Exploration par Ply Games - Livraison mai 2020

[quote quote=432992]Ils ont clairement revu leur politique de prix à la baisse.

Pledge de 6 boîtes à 380$ avec frais de port gratuit.

À tout hasard, j’ai demandé si ce pledge était disponible pour les pledgers non magasin.

Réponse favorable et rapide de l’editeur, les 2 pledges retailers sont disponible pour les pledgeurs non magasins.

Effectivement, mon premier réflexe a été de me dire « ils ont vidé la boîte pour la reremplir » … Ce qui pour moi est également devenu rédhibitoire, comme approche (sauf gros coup de coeur).

C’est intéressant qu’ils aient introduit une version standee (ceci dit, je trouve la valorisation des figurines franchement abusive, en l’état … 30$ pour une trentaine de pions en plastique …) mais pas certain que ce soit une bonne idée d’avoir 2 versions (doubles emmerdes ?).

Campagne annulée (même si le porteur dit être toujours persuadé que ça aurait pu financer avant la fin…^^), reboot prévue le 14 mai.

Je vais les suivre. Ce jeu me plaisait bien :+1:

Curieux de voir le reboot, même si je suis plus ou moiens convaincu de ne pas en être ayant mon compte niveau jeux spatiaux.

We have still 51 days to relaunch on 14th of May. During last week me and my team tested a lot of solo variants. So today’s update will be focused on Solo mode development.

#1 Mars (level hard)

New base card, with new main mission objective - habitat drop on Mars. Why is this a hard level card?
  • It's launches from Vostochny spaceport, the point closest to Mars
  • It starts from level 2 of technology and from 3rd turn it has level 3
  • Only 2 habitat drops provides 16 Victory points

#2 Conqueror (level hard)

Conqueror is another base card for solo mode. (Quick reminder before this update there was only one base card - Moon). Conqueror is highly aggressive AI it was design to track and hunt your spaceships. Its main mission objective is to destroy other spaceships. This is a card with a hard difficulty level for similar reasons like the Mars card.

#3 Action card set

Bigger amount of action cards provides better replayability for solo mode and AI actions are less predictable. It was difficult to find optimal algorithms for new action cards, because many of them do not make sense after 2, 4 or more rounds. The main task was to find the best ones and 3 of them was done.
Generally progress is slow but every single change requires hours of testing. After this update, I've presented 7 of the 42 improvements to the game's content in total (Yes, there is one more improvement that you will soon learn more about). Let me know if you like play solo board games.

Kind regards

Damian Korus


Actu no. 9

Week 4

We have still 44 days to relaunch on 14th of May. Last week was crazy because of prototypes preparation, agreements with reviewers, balancing new components and a lot of tests.

#1 Updated rulebook

Generally rules wasn’t changed, but explanation was improved. I solved 31 problems that appeared during the blindtests. Now rules explanation is more detailed and hopefully more understandable. You can check latest version of rulebook here.

#2 Tabletop Simulator

Yes, Exploration has Tabletop Simulator version! KijanDS Thank you for preparing TS version. Currently it requires small updates - Spaceport card, Board etc (there was minor design changes). We will make it soon, anyway you can help Exploration by testing its core rules. Feel free to play!

#3 Testing and new prototype version To improve the preview video I had to prepare close to final version of prototype. Please take a look at the photo below. It is presenting a Exploration core box. Unfortunately, the miniatures are still in production...
Also you can take a look at photos from last testing sessions. We tested a new content with mixed options. Of course it still requires many hours of balancing but in my opinion Exploration with new content has a potential for great replayability!
This is the end of this update. Thanks for reading it. Until end of this week Patryk should finish some of new components design, so I hope it will be ready to share with you in the next update!

Kind regards

Damian Korus

Actu N° 10

Hello all! We have still 37 days to relaunch on 14th of May. This time I would like to present to you Venus expansion!

