your actions.

This is the first Designer Diary entry – I hope you did enjoy those few insights about the game! I know you are probably eager to know more about the gameplay I will be definitely writing more in future weeks and there is so much to share!

Michał Oracz

j’avoue que je reste curieux de ce projet ! je ne sais pas encore comment cela va ce traduire en therme d’expérience ludique mais , la grande rejouabilité, les choix qui ont des impacts , et l’aspect narratif/RPG me fait de l’oeil et beaucoup envie …
mais bon j’ai peur d’un doublon, en quelque sorte avec mon coup de cœur Tainted Grail…
car bien que carrément différent pour le thème, ils empruntent un peut les mêmes bases, cher au studio… ( RPG/ très narratif, des choix , de l’évolution de persos etc… )
wait and see…

Je suis le financement participatif pour trouver de tels projets qui sortent des sentiers battue :smiley:

Ce qui est sûr c’est qu’ils arrivent très bien à intriguer et attirer chez AR ! Hâte de voir le gameplay effectivement, car pour le moment, les voyants sont au vert.

Voilà qui m’intringue encore plus… Le jeu a quand même l’air extrêmement intéressant !

On en parle ici

[quote quote=470284]

On en parle ici[/quote]

Je suis curieux, tu estimes que le lien que tu as posté donne la moindre information sur le projet? Ou c’est juste un click bait?

bon vu les galere sur nemesis (pour vf) et la futur vf de tainted grail , je pense que je vais faire l’impasse .


c con ca me semblait tres bien.