Revend des jeux.
Bon j’ai créé le sujet :
car faut pas polluer celui-ci
Qu’est ce que cela va être quand ils auront la licence SW …
Oh bordel , comment vais-je faire pour résister à ces chibis … Je m’étais dit que SW suffirait à mon bonheur , mais là s’ils font DC et SW ensuite …
Toujours plus de photos dans la nouvelle update…
Update #131 - MPCs: Hulk, Apocalypse, Cardboards, and Playmat
Heroes, unite!
We are still looking at assembly finishing around mid-April, followed by assembly of all the individual backer pledges, which should be done by late May. Then, shipping can begin. We will keep updating you as things progress.
Before looking at more MPCs, we have some photos from the factory to show you
Before looking at more MPCs, we have some photos from the factory to show you.
A whole lot of Loki variants
Spider-Man 2099 seems to be shedding…
Cosmic blasters
Cosmic Ghost Riders
Shuri is going with the flow
Preparing the Apocalypse
A pile of Nemesis skulls
The box
An impressive stack of cardboard Locations
Locations from every box
The box
Another hefty stack
Villains from every box
For the first time, the Playmat has a printed box
Regular side
Solo Mode side
The box
Rules leaflet
Locations on top of the tray lid
Back of the Villain dashboards and front of the Locations
Villain dashboards
Two card decks in their tray slots
Two card decks and one Equipment
Backs of all the cards
Hero cards for Magneto, X-Man, Saertooth & WIldchild, and Morph, as well a Magneto’s Equipment
Master Plan and Threat cards for Apocalypse and Nemesis, as well as Apocalypse’s Mission
Dark Beast’s Master Plan and Threat cards
The box
Rules leaflet
The Punchboard sits atop the tray
Backs of the Locations and Villain Dashboards
Locations and Villain Dashboards
The two card deck on their slots
Backs of the Hero cards, including Sentry’s Dark Entity card and The Void deck, as well as Hulkbuster’s Equipment
Hero cards for Hulkbuster, Ares, and Hercules, as well as Hulkbuster Equipment
Hero cards for Sentry, Gladiator Hulk, and Doc Samson. Sentry also has a Dark Entity card and 6 The Void cards
Back of the Master Plan and Threat cards, as well as Hulk’s Rage card
Master Plan and Threat cards for World Breaker Hulk, Ares, and The Void, as well as Hulk’s Rage card
Roooh mais il ne faut pas être aussi grossier et faire attention, il y a des personnes sensibles ici
Est-ce confirmé que c’est dans les tuyaux ou juste purement théorique/fan’tasmé( )?
Si ça interresse du monde je vais très certainement vendre mon allin à la réception
Nouvel update…
Update #132 - Playmat Shipping + MPCs: Civil War, War of Kings, and Team Decks
Heroes, unite!
A NOTE TO APAC BACKERS: Some of you have received a notification from Backerkit indicating that all contents of your pledge have been shipped to you. We apologize for the miscommunication, but this message is erroneous. Only the Playmat has been shipped out at this time. The rest of your pledges will be shipped later.
Since the Playmats are too large to fit inside the pledge carton, they are being shipped separately from the rest of the pledges. And since production is finished and they don’t require pledge assembly, the Playmats are already being sent out ahead of everything else!
Here’s the status of PLAYMAT delivery.
- China: Fulfillment completed.
- APAC: The pledges were dispatched on April 25th. In transit to the backers.
- Australia: The shipment was picked up. ETA at the hub is middle of May.
- USA: Not yet booked.
- Canada: Booking the shipment. ETA at the hub is early June.
- Europe: Not yet booked.
- Rest of the World: Booking the shipment. ETA at the US hub is at the end of May.
In regards to the rest of the pledge contents, the individual backer cartons are being assembled at the factory and should be ready to ship out by late May. We’ll keep you updated.
Before looking at more MPCs, we have some more photos from the factory to show you.
Tony’s nightmare
A swarm of tiny Yellowjackets
Giant legs
Big pile of big heads
Card pack
Rules leaflet and 2 packs of Team cards
All of the retail Team Decks
Each Team has a cover card listing its members, as well as 6 Team cards (usually).
United Heroes, Secret Avengers, Pro-Registration, Wakandans, and Champions
Guardians of the Galaxy, A-Force, Deadpool Team-Up, Asgardians & Allies, and Spider-Army
Avengers, New Avengers, X-Men, Uncanny X-Force, and Defenders
Card pack
Rules leaflet and 2 packs of Team cards
Full roster of Promo Teams
Force Works, Alpha Flight, Illuminati, Marvel Knights, and Fantastic Four
Inhumans, New Mutants, Defenders (Manhattan), Infinity Watch, and Excalibur
X-Factor, Resistance Against Apocalypse, X-Force, Savage Avengers, and West Coast Avengers
The box
Rules leaflet
On top of the tray is the Punchboard with KO, Terrigen Mist, Seismic Barrier, and Water tokens
Then we have Locations and Villain Dashboards
In the tray we have the 9 character pieces, 2 card decks, and Gladiator’s tracker cube
Punchboard and the back of the Locations and Villain Dashboards
Locations and Villain Dashboards
Backs of all the cards
Hero cards for Black Bolt, Medusa, Lockjaw, and Gorgon
Hero cards for Karnak, Crystal, Triton, and Gladiator
Master Plan and Threat cards for Vulcan and Gladiator
The box
Rules booklet on top of the box
Rules booklet
On top of the lid we have the Punchboard with Location Control, Shield, and Danger tokens
Civil War Dashboard and Punchboard
In the tray we have the Team color bases, 2 card decks, 2 Team tracker cubes, and the 10 character pieces
6 Locations
Backs of all the cards
Hero cards for Hulkling, Goliath, Kate Bishop, Spectrum, and Captain America (Classic)
Hero cards for Iron Spider, Tigra, Wonder Man, Yellowjacket, and Iron Man (Civil War)
Team Blue Mission cards, Event cards, Cell cards, Population cards, and Equipment cards
Goliath va être sympa à peindre je le sens
En voyant la boîte de Galactus j’espère qu’on va être plusieurs à faire une manif pour un insert de @hohyss
@froh sors les bannières c’est toi le porte-parole
Je sors les bannières ! @hohyss t’as déja fait les 3/4 du travail ! Il nous faudra de l’aide pour la dernière ligne droite !
Haha, non
Ben en tout cas même si tu ne fais pas la saison 3, s’il te reste un ensemble S1+S2 même un peu abimé, je suis preneur !
Vu que je me suis décidé juste après la fermeture …
Pas besoin d’insert, faut laisser Galactus troner fièrement sur la table du salon
Bon alors il arrive ce ks ???
Ils attendent que je finisse de peindre ma saison 1 pour livrer.
Merci encore à eux !
Plus sérieusement, dans leur dernière news ils annoncent avoir commencé à préparer le prepacking pour la côte Ouest des US.
Donc on a encore au moins 1 mois d’attente.
On resterait sur juillet j’ai l’impression…
Ça sera pour plutard je pense. Si j’ai compris ils annoncent les tapis pour début août dans le hub européen
Rah la la, la dernière news (#135)
Actu no. 135: MPC: Multiverse Promos - Stretch Goals!
Ça fait super envie !
On remarque qu’ils ont pas ouvert la boîte des figs