Horizon Zero Dawn - par Steamforged Games (blacklisté)- livraison en mars 2020

DS a priori ils ont toujours pas livrés les SG et aucune date annoncée…

J’ai regardé vite fait la page, pas tenté ni par le jeu, ni par la licence ! Par contre les figs sont tops !

Je viens de lâcher mon EB

Après l'update d'hier sur RE2 et un nouveau retard, j'ai peur qu'avec celui-ci ce soit pire.

En plus sur RE2 on ne sait même pas ce qu’ils vont livrer en plus de la boîte de base.

Il ne me semble pas avoir vu la moindre fig en SG ou des addons.

Leurs actus sont chiantes et les infos intéressantes noyés dans un tas de gifs.

J’ai l’impression que pour chaque jeu, ils vont nous refaire une spéciale DS.

Tu déformes un peu, la date theorique était Septembre mais au vu des retards actuels, il ne prefere plus donné d’estimation.

Et pour info la wave 2 vient d’être livré, elle aurait du l’être en juin ou juillet.

Pour le reste hors retard la qualité est au top, reste a voir si le jeu vous plait vraiment.

S’il on compare à du Conan le retard me semble pas déconnant.

Gni? Mis à part l’appli, Conan est, il me semble, totalement livré. On en est loin pour aucun projet Steamforged…

[quote quote=359628]

apres ils ont beaucoup de KS en attente en cours … et du non livré. ça commence à faire beaucoup beaucoup
DS a priori ils ont toujours pas livrés les SG et aucune date annoncée…
Tu déformes un peu, la date theorique était Septembre mais au vu des retards actuels, il ne prefere plus donné d’estimation.

Et pour info la wave 2 vient d’être livré, elle aurait du l’être en juin ou juillet.[/quote]

Alors la non. La vague deux, prévu à la base en novembre 2017, avec la vague 3, on l’attend toujours en Europe, sauf certains chanceux ayant pris 3 add on max. L’Europe le container doit arriver le 30… Et pour la suite…

[quote quote=359655]Gni? Mis à part l’appli, Conan est, il me semble, totalement livré. On en est loin pour aucun projet Steamforged…


Il est certain mais le délai entre la wave 1 et 2 de Conan me semble pas si different que celui de Dark Souls entre les 2 waves. On verra une fois les SGs livré.

En tout cas les addons sont pleinement jouable même si la règle est en franglais :smiley:

Le delai et les retards sont assez symptomatique de la reussite des projets, reste à espérer ne pas tomber sur un porteur mauvais gestionnaire qui financerait les anciens projets avec les suivants…

De mon point de vue, je te trouve dur avec eux Thierry car en réalité on a pas eu beaucoup de chouinchouin sur Dark Souls pour l’instant. Avais tu pledgé?

Oui mais conan ont eu le bon sens de ne ps relancer quatre gros projets sans avoir fini de livrer, non?

Et le probleme ici c’est plus ca… ils sont « assez loin » d’avoir fini de livrer le premier (pour l’instant « que » 18 mois de retard)… RE doit etre en cours de livraison si l’on en crois les prévisions (oooops)… 2 autres gros projets (>1M et env 500k) en livrable l’an prochain…

C’est quand même pas tout a fait Conan (ni même des Awaken Realms & autre)… enfin c’est juste mon avis…

Bon j’ai aussi lâché mon EB.

Au final c’était difficile de résister à l’opulence de figurines et j’aime beaucoup le jeu original, mais plus ca allait et moins j’étais convaincu.

Les figs sont top mais j’aurai jamais le temps de les peindre, le jeu est inexistant ou en tout cas ne paraît pas palpitant pour un sous, les tuiles sont bofs, j’ai pas envie de recevoir le jeu au compte goutte étalé sur 5 ans, ca va prendre de la place pour rien s’il ne sort pas, etc…

En plus ils comment les updates pour parler du jeu 48h avant la fin de la campagne… quelle blague…


Vu sur FB :

Perso, j’ai un pledge mais c’est uniquement pour la figurine. On n’est pas à l’abris d’une bonne surprise ceci étant… Mais attendez? RE2? Naaaaa… Cela sera les figurines donc :wink:

Je viens de voir la photo sur FB, ça m’a rappelé la photo de Leo pour JoA… Niveau figs ça va être une avalanche mais pour le gameplay ils n’ont toujours rien montré? Je n’ai pas trop suivi depuis la fin du KS.