#1 Board

The new board provides access to the new planet - Venus with the size similar to Earth and 6 drop points. Other rules are without changes. You can go out of board to reach the Outer Space. There is also area control on Venus.

#2 Baloon module

There is also a new module dedicated to drop on Venus - called the baloon (theoretically, the only way to start colonizing Venus is to use the habitats that float in the atmosphere). Venus expansion is still in balancing phase, but now:

  • Baloon module cost is 6 credits
  • Venus maneuverability is 5
  • Bonus for successful Baloon drop on Venus is 8 credits and 6 Victory Points
#3 Venus solo card

It extremely hard difficulty level. Venus has a good position for two activities: module drop and getting to the outer space. In addition the main mission bonus is extremely big. This is a real challenge!

#4 Missions

New location requires new missions. More missions will give you more opportunities in choosing the best strategy for game. All three missions are connected with Venus location, making it more appealing to choose as the mian goal.

Summarizing, it was very good week for Exploration. Improvements has a big impact on gameplay and replayability. New board increases the space, which now is enough for 5 players.

At the end I have one more thing. I’m not convinced about standee version. Having two (or more) types of game as rewards may cause some issues with fullfilment your rewards. That’s why I would like to ask you What kind of rewards would you like to see during relaunch. Please use this form or comment.

Kind regards

Damian Korus


Actu N° 12

Hello all! We have still 23 days to relaunch on 14th of May. Today I have another small update. During last week we played Exploration many, many (around 11) times. There are two results of testing: small change in development card rules and Modular board expansion!

#1 Development card - new rule

Until now to use a development card you had to:

  1. Spend one experience point, then

  2. Draw one card randomly

  3. Pay its cost.



It was too random. New rule is that on the set up you put 5 development card above the board (same as maneuver cards) and then, when you want to use a development card you can choose one and pay its cost.


We will still test this rule during next week. With the next update I will share with you the new version of rulebook.

#2 Modular board expansion

This expansion is very simple. When you fly out of board, you will discover a new tile each round and explore the space. You will receive huge bonuses but also you will be exposed for a serious dangers. Currently there are 8 tiles with different effects. I will work to prepare more cards with unique effects. Below is an example of a tile.

#3 Miniatures shipment

Finally, miniatures were sent and they are on their way to the US.


That was all the news coming with last week. Modular board is another expansion increasing replayability. It changes a strategy. You didn’t lose your spaceship after flying out of board but also you can receive more bonuses. It was another good week in Exploration improvement. We have a dealy with miniatures but hopefully they will be delivered on time.

See you next week.

Kind Regards

Damian Korus

Actu no. 13

Hello all! We have still 16 days to relaunch on 14th of May. The pace of work is crazy. Today I have a big update. Finally I would like to present you second board expansion - Moons of Jupiter!

#1 Board

This one is totally different than Venus. Is twice bigger and have 6 drop points on 4 different areas - the moons of Jupiter.

#2 Drill module

As we know, the moons of Jupiter can have a lot of water like Europa, as well as abundant geological resources like Io. Therefore, we will use drill module to start mining activity there.

  • Drill module cost is 4
  • Callisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa maneuverability is 4
  • Bonus for successful Drill drop on each moon is 12 credits and 4 Victory Points
#3 Jupiter solo card (level medium)

This card is good to test new opportunities which comes with Moons of Jupiter board expansion.

#4 Missions

New missions are connected with Moons of Jupiter. They are unique and full of bonuses!

#5 Co-operation with Gamerati

My plan is to prepare the best rulebook for Exploration. That’s why Ply Games has started co-operation with Gamerati. Will we make it?

So, we have done many improvements. Exploration has now: two board expansions, modular board expansion, new event and development cards with more unique content, but one more thing is missing. You can try to guess or wait until next week :).

See you next week.

Kind Regards

Damian Korus

Actu 14

Ouverture de la draft page . Ils ont bien revu les choses .

