Primal: The Awakening - par Reggie Games - Livraison septembre 2022

N’empêche que s’ils réussissent à facturer des frais de port « normaux » ils auront vraiment bien gérer cette affaire!

4 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update avec les figs de l’usine…

Update #41 - Miniatures & Artwork Update

It’s time for our monthly update from Thyrea! We recently received the new batch of minis from the factory and we couldn’t wait to share some new pictures with you :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, everything this month is proceeding well and in accordance with the updated timeline (see Update #40 in case you missed it for more details).

Before talking about the overall progress, let’s jump into these awesome shots from the hunting fields!








As we anticipated in the previous update we felt the need to make slight changes to some masters. What we did with the models you see above was both enlarging their size and enhancing some small details to make sure the quality you see here will be faithfully reproduced during the injection process for the final PVC copies (up to an unavoidable margin - less than 5%).

The models have been raised by approx 1cm each. Of course this not only affects the height of the mini, but it enhances the overall presence of the monster on the board. They are bigger, brutal and threatening as they are expected to be!

The overall process came with its cost (also in terms of time), but we are very satisfied with the decision we made. The factory is doing a great job, being responsive and effective over the whole process, and the current result is what we desired it to be.

Progress Update

Another month has brought us closer to our goals on all fronts. The process that involves the finalization of all files is not completed yet: given the high complexity of the project, things in the last few months turned out to be more intense and delicate than what we thought. However, everything is coming along great and we are working hard to get things done within the current deadlines.

This month we have been writing, translating scenarios (more than 60 texts from italian to english), proofreading card texts and working on the final graphic design for boxes, rulebook and any other component in the game.

Last but not least, with the lore design being completed, we have also been working with our artist team to realize the final illustrations for all legendary items as well as for important characters and some evocative locations of the game world.

To give you a glimpse of the quality of the new content, here below we are excited to show some preview images!

The artwork you see here represents the unlocked legendary equipment sets. These weapons and armor pieces are special rewards that players may unlock by exploring specific story-paths in the campaign mode.

The legendary equipment can be mixed and matched with any other gear you craft. These sets in particular are designed for the final battle and they feature unique ability texts that interact specifically with the mechanics of The Awakened.

Do you have any idea of what the « Elder » and the « Celestial » stands for? :wink:

A preview of the legendary weapon cards

We hope you enjoy the new art for the legendary sets. More artwork will be revealed in the next months although we cannot show too much since we don’t want to spoil any story element (expect some sneak peek!).

3 « J'aime »

Va pas falloir bégayer pour peindre ça :sweat_smile:

2 « J'aime »

Je reste toujours sur mon impression: Arts top, figs qui déboîtent, mais le jeu ne m’a pas convaincu sur ce qui a été proposé pendant le KS.

1 « J'aime »

Pour avoir pu tester le jeu, c’est beaucoup plus eurotrash qu’ameritrash, la gestion de sa main de cartes est intéressante, l’IA du monstre très poussée, mais j’ai trouvé que ça restait très… mécanique, pas le souffle épique que la DA et les figurines pouvaient promettre / laisser penser.
Je ne reviens pas sur l’aspect «  »« narratif »«  » qui n’en est pas un, ce sont quelques lignes de LDVELH qui essaient laborieusement de raconter une histoire entre deux combats.
Par contre, pour être clair : le système de jeu, cette gestion de cartes, l’évolution de son deck (miam), le gampeplay vraiment asymétrique et complémentaire de chaque héros, tout ça fonctionne vraiment très bien.
Juste un poil trop « froid » selon mes goûts.

3 « J'aime »

Le PM est fermé ou c’est toujours pas le cas ?

Toujours pas. Ça sera fermé 2-3 mois après l’annonce de la fermeture, qui n’a pas encore eu lieux.

L’unboxing des figurines…

Putain, avec l’arrivee d’aeon, le all in de celui là va faire mal aussi. Madame a fait les gros yeux en voyabt la boite, accompagné d’un « je te deteste » xD.

2 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update avec la confirmation de la fermeture du PM très bientôt et la facturation du shipping vers le mois de mai…

Update #43 - Progress Update + Campaign Rules

Hey everyone!

We hope the start of 2023 has been great for all of you. We have high hopes for what this year will bring!