Non, je ne crois pas, ou si peu, je n’ai pas vraiment suivi. Par contre, j’adore le jeu vidéo du même nom, mon épouse aussi. Elle voulait recommencer à peindre, ce qu’elle à fait d’ailleurs et on s’est dit bingo…


Update #57 :

" Overview | Huge Machines Series: Update 1

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Steamforged Games LtdCreator

April 17, 2020

Welcome to the Huge Machine Series, Seekers!

We’ve already taken on Watchers, Striders, Sawtooths, and Bandits.

Now, it’s time for something a little…bigger.

In this series of updates, lead designer, Sherwin Matthews, will be shining a light on how we made the truly HUGE machines work on the tabletop.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Huge Machine Overview for Horizon Zero Dawn™: The Board Game

By Sherwin Matthews

There are plenty of reasons to love the world of Horizon Zero Dawn™, but huge machines are an iconic part of the videogame.

If you asked most Horizon Zero Dawn™ fans what first drew them in, I’m pretty sure one of the first things they’d mention would be massive machines like the Rockbreaker and Stormbird. Steve Margetson talked about his experience with the Rockbreaker in the first Enemy Series update. Speaking from my own experience, I know the first image that caught my eye was the mighty Thunderjaw, stomping around in search of Aloy during an early gameplay video. Straight away I knew this game would be something very special, even before I began to grasp its immense scale.

In truth, the idea of bringing these towering adversaries to the tabletop introduced some concerns. Encountering a huge machine in the videogame is a rite of passage for players. Whether your favourite memory is the first time you tracked down a Thunderjaw in the desert, or standing triumphant after a showdown with a Stormbird, it was doubtless a defining and cinematic moment in your playthrough…if not a (virtually) life-threatening one!

As you can imagine, then, it was tremendously exciting to recreate these incredible foes, but everyone knew we had quite the task on our hands. We wanted the huge machines to be the biggest and most imposing miniatures players might encounter—not only during Horizon Zero Dawn™: The Board Game, but on the tabletop in general!

So, how did we go about achieving that?

Revised Designs

Huge machines present severe challenges to players of Horizon Zero Dawn™: The Board Game, difficult enough to be deadly for even the most experienced hunters. To make hunting them as accessible as possible, we’ve made it so they can be experienced in one of two ways.

Either way, the players shouldn’t take the decision to hunt a huge machine lightly—the Lodge doesn’t look kindly on failure!

The first way players can test themselves against a huge machine is by playing the dedicated tracking deck included in their expansion, which sets the machine as the hunting party’s quarry and culminates in a confrontation with this mighty foe.

Alternatively, the players can add a huge machine as an additional encounter after they’ve brought down their quarry from one of the other tracking decks. This would represent the hunters completing their quest but seeking to earn extra favour with the Hunters’ Lodge.

This system allows players the maximum amount of flexibility during games. They can encounter huge machine expansions alongside any other expansions, exploring different regions and testing any of the available hunters against them. Logically, they could even fight two huge machines back to back… but I wouldn’t recommend it!

But how about their rules?

When designing encounters for these massive adversaries, it quickly became apparent that our team needed to take an entirely different approach than we did for their less sizable brethren.

For starters, these are some seriously BIG models. Some of the largest we’ve ever made, in fact. To give you an idea, the base for the Thunderjaw spans four standard 80mm x 80mm squares on a game tile, and the head and tail extend even beyond that! Understandably, this sheer size has necessitated each machine coming with their own dedicated game board. This allows us to not only ensure our players experience an immersive battle in set surroundings, but also that these enemies can have unique patrol routes and plenty of space.

Next up, we needed to look at the structure of the actual encounters.

Encountering Huge Machines

Most encounters in Horizon Zero Dawn™: The Board Game feature multiple machines for players to stalk, and allow plenty of different options to earn glory on the hunt. During these scenarios, hunters can break different components or bring down machines to further their claim as the best hunter of the group, and we’ve made sure there are more than enough machines around to keep this competition healthy.

That said, I really didn’t want it to feel as though the huge machines were competing with other foes. These towering creatures are rightly the centrepiece of any encounter and, thematically, they had to be the centre of the action. They also needed to feel significantly tougher than anything else the players would encounter, keeping them in line with the source material.

The immediate answer was to increase the health for each huge machine, although doing so wasn’t without its problems.

In our initial designs we kept the mechanics the same as other machines; therefore, once all of a machine’s components were broken, the only way to gain glory points would be to deal the final blow. Ordinarily this wouldn’t have been an issue, because there would be plenty of other enemies on the board for players to gain glory from. However, playtesting for huge machines taught us that when players faced a single enemy with a lot of health, they played extremely conservatively, inflicting small amounts of damage until they felt like the kill was within their grasp.

