Oue bien sûr mais relative, tu vois que ce qui leur tenait à coeur, c’est que le jeu soit produit, pour ça qu’ils n’ont pas annulé en cours
J’ai mis mon petit euro… au cas où…
Clair mais ça sent vraiment l’équipe de passionnés.
Ton projet passe bah c’est cool
Le jeu est graphiquement incroyable. Je pense qu’il méritait mieux. Même pas osé mettre mon euro. Je ne sais que je ne transformerai pas
C’est sûr mais bon c’est un premier jet dans le monde du JDP
En tout cas ils ont de l’humour !
Allez je vais mettre mon euro pour soutenir et au cas où pour le PM
156 contributeurs ont tout de même mis 1€, s’ils se débrouillent bien, continu à communiquer, montre une jolie avancée en production, on peut espérer 9000€ de plus et plus encore avec un late pledge + des PDF traduit ! Pour leur motivation, j’ai bien envie de les aider et participer à cette traduction et attirer des FR
Oue j’avais vu pour Silbury la même j’adhère
C’est vrai que graphiquement, il a une de ces gueules !
Et le style de jeu semblait vraiment être ce que je recherche.
Mais vu l’ambition, je préfère tester un tel bestiau avant de pledge.
D’autant plus sur un primo éditeur, car j’ai peur du manque de fluidité.
Les parties de 45 min, je n’y crois pas trop au vu de tout ce qu’ils montrent. Après, je n’ai pas vraiment creuser.
EDIT: Cela m’a trotté dans la tête cette nuit et je suis allé voir la vidéo de présentation de 15 min.
Et en fait, en 15 min, il explique le jeu et ce n’est pas qu’un petit survol ! Il y a déjà pas mal de détail et pourtant cela reste clair, chapeau !
J’ai un un sentiment de mélange de TerraForming Mars et de Res Arcana. Et les 2 fin possibles dépendant des joueurs impactant la manière, de marquer les points, j’aime
Finalement, je me laisserai bien tenter
EDIT 2: oui, définitivement, y a du TerraForming Mars dans ce jeu, et cela me donne enviiie Dommage que seuls les contributeurs puissent poster dans les commentaires. J’aurais bien aimé leur dire que j’étais intéressé par le Late Pledge et leur souhaiter bonne chance pour la suite ^^
Tu peux leur envoyer un message
Déjà fait ;D
Et la réponse !
We will open late pledge in a few days, we hope it will help to spread more the game and maybe add a stretch goal
Yep, je suis dessus
Fini de lire les règles hier.
Pour mon, on est vraiment face à un Terraforming Mars saupoudré de Hero Management, avec un côté Res Arcana (cela a probablement un nom mais je ne sais pas), pour le choix du Lumen Blessing qui impact en plus l’ordre du tour.
Et les 2 manière de marquer des points selon un choix semi-coop, j’aime !
D’ailleurs, Twoid Games le reconnait eux-même, en réponse à ma remarque:
When we started the game we were just looking for an alternative for Terraforming Mars and we added all the lore we loved in decades of reading and playing.
Je me suis posé quelques questions tout de même, auxquelles ils ont également répondu:
- I’m surprised that there is no counterpart for the player who own an area when another player harvest it; "
we didn’t place any bonus to the counterpart when you gather on another player tile because of the semi-coop goal and because you are not subtracting anything to the other player, also we wanted to avoid any annoying bookkeeping, the game is enough complex to add micro-management.
- In general, what you gain when you place/turn face down a tile for 7 ressources seems to be expensive to me.
the main scope when you perform a 7 resource action is to gain Lumen Rating, the additional resource bonus creates synergies with other actions and we find it rewarding when we manage to link actions.
Moi, j’ai mis mon euro un peu avant la fin… On verra au PM si je transforme, mais en tout cas, on pourra dire que les auteurs se donnent du mal.
Je trouve, oui.
Nouveaux échanges avec eux entre hier et aujourd’hui:
« The increase of 1 LR for 7 ressources seemed not a big deal for me, when I saw the cost of the Lumen Scroll. But if the score is tight between players, each LR count.
As mentionned, I compare to TM »
When we started to develop the game we were playing TM a lot.
Some part for sure where inspired by TM, but in Legends of Void you cannot ignore the common goal (damaging the seraphs) as most of your victory points will come from it.
During play testing, some of our friend approached Legends of Void as a fantasy TM. They ignored common goal, overproduced gold and grab Lumen points from other game elements. They scored last position. When they started to look at it as a different game and try different approach, they started winning.
"If there are only 8 Void-Events cards, 1 Seraph moves 3 times in average during a 4-player game.
But when he moves, he seems to do it between 3 or 4 areas.
Did you test with more activation but less movement point ?
Or movement of heroes and damages by tile action occures enough ?"
About Seraph, we wanted to avoid micro management. We had version with more than one seraph moving during winter, seraph moving by 2. None of them fitted good. Having more than one seraph moving made winter chaotic, a seraph slow moving made seraph too predictable.