Today we would like to share with you some details regarding the campaign mode, and talk about the changes and the improvements we made during the final stages of the design process.

But before anything else, let’s talk about the recent progress and the current state of art of the project.

Progress Update

First of all, we are excited to announce that the mold production for all minis has been completed! Despite recent serious covid outbreaks in China, the factory has worked hard to complete the toolings. We are now waiting for the injection tests and then we’ll be ready for miniature mass production. This is an important milestone as the miniature testing and finalization has been a very long and complex process that took us a lot of time in the last year.

In the meantime, the development is proceeding well with our team now focused on finalizing the rulebook and campaign book. There was a slight slowdown in the narrative content translation in the last few weeks, but we are working closely with our partner and we are confident we can remain in our current schedule.

The shipping expectations from Update #40 are still confirmed as we plan to ship the games from China within May. However, the factory will return from the Chinese New Year in the next few weeks, after which we will finalize a detailed production schedule for printing components being able to provide more accurate estimates.

Regarding the shipping and fulfillment phase, the global situation has continued to improve and the shipping costs have decreased in the last few months. The worst seems to be passed and the overall delay of the project could have had a positive side here. However, it will take several months before shipping starts and we still have to be very cautious. Please, consider that it’s possible we will incur in a slight increase of the costs with respect to our estimates on the Kickstarter page, but you can be sure we are making every effort to ensure we get the lowest price possible. Speaking of shipping costs, we expect to close the Pledge Manager and charge for shipping around May which is as close as possible to the actual shipment phase. Anyway, this is still an estimate and you can be sure we will keep you informed in the next updates.

Campaign Rules Update

It’s been a while since we talked about gameplay, and in particular about the campaign. These weeks we are focused on the final rulebook and campaign book, so we thought it was a great opportunity to share with you some important changes and improvements on the campaign mode.

Updated design for the Campaign sheet

Please consider that some components have been changed during the finalization, but any update of the rules has been made as a consequence of all the playtest iterations to ensure the final game will meet and exceed your expectations.

An Open World Experience

Since the early stages of development, Primal has been designed with the campaign mode in mind and with the aim to give an « open-world » vibe to the players. We wanted the campaign to offer a free approach to objectives, without following a limited linear structure.

In gameplay terms, while the main storyline takes shape independently in the background, session by session players can freely choose the quests they want to embark on. Most of the quests can be played at any time during the course of the campaign and monsters level up as the campaign progresses to adapt to the player characters’ level.

The Questboard has been re-designed to remind of an actual map of Thyrea with quest scrolls hanged on. You can see the different slots corresponding to the regions/element of the quest cards.

Thanks to the integration of the Legendary quests from the unlocked Stretch Goals, we reached a total of 50 scenarios available in the campaign. Such a wide variety makes the campaign fully replayable. Although the main storyline stays the same, every time you run a campaign you will have the opportunity to encounter different monsters and discover new secrets about the lore of Thyrea*.*

Speaking of lore, we are proud to say the ‹ Expanded Lore › we unlocked during the KS has been integrated in scenarios and bonus content bringing the Campaign book to a total of 150+ pages. (For those of you who feel intimidated or not interested in the narrative, no worries: we decided to keep most of the interludes between 300 and 500 words. In case you are wondering about it, yes, it is possible to play without caring about the story… though it is highly not recommended since you would miss some real awesomeness ;P)

While expanding the lore and designing the campaign, we wanted to give the players the ability to explore the narrative background outside of the narrative of the quests, to find clues about the story and experience a sense of mystery and wonder. That’s how we came to the idea of the visions: each time you slay a monster in the game, through the monster’s blood you get access to a mystic vision. The visions give players enigmatic glimpses over the past of Thyrea and are an important resource they use to investigate the events and connect the dots of the story.

For those players who accept the challenge to reconstruct the whole puzzle behind The Awakening, at the end of the Campaign book there is a list of questions about the lore. Will you solve the mysteries of Thyrea?

Gameplay and Balance

As we approached the final stages of the design, we took a close look at the quest-tree balance to ensure there are no illusory choices. After many tests, we made a change to the original design by removing the Contracts and replacing them with new achievements that helped us reaching a more even structured tree. The campaign run simulations showed that the Contracts limited the players in the choice of which monster to fight, taking away from the freedom to approach quests and crafting.