This reserved playstyle really went against the experience we were trying to create—these encounters needed to be exciting and frantic, with hunters trying to deal as much damage as possible, and as quickly as possible. In some groups, given the immense damage one of these adversaries can inflict, the build even created a strange standoff amongst players, where each fled to the corners of the board, daring each other to make the first move.

After much discussion, many different approaches, and a lot of testing, our team arrived at a solution: structure thresholds.

Structure Thresholds

Structure thresholds are static levels in a huge machine’s health track. Whenever an attack inflicts enough damage to force a huge machine below one of these levels, the attacker gains a glory point, simulating them breaking off a chunk of the machine’s armour. If a hunter manages a particularly devastating attack, they can earn multiple glory points, incentivising them to hit the enemy as hard as possible.

Overall, structure thresholds encourage the players to keep attacking and going all out, whilst also keeping significantly more hull points for each machine. Between structure thresholds, multiple components, and the additional glory for dealing the killing blow, these encounters became nail-bitingly exciting, and definitely worthy of the magnificent machine battles they’re based on!

Unique Characteristics

Another big advantage of the huge machines is that they gave us the freedom to explore more involved behaviours and concepts—the kind that would be too complex for regular encounters with multiple enemies. This exploration manifested in the form of additional special rules, increased components, unique behaviour decks with new actions, and even multiple behaviour decks to simulate the different states of enemies.

Rockbreaker, I’m looking at you!

I’ve kept you long enough already, and will end this update here, but don’t worry. The nice folks in our marketing team will let me back soon, so I can dive into some of the above ideas in more detail—such as the specifics for each huge machine, and what makes them feel different to the other enemies players will encounter.

Where to start…well, everyone loves the Thunderjaw, right?

What Do You Think, Seekers?

Shall we invite Sherwin back for another update?

Just kidding—he’ll be joining us for the next awesome installment in the Huge Machine Series, and in the comments as usual.

In the meantime, we want to know:

What went down the first time you faced the Thunderjaw?

Let us know in the comments."


Update #58 :

" Welcome to Update 2 of the Huge Machine Series, Seekers!

Sherwin is back and, this time, he’s ready to face combat…

…a Combat Class machine, that is.

That’s right:

It’s the Thunderjaw!

Thunderjaw On The Tabletop For Horizon Zero Dawn™: The Board Game

By Sherwin Matthews

Not only is the Thunderjaw one of the coolest and most iconic machines in the game, it also has the honour of being the first huge machine to leave the board game design team and head into development and playtesting.

As such, much like in the videogame, it’s a benchmark against which other huge machines can be compared.

(It’s my favourite, too, which makes me that little bit more excited to see how you guys take the fight to this gargantuan foe.)

So, How Tough Is Tabletop Thunderjaw?

In a 1-2 player game, the Thunderjaw has a daunting hull point value of 50. This scales up to 60 during 3-4 player games, which is considerably higher than any of the smaller machines in the game, and definitely worthy of a machine of Thunderjaw’s massive size and stature.

But perhaps you think 50-60 hull points isn’t that impressive? Well, the hull points don’t tell the whole story. The Thunderjaw also has six removable components, each of which have somewhere between 8-12 hull points of their own…making the actual number much closer to 100 .

Sound like a lot to chew through? It is. Especially when a robot tyrannosaurus is rampaging around.

Speaking of rampaging, let’s look at how the Thunderjaw moves around the tabletop.

Thunderjaw’s Behaviour Deck

In Horizon Zero Dawn™: The Board Game , there are (effectively) two types of machines.

The smaller machines, which are more commonly encountered, use a single behaviour card that offers a variety of actions depending on their immediate condition and surroundings. Typically, this means most of these machines can perform somewhere between one and four different actions when they activate, from a potential pool of around eight.

Thus, the behaviour card mechanism acted as a simple, user-friendly system for controlling enemies—one that provided depth and variance, but wouldn’t need a lot of setup.

For the larger and more complex machines, however, I knew we’d have to go further, which led to the development of the behaviour decks . A behaviour deck is a simple step beyond the behaviour card—it’s a deck of behaviour cards, where the players draw a new card each time the machine activates.

It sounds straightforward, but don’t be fooled. Behaviour decks accomplish two things: they significantly increase the variety of attacks machines can perform, and make those machines incredibly unpredictable.

The Thunderjaw comes with a behaviour deck of eight cards, designed to vary behaviours and keep players guessing. In total, the machine is capable of making over 30 different actions. But, you didn’t expect us to stop there, did you?

