Plouf … annulé après 60H .
Why I’m cancelling Patriot only 60 hours in.
Publié par Anthony Kirkham (créateur)
30 minutes from the time I post this post update, I am going to cancel Patriot on Kickstarter. I do this with an extremely heavy heart, but I want to make one thing clear before I click the button: Just like Arnie, I’ll be back.
Why am I cancelling the project?
This is in no way, shape or form an irrational decision driven by emotion. By looking at realistic objectives, I have come to the conclusion that Patriot is not going to meet the funding goals that it requires with current trends.
If we review the launch from a purely mathematical perspective, Patriot needs AUD $2,166 AU of backing per day to sustain its rate of funding, excluding any of the awesome stretch goals. From the analysis that I have done pre-launch, there are three phases to a project: Launch hype (48-72 hours - the most funding), normalisation (the middle part - constant funding), and campaign end hype (the last week - scrambled funding).
We are just leaving the launch hype stage - where it died down far too quickly. Yesterday, we had 15 new backers where we need ~28 backers per day to hit targets. Evident warning flags. Where we should have still trended upward, we started to flat-line.
Hype dying down is driven by a number of factors, and doesn’t mean the product is inherently bad at all. The 2 pieces of extremely valuable feedback I received were: « Why have I only just found out about this project? », and « Where’s the gameplay section? ». This means that I need to work on both getting the word out there and communicating the message.
What are the lessons and what are the next steps?
This is a small step in a much larger journey. We can and will do better. You backed Patriot already, so I don’t need to explain to you that Patriot is going to be an extremely high caliber product with beautiful artwork, great gameplay and a lot to offer (even though I just did). I am sure that the game deserves to be on your shelf. I am also sure that as a community, we can turn this game into one of the greats.
So I’m going to try again. This time, though, we’re going to do it right. I would like to relaunch in July (that’s a soft date - I want to make sure we can get everything done in this timeframe) after collating feedback and having a hard look at what we can do better. Here’s the plan until then:
Get in contact with the best reviewers in the biz and get more review videos of Patriot for the re-launch day.
Reassess the pricing points of Patriot. Is there a way that I can offer the consumer a better price for the game and a lower funding goal without compromising the quality of the board game?
Review the effectiveness of my current advertising regime. Cut out the crap advertisers and focus on the ones that provide Patriot with tangible value.
Revisit the campaign on Kickstarter and find out if it’s telling the story that it should be telling. The gameplay section of the campaign should be on the page from the start.
I can’t do this without you, so I would be forever grateful if you could help me out by filling out the 5 short anonymous questions on the survey I made… Found here. What I want to understand from this survey is how to improve the campaign, how to improve the game and what I need to do to make the next campaign extremely successful.
Some last comments from me.
Firstly, please accept my sincerest of apologies. It has been quite hard for me to write this post, especially because if you backed the campaign, you were supporting the dream of releasing Patriot to the world. It saddens me to have failed your expectations.
Secondly, I encourage you to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and my next-to-no-spam email list at I am always up for a chat, especially to people who are interested in board games and like giving people like me a go.
All the best, and thank you all again for the support you have provided thus far. Here’s to the road ahead.