Hello all! We have still 9 days to relaunch on 14th of May. Today I have few news: re-launch draft page, new content and question about social media.

#1 Draft page

Draft page for re-launch campaign is now published. Let me share with you a new things.

  • Funding goal - $21 540 - I made my homework once again. I have contacted more manufacturers. I revised my plan for Exploration release.
  • Core box - $69 - Exploration is worth much more than $69 especially with Stretch Goals. Anyway I'm very happy to tell you that this is enough money to prepare Exploration for you.
  • Collector's pledge - I have never saw it before on Kickstarter (Of course, I don't follow all campaigns), so I thought that it can be very intresting experience. I'm just corious what is the miniature size limit?
  • Reviews - I'm a bit worried about reviews. Miniatures was delivered on Saturday, so they have not much time. Bad news is that Joel from Drive Tru resigned from previewing Exploration. Luckily guys from Roll For Crit declared that they will try to prepare a preview in ultra short time.
#2 New spaceship types There are 3 new types of spaceships: "Conqueror","Super Maneuver","Recover". All new types where tested for many hours around year ago. Now I decided to go back to this idea and they works great, especially with new board expansions in 5 players game. Unfortunately their miniatures are not prepared yet.
#3 Social media achievements I would like to know what do you think about social media achievements. I realize that sometimes it can be frustrating, but from the other hand it is an opportunity to add cool content to our game. Let's try! If we reach 50 fans on BGG until next update I will add this section with new achievements to the new page. If not we will forget about it.
There are still many small things to do. I hope you will enjoy the re-launch. Feel free to comment on a draft page particularly about Collector's pledge! Also please let me know If I forget about something important! I will appreciate all kind of feedback.

See you next week.

Kind Regards

Damian Korus

Nouvel update avec une mauvaise nouvelle pour le projet. En gros un de leur partenaire commercial a du lâcher l’affaire car étant porteur d’autres projet sur KS et au vu de la politique de restriction sur la conduite de campagne multiple sur KS (Mené car de plus en plus d’escrocs essaie de se faire de l’argent sur le dos des Backers) Cela devenais trop risqué pour eux.

Une date sera annoncé dés qu’un nouveau partenaire sera trouvé.



Nouvel Update. C’est bon un nouveau partenaire commercial a été trouvé. Ils confirmerons la date du prochain lancement la semaine prochaine. Présentation de trois nouveaux modèles de vaisseaux.


Hello all. I have a good news. Ply Games has found a new business partner! We’re back on a good track. Another thing is that we worked hard last week, which resulted in three new models of spacecraft. All of them was tested long time ago (around February 2018), so they still need some balancing. In this update, we’ll find out what they will look like!

#1 Recover

#2 Conqueror
#3 Super manuever
I hope that you like new spaceships. On the next week I will work on confirmation of new relaunch date, so please follow BGG or Facebook group.

See you next week.

Kind Regards

Damian Korus

Nouvelle actu. Reboot annoncé pour le 11 Juin, 17:00 CET :wink:

Actu #17

dernière Actu avant reboot !

Actu #18


Early bid hier pour moi. Je suus vraiment conquis par le thème et comment la mécanique s’est adaptée aux contraintes d’un vrai vol spatial.

J’aime bien le thème, le jeu a l’air sympatoche, je pourrais me laisser tenter par le EB.

Mais je trouve la campagne bizarre. On évoque des extensions et des add-ons qui sont en fait expliqués dans les updates de la campagne précédente.

Du coup, je ne sais pas trop où on va là :-?

C’est toujours cher.

[quote quote=473794]C’est toujours cher.


Ils proposent une ristourne de $10 sur les fdp aux returning backers… fallait soutenir jusqu’au bout au lieu de faire mumuse dans ton club :sunglasses:

Meme avec $10 de moins, perso j’ai vu le prix du pledge de base fpdin je suis passé a autre chose…