Maladum: Dungeons of Enveron - par Battle Systems - livraison janvier 2024

Tu as raison, pour moi un kit d’upgrade c’est une petite boite qui te traduit tout ton contenu, mais vu que chez BS, il n’y a du texte que sur les cartes et les livres, on peut effectivement le considérer comme tel :wink:

Les derniers partages de Battle System…

Maladum Gaming Mat samples have arrived! There’s that splash of colour we needed…

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La dernière news pour Maladum…

More Maladum game testing, this time with Andy from Black Jack Legacy. Hopefully not too long before EVERYONE is playing Maladum.

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Un peu de neuf dans la dernière newsletter de Battle System avec la date de Février 2023 qui est avancé pour le KS…

Maladum: Dungeons of Enveron - Launch Update

Can’t wait for Maladum? You’re not alone! We’ve been super keen to get the game going ourselves, so we’ve started a lot of the mouldmaking processes in advance of the KS campaign. When we run the project a lot of the components will be actual production copies, already tested and ready to go, so you can be sure of the finished quality.

We want the campaign to have the best chance of success so the game is everything you all want it to be and more, so with that in mind we are expecting to run the project in around three months, starting in around February 2023. More details can be found in our previous newsletter.

These pictures have come straight from the factory. These sculpts have been optimised and approved, and these masters have been cast ready to make the production moulds. We are really happy with the level of detail and dynamism we’ve achieved here and I’m sure you’ll agree!

Our new designer also started this month and we’ve thrown him in at the deep end! He’s been getting straight to work creating some new versions of our classic dungeon terrain upgrades, starting with the Mines. Check out his early prototypes:

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Les dernières news de 2022 tirées de la newsletter…

Maladum: Dungeons of Enveron Update

Everything is still on track for launch in early 2023 as we announced previously and we’re getting really excited.

Tooling is underway and we are getting back more and more resin masters for the minis. They look superb!

Next week we’re going to chain Colin to his camera for a massive photography session - it’s time to fill out the rulebook with tons of gorgeous images.

On previous campaigns this is something we would have done much later in the process, but for Maladum we want the rulebook finished and ready for the Kickstarter to show all our backers just how great the game will be!

Here are some of our pages just waiting for photos - they look pretty great already don’t you think?

As you can see, the rules are close to finished, but there’s plenty of time for tweaking. We’ve done loads of testing already, but we want to keep refining it to make the game as good as it possibly can be, and we’re looking for more testers!

If you’re not afraid of a bit of print and play work and you have the time to get plenty of games in over the next few months, we’d love for you to help.

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La date du KS pour bientôt…

Announcements are coming soon…


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Le premier message serait à actualiser du coup pour savoir de quoi on parle. C’est un calque de Leur précédant jeu dans l’espace ?
VF après le KS ?
Leur système d’évolution est limité aux persos où il y a une gestion d’équipe façon Mordheim ?
Que de questions…

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Justement les dernières news d’il y a quelques jours:

Hey everyone. Thanks so much for your patience waiting for the Maladum launch to be announced, while we’ve resolved some unrelated issues. I promise you it’s been far more frustrating for us than it has for you! Anyway, I wanted to confirm that we’ve now got everything lined up for a March launch, and we’re now hard at work on all the graphics for the campaign page and all the other behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into launching a Kickstarter. Just getting all the marketing booked in, and the exact date will be announced in our newsletter in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I wanted to share the feedback I was just given by one of our playtesters, Rob, to give you an idea of the quality of the game you’ll be getting:

"Initially, I set out to read the rules and play them while attempting to avoid any thoughts or comparisons between this and CS because I wanted to give an unbiased assessment of this fantasy game, and not just list of what I liked about any of the potential streamlining of the Core Space engine. That task proved to be harder than I thought it would be, and I believe that is a good thing. Thematically, I love the way these rules feel and the game play they deliver to the genre of tabletop RPG-infused games. I share others’ opinion that this game is fun and makes for an even better loot grab experience because of the theme.

