Monsterpocalypse - par Mythic Games et Privateer Press - Livraison en novembre 2022

Annonce de Privateer Press, l’augmentation de la graisse est de mon fait :

(…) Monsterpocalypse, as we had anticipated, is ready for a change. We had hoped that the boardgame version of Monsterpocalypse, licensed to Mythic, would propel Monsterpocalypse to a new level of excitement. Unfortunately, despite the success of the crowdfunding campaign, that new version of Monsterpocalypse has disappointingly not yet come to fruition. While we await news from Mythic and are hopeful they will find the ability to move forward with delivering their project in the new year, we must move forward with a new event for Monsterpocalypse that doesn’t simply add more content to an already extensive library. So, we are working on a new expression of Monsterpocalypse that will add to the existing experience while providing a new entry point and a new way to enjoy our vision of giant monster miniatures combat. While we can’t put a specific date on these new developments, we hope to have an update later next year.

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