Damage by tile is the most recurring action, of course if in a 4 player game everyone goes for sealing portal. There will be no more portal remaining after a couple of turn. But mana is not wasted, you convert it into dark matter so you’ll start scorching.
Fighting with hero is expensive and not easy due to the additional armor cost of the seraphs.
The game is not linear, there are many interacting elements so the intrinsic value of each resource, scroll and action varies among each game and also during the same game.You’re welcome, we learn from questions more than we do from answer
Ce sur quoi je rebondis avec:
"Hum… So, the path to the victory is to build the best engine to bannish Seraph ?
But the difference between players who do that is the others LP gained from other game elements ?
I ask because I believed that points gained from other game elements could be worth enough like LR gain by dealing damage to Seraph but are balanced by the fact there not count if the Void erupt. So, some player can choose to do not bannish the last Seraph if someone else is too ahead in LP, but low in LR."
Réponse au prochain épisode !
En tout cas, j’apprécie leur présence et leur réponse niveau com’
Réponse de l’équipe de Twoid Games !
Let’s try to explain better
We didn’t want a game where you could win ignoring the main goal. You are loosing your lands, Seraphs are destroying your home, it wouldn’t be thematic to win ignoring their threats. So if you decide to grab points from secondary goal it will almost impossible for you to win.
In many of our last games on TM none terraforms anymore, we just get points from floaters, animals, project and jovians. We don’t like this side of the game.In legends of void you have to damage seraphs, but you don’t need to be the best in doing it as long as you can grab points from other parts.
Also remember that the game has sudden death ending, so the leading player on lr has interest to close the game to leave less points to others and also less actions.Players can choose not to banish the last seraph if someone else is ahead on points? Sure, that’s the reason because even if you are last on lr and ahead on lp you need to have a plan to kill the last seraph. Other players will have to bet I m the fact that you will be not able to kill the last seraph, they can’t know for true until you have some scrolls in hand and some resources.
It is a strategy game but not very linear so other players can surprise you and in the end we hope is not just about winning or losing when you count the points, but all the time you have spent on the table matters as well.
Update du 25/05 (en retard, désolé ^^)
Dear Supporters,
here is our weekly update.
We have collected the quotes from the shortlist manufacturers (3) and discussing details with them. According to the timeline, we will choose the manufacturer by the end of the next week.
Quotes include the acrylic options. Thanks to the first week of late pledge, we are at 9% of the stretch goal, 91% still to climb. We believe!
There is still a lot of time for Pledge Manager, we will delay this part as much as possible.
30 days before the closing of PM, you will receive a notification mail.
Hero, Faction, and Seraph Card size
After checking the size of common sleeves in commerce, we are adjusting the size of large cards (Hero, Faction, and Seraph) to 88x125mm. It was 126mm in origin, but there aren’t common sleeves for this size. So, let’s cut one millimetre. We can no longer update the FAQ on KS, for this reason the size on the project page isn’t right. Scroll size will remain the standard one: 63x88mm.
Text review and Scroll layout
We completed the text review of the first pages of the rulebook and proceeding with the rest. After some confrontations, the standard action “Seal a Portal” will change into “Lock a Portal”. To avoid confusion, the term Seal will refer only to the Seal tile. For the same reason, the Scorch tile will be renamed Desert, more suggestive and less misunderstanding. With the action “Scorch a Nihil”, you will gain a Desert tile.
Relic are changing into Artifact, as we think is more coherent and evocative.
We are proceeding with the review of the Scroll layout. For a small number of scrolls, around ten, the image will get most of the space. Here you can find some samples.
The next weekly update will be about the chronology of the Outer Lands.
Thank you for believing in this project
Wish you a great week,
Twoid Games
Pour info sur la terminologie de « Seal » → « Lock », ils reviendront sur « Seal », au vu des commentaires.
Exemple de Jennifer
We certainly appreciate all your attention to details. The card size adjustment is a great move, thank you. I would also second the wording for the Portal–maybe it is just for English language, but I think of anyone being able to Lock a door if they have the physical key or are on the inside with a locking mechanism. However, a Portal is a little different, more of a magical or « other wordly » passageway that cannot be accessed by just anyone, including « locking » it like you would a door, and not likely to have a common key anyone can control. In fact, a Portal usually « locks » itself when it closes, because it can’t just be reopened on a whim. The way to open it is with something very special and not well known or easy to come by; often something/someone magical or difficult to acquire. « Sealing » a Portal feels more correct with the magical feel – more like making it impossible to open with the usual magical means, and making it much different than just an ordinary door that could be physically broken or busted open; also adding to how serious or dire/important it is to be able to use the Portal, which is NOT an ordinary passageway. But, perhaps that is just something with the English language and would « feel » different translated in another language. I love that you take such care for details to make it the best possible experience.
Pour les Standee passé en Acrylic, ils attendent de voir clairement que le SG soit inatteignable pour penser à le proposer en add-on (en attendant, les devis les comprennent bien).
C’est vraiment très joli.
Sauf le Leprechaun que je trouve degeu, tout le reste est au top