Speaking of crafting, this is definitely one of the pillars of the campaign experience. The forge system has been improved with the addition of new rules that now give the players more freedom and control over their options:

  • Players can convert 1 Element resource into any common crafting material.
  • Players can discard any Equipment card (disassemble, thematically) to gain any common crafting material of their choice.
  • Crafting a piece of equipment requires 1 corresponding Element resource, but upgrading it to a higher level does not require any Element.

Here below is the new design for the Character sheet. From session to session, that’s where you’ll note down any important information of your hunter (quantity and type of resources you collect are now directly tracked on your character sheets; this makes resource management more streamlined and intuitive).

Updated design for the Character sheet

From the Character sheet you certainly noticed the Skill Tree section. This is where you’ll keep track of your deck upgrades.

Players will be instructed to level up as they advance in the story. In facts, in the fiction the level up corresponds to the recurring consumption of a potion made from the monsters’ blood (why such a potion makes your character stronger? Maybe you will find the answer during the campaign!)

So, how does the level up work? Each player has a starting deck and mastery from the Prologue scenario. In addition each character comes with 20 upgraded Action cards and 5 Mastery cards to be unlocked as the campaign progresses. These cards are divided into 5 skill branches with 2 upgrade steps each. When you level up, you simply choose a skill branch to be upgraded and you unlock the corresponding cards. This way you gradually expand your card pool, which is the collection of cards from which you can build your deck. You won’t be able to unlock every card in your skill tree, so… choose wisely :wink:

All that being said… let’s briefly see how all of this work.

How to Play a Campaign?

A campaign is made of a series of 11 chapters; each chapter can be considered as a game session and it follows the structure below:

Story Phase: At the start of a new chapter, players read the corresponding introduction on the Campaign book. These are narrative interludes that not only add immersive context and move the main storyline forward, but they are also accompanied by gameplay instructions such as unlocking or removing quests based on the achievements that players have obtained.

Questboard Phase: Players collectively choose a quest from their Questboard to become the active quest for the current chapter. The quest you choose has a great impact on the crafting options in your future sessions. In facts, forge cards and crafting materials are unlocked based on the monsters you defeat, so when choosing a quest you should carefully evaluate your crafting strategy. Also, each quest brings forward a unique storyline and leads to special rewards.

Garrison Phase: The garrison is the place where the hunters spend most of their time on activities like training, healing, crafting equipment and preparing for the next missions. During the Garrison phase, each player can

  • Craft Equipment cards from the available Forges (you can craft any number of cards as long as you can spend the required materials)
  • Craft Potion cards & Heal Wounds from the Herbalist by spending the required plants.
  • Build their deck and choose the equipment for the active quest’s scenario.

Hunt Phase: that’s where the boss battle take place! Look for the scenario associated to the active quest in the Campaign book, follow the setup instructions and get ready for the fight!

Campaign book preview - « The Secret of The Sea »

Campaign book preview - « Flood of Flames »

Campaign book preview - « A Flight Through the Storm »

When you successfully complete a scenario you advance in the story chapters and a new game session begins. Of course, you receive rewards such as special item cards and crafting materials (each monster drops specific resources), you unlock the forge card associated to the monster’s element (if you haven’t unlocked it yet) as well as achievements that give you access to new quests. The Campaign book has an entire section only dedicated to rewards for each quest.

Example of 3 Item reward cards

What happens if you are defeated by the monster instead? Simple, you keep any Wound card in your deck (you may be able to heal them at the Herbalist), you get back to the Questboard phase and then try again! The game is designed to be very challenging, so loosing a fight is a part of the experience and does not compromise your campaign… unless you play the Hunter’s Trial variant.

Hunter’s Trial section in the Campaign sheet

If you choose to play the Campaign mode with the Hunter’s Trial rules, you have to mark on your campaign sheet every defeat you suffer. If you suffer more than 3 defeats in a row within the same chapter, the campaign is over! If you manage to get to the end of the campaign, you are given a Hunter score based on the total number of defeats you suffered. To make things more interesting, there are some achievements that increase your score: you gain Valor points that add to your final score by slaying a monster without being KO’d or by completing a Nightmare scenario. Consider that Nightmare scenarios come in 3 difficulty levels: choose the level you want to play, at your risk. The higher the difficulty, the more Valor you gain. The Hunter’s Trial is suggested for experienced players that want to put their skill to the test. If you want to get to the highest rankings, you’ll have to take risky choices and optimize your crafting strategy. Will you make a perfect run? :wink:

That’s all for today, we hope you enjoyed the changes and improvements to the campaign mode. We’re eager to keep you in the loop with the next updates.