Creating a New Attack Type

When I designed the Thunderjaw, I needed to find a way to represent the devastating power of this incredible machine’s attacks. To my mind, the Thunderjaw is a terrifying opponent—and I’m pretty sure anyone who’s been on the receiving end of a Disc Launcher attack will agree!

The simple answer was to increase the sheer power and number of the machine’s attacks, but this often meant one hunter was quickly isolated and defeated, while the others escaped unscathed. Naturally, that wasn’t great from a gameplay or thematic perspective. Games tended to be very short if hunters fainted quickly in successive turns, and that wasn’t terribly fair on the player at the receiving end.

Not to mention we wanted everyone to fear the Thunderjaw when it started attacking, rather than just the unfortunate hunter the machine laid eyes on.

After some testing, to bring things in line with where we wanted them, we created a new attack type. In fact, we later returned to this attack type when designing other huge machines. With it, we could up the damage output of the machine, distribute the attacks amongst the hunters, and keep players guessing where the threat would come from.

The Barrage attack type targets the hunter that is within range of the weapon, and has been attacked the least number of times during the current activation. This simulates the rapid-fire, ranged weapons that often exist on huge machines, unleashing a hail of projectiles or area effect explosions that spread damage throughout the hunters.

If hunters want to avoid such attacks, they’ll need to stay well away from the machine… but then, of course, they won’t be close enough to earn any glory either.

This leads me nicely to the components I mentioned earlier.

Exploring Removable Components

As previously stated, huge machines gave us the chance to expand on components with more interesting and involved effects. Although we already had removable components—the removal of which could prevent a machine’s ability to carry out some actions, or reduce the machine’s damage output—this barely scratched the surface of what we could do with these enormous titans.

Considering the Thunderjaw with this in mind, two obvious weapons immediately jumped out as an opportunity to revisit and expand on the rules for removable components:

The head-mounted Cannons, and the aforementioned Disc Launchers.

The first step was to create the Multiple Component rule, a simple variation that allowed our team to create components which the hunters could remove multiple times (and will likely have to, just to survive!).

This pairs with the Linked Systemsrule, which means that in order to completely disable a weapon, the hunters will have to destroy every component. In this case, if one cannon is destroyed, the Thunderjaw can still blast the hunters with the other!

But, that’s not all.

Following the lead of the video game, there’s an additional incentive to remove the Thunderjaw’s Disc Launchers:

Whenever a hunter destroys one of these components, they can equip the salvaged weapon, allowing the hunter to turn the machine’s powerful weapon against itself.

How cool is that?!

So, Ready To Take On The Thunderjaw?

That’s all we have from Sherwin today, but he’ll be back soon with the next update in the Huge Machine Series.

Now, we want to know:

Do you like the sound of the Thunderjaw?

And which huge machine are you waiting to hear more about?

Let us know in the comments."

Ils vont bientôt réouvrir le PM visiblement.


Unboxing (suivra un gameplay sur la chaine) :

Demain l’équipe de Steamforged sera en live sur YT pour une partie filmée … il était temps ^^

On Saturday 4PM BST we’re playing Horizon Zero Dawn™: The Board Game live!


Un peu de « pub » (propagande?) de la part de Sony / Guerilla. On peut apercevoir certaines figurines (comme le deathbringer) que j’ai hâte d’avoir je l’avoue!

1 « J'aime »

D’un autre côté, ils ne vont pas dire que c’est nul :joy: :joy:. Ca ne serait pas bon pour les ventes en retail :grin:.

Une question pour @Sam_Pug.and.play , pourquoi tu as pris ce jeu? (Tout le monde peut répondre biensûr :kissing_heart:)
J’ai regardé le KS, j’ai lu les règles. Je suis les updates. J’ai aussi été voir des vidéos de gameplay du jeu vidéo (que je connaissais de nom, mais j’avais vu avant).

Je résume le jeu comme j’ai compris (par avance, pardon pour les termes et le manque de précision):
Si je comprends bien, on a des bestioles mécaniques qui vont suivre une sorte de piste.
Nous, on incarne des chasseurs.
Voilà :laughing:

J’ai regardé les cartes, etc. J’ai vraiment l’impression que je suis passé à côté de quelque chose.
Est-ce qu’il y a vraiment un aspect tactique dans le jeu ? Je veux dire est-ce que c’est stratégique ?

Dit autrement, est-ce que c’est bien à jouer ? Je n’arrive pas à me faire une idée du gameplay.

Moi aussi lors du KS j’avais compris le jeu comme une sorte de chasse aux monstres mécaniques… bref ça semblait assez basique pour le peu que SFG nous donnait à voir. Du coup je pense que je vais regarder le replay du live pour mieux saisir la chose ^^

1 « J'aime »