Simply stated, Core Space appeals to the very heart of the rogue trader crew experience for me. Go in, grab everything you salvage for a profit, and get out, one derelict ship or station at a time. Maladum takes that game play another step forward by elevating it to a hack-n-slash, magic-infused, open dungeon crawl and outdoor skirmish; a perfect theme for the rules. I fell in love with the magic and outcomes of using magic while I was reading the rules, and even more so when using them in tandem with melee, and I think they add an interesting layer and texture to the status effects.

A couple of other aspects that stand out to me are the balance of gameplay created for this setting and the increased thematic outcomes of events. I have since read other posted feedback about these concepts and the rules, and I wholeheartedly agree that they both add to the fun. On my own, I wasn’t sure I could put my finger on it, but it is clear that the event cards in this play test print-and-play set and the potential for additional, expanded event outcomes capture more of the flavor of RPG narrative than their CS counterparts, and the time limit of the Dread Tracker seems to add even more anxiety-driven flavor. The gameplay just feels right to me, and the icon-driven components feel even better than their CS counterparts.

In addition, I also agree about the flavor of the randomization making for entertaining situations. This is another reason why I feel that the game engine benefits from the fantasy setting.

Thank you for providing feedback to the questions and ideas posted here and new content. They have been a valuable resource for processing these rules. As a matter of record, the feedback, by players and admin alike, is keeping me from addressing most of my original notes because they are now pleasantly moot."

I’m really pleased that my intentions with these rules have come through in the gameplay, and I can’t wait for everyone else to dive in and see what we’ve done. Not long now!

Et voici le lien KS pour le lancement

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Ca ressemble énormément à Core Space quand même. Je n’ai regardé que les 15 premières minutes mais j’ai vraiment l’impression de voir la même chose en Med Fan.

C’est bien ce qui était attendu non… adapté à l’univers MedFan mais ca reste du core space…

Perso, la vidéo ne me donne pas du tout envie… peut-être le fait de déjà avoir CS…mais je crois que la vidéo en elle même est peu flatteuse…cette vue de loin etc…

Moi c’est le fait d’avoir l’impression d’un Core Space à peine revisité.

Perso je passe mon chemin, ca fera trop.
Par contre pour un Dingo de Medfan, qui n’aurait pas tilté sur Core Space à cause du theme, y’a de la place.

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Oui mais ils tombent juste après pas mal de DC. Pas certain que les gens ne soient pas en over dose.
A titre personnel, je n’en avais pas et j’ai esquivé Massive Darkness, mais j’ai plongé pour Darkest Dungeon et vu le cas Mythic Game, je me suis pledgé Orque Quest et Malhya Land.

On sort du DC je pense, plus proche du Skirmish.
Mais c’est clair que de l’offre, y’en a…
Et que se reposer sur sa fanbase de CoreSpace ne sera pas suffisant.
Par contre, faut leur reconnaitre que ils ne font pas de la pyramide de Ponzi, en livrant leur KS puis en passant à autre chose, c’est bien.

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Démarrage 15 mars 13h00 GMT.

Perso moi qui adore core space et BS je suis décu de cette version de Maladum, j’esperais un jeu différents, ils ont beau dire c’est différents, je ne voit qu’un core space amélioré et avec encore un défaut récurent, changez de map a chaque mission !!!

Par contre j’ai pas compris si le systeme d’arrivée des ennemis étaient différentes

C’est la même chose, tu as une piste qui te donne quels adversaires peuvent spawner. Ensuite tu lances un dé pour savoir si un adversaire spawn ainsi que le dé qui donne l’endroit où il spawn. C’est exactement pareil que Core Space.

Le système de cartes évènements fonctionnent aussi de la même façon.

Déçu aussi, c’est vraiment un reskin de Core Space, je vais passer sans soucis, du DC Medfan j’en ai déjà pas mal et je suis plus difficile à contenter sur ce thème.

Une chose qui me dérange c’est que la DA, l’iconographie et le matériel fonctionnait bien pour de la SF, mais là c’est le même matériel et la même iconographie et ça ne fait pas du tout medfan.

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C’est même tellement un reskin que il semble que les éléments en plastique sont réutilisés à l’identique ce qui n’est pas debile du tout mais augmente le feeling de reskin.

A quand le far west Kansas City haha

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