Once again, thank you for being here and we will be back soon with more developments as we bring this project to life.

Reggie Games

1 « J'aime »

Bientôt, bientôt… en Mai quoi !

Ils ne peuvent pas clôturer sans avoir annoncés les FDP et TVA, non ?

Toujours aussi content de l’avoir pris celui là. La tva était comprise dans lz pledge (sauf si tu parlais de la tva des fdp).

2 « J'aime »

Curieux de voir comment tourne la campagne et comment rendra le côté non linéaire d’une structure qui semble l’archétype du linéaire…

La possibilité d’échanger un matériau contre un type particulier est bienvenue car ça évite de se retrouver bloquer suite à une mauvaise décision et ne pas pouvoir prendre l’équipement indispensable…

Ca dépends de ce que tu appelles « linéaire ».
Tu aura toujours ton histoire de base mais vu que tu peux choisir les quêtes que tu fais a chaque chapitre, je pense que c’est ca qu’ils appellent non-linéaire?

Ils ont l’air d’y avoir bien réfléchis en tout cas!
Et non les FDP seront annoncés vu qu’il faut toujours qu’on leur donne l’argent :stuck_out_tongue:

J’hésite à prendre le pre-order ici avant que le PM ferme…
Au cas ou: Est-ce qu’il y a un groupe ici qui avait pris le groupe pledge et qui ont une place pour le groupe pledge (Je suis sur Paris)?

Sur le site je mets mon adresse en France et il dit 1€ de FDP, vu les commentaires ici les FDP seront annoncés bientôt mais pour le Gameplay All-In Pledge 260€ est-ce qu’il y a une estimation des FDP en France?

Merci par avance

Je n’ai rien vu. Perso, je prévois 45€. Chiffre totalement au pif.

Nouvelle update avec la nouvelle timeline… et faudra patienter au mieux Décembre ^^

Update #45 - BIG Update: Progress & Timeline

Hey everyone,

Finally, it’s time for a new update from Thyrea! March has been very busy and we have been forced to slightly postpone the release of this update. But here we are!

Another month brought us closer to the finalization of all the game components. Today we want to share with you the behind the scenes of the recent progress including significant steps but also challenges related to this delicate phase of the project.

After talking to the factory in the last week, we also defined the new timeline from the mass production to the final delivery, which is presented in detail at the end of this update.

So, speaking of progress, let’s start from one of the main tasks of the last two months: the rulebook.

Rulebook Finalization

The rules have been refined and finalized after over a year of extensive playtesting (at multiple levels and different player counts). Such testing allowed to highlight all those hidden and technical aspects of the game that require analysis and in-depth investigation to offer clear and rigorous rules (i.e. resolution of specific triggers, timing of multiple activations with certain combinations of monsters and equipment, and specific cases of interaction of card abilities).

Writing a rulebook that counts over 90 pages requires attention towards the reader, who not only needs to learn how to play correctly, but also needs to do so quickly and gradually. To optimize the accessibility of such a huge rulebook, we decided to divide it into three main and well-defined sections:

  • The Prologue, where, in a few pages, you learn how to play your first scenario that serves as an introduction to the campaign.
  • Campaign Rules, where crafting, character progression, and general rules for playing the campaign mode are explained.
  • Expedition Rules, where the expedition mode is explained, and all the setup rules for the available scenarios in this mode are presented.

In addition, we created a section dedicated to the special rules of the monsters and a glossary that delves into all the important terms and concepts of the game.

To ensure that the rules are clear and error-free, we conducted more tests than we had initially planned, and that was the right choice. Primal has an elegant and relatively simple structure, but there is a deep complexity that emerges from card interactions and special monsters rules that require the maximum accuracy to make everything crystal clear. We received a lot of valuable feedback that helped clarify and improve the presentation of certain details. Some parts were rewritten almost entirely after the first draft in order to better organize the content, highlight key concepts, and add numerous gameplay examples to facilitate reading and understanding.

Fo instance, we have added several examples regarding the resolution of behavior cards, showing special cases that could have caused doubts for novice players.

Also, we have greatly expanded the glossary from the first draft and added a section dedicated to the timing and all triggering keywords and icons.

To date, the design and improvement work on the Core Rulebook is complete and the file is now undergoing the final proofreading check. Meanwhile, the other files related to the expansions are almost finalized and will enter the final check within this month. In summary, here is the current state of the process.

Despite the challenges that came with finalizing the files, we are very satisfied with the result so far and we cannot wait to share with you the PDF version of the rules.

Once all rulebooks have been finalized and proofread, we will move on to a final review of all card texts to ensure that the wording is consistent with the changes made during the finalization of the rules.

Speaking of cards, we have completed about 90% of the proofreading work on the 2000+ card texts in the game. Currently, the process is on hold, waiting for the completion of the rules check, which may lead to some final refinements in the choice of some game terms and keywords.

Campaign Scenarios (Writing and ENG Translation)

As you already know, the writing and especially the English translation process took much more time than what we originally estimated. Our writers are polishing the remaining texts, which mainly come from the expansions’ scenarios and the Tome of Creatures, and the English translation of the narrative is still progressing in parallel. It’s been far more intense than expected due to the many back and forth exchanges with translators, writers and proofreaders. Unfortunately we are behind our estimated schedules, but we’ve overcome the initial obstacles and now proceed at stable pace.

On one hand, the work on the rulebook involves technical and formal rigor, while on the narrative front, the challenge is of a completely different nature.

We are working with a team that includes both native English and Italian speakers. This is because the narrative content is created in Italian, translated into English, and then goes through multiple proofreading checks by different professionals to ensure that any nuances of meaning (such as figures of speech, personifications, and choices of polyvalent terms in Italian) are understood and accurately conveyed in English.

A sneak peek of the final Campaign book cover design!

Our team of writers who worked on the screenplay and plot development review each translated text together with the proofreader, providing eventual details and explanations regarding the original text in terms of both content and style.

Expansion Campaign books cover design

Since several scenarios contain key terms and references to gameplay aspects, the game designer’s input is always involved as well to ensure that every aspect is consistent with the choices made during the finalization of the game.

Graphic Design & Artwork

In previous updates we already told you about the creative effort put in the development of the story and the game setting. To enhance the storytelling experience, we asked our artists to create new artworks that showcase some of the hunters’ most significant discoveries.

Kaer Maga - The forgotten region

With the final illustrations being realized last month, all the graphics and artworks for the game is now complete. Throughout the entire journey, from the very first sketches, our artists did a great job creating inspiring works that really set the stage for an immersive experience.

For those of you that are interested in the lore and the art of the game, today we want to share a little preview of three characters (NPCs) that will have prominent roles in the story:

Welcome to Reja, Noatar, and Nael.

Reja is the Prime Commander of the Alborean Council. She is the leader of the hunting forces and her determination inspires courage and empowers strength in all people.

Years ago, Noatar survived an event that changed him forever. Today, the Keeper is a spiritual guide who senses the marks of forgotten lives and times coming from the unknown past of Thyrea.

Nael is the most talented seeker of Alborea who owns the deepest knowledge of nature and beasts. The more he understands of this savage world, the more he feels he is missing something crucial to grasp the truth behind the brutal nature of Thyrea.

With the completion of the graphic material, the work on the layout and setting up of the print files has already begun, in order to expedite the closure of the files once all the components are finalized and ready for printing.

Manufacturing - Plastic Samples

Speaking of the manufacturing process, the tooling production has been completed and the molds for all miniatures have been refined and finalized by the factory.

In the last few weeks we received the first batches of plastic samples for review and approval before mass production starts. These samples are crafted from the molds with the purpose of showing the final quality of the printed models.

As you know, it took us over a year of tests, modifications and refinements to achieve the highest quality for the models. We were incredibly excited and anxious at the same time while unboxing these final minis. The outcome is gorgeous and we couldn’t be more proud of the level of detail achieved on both large and small models (with the little % loss during the casting having no significant impact).

See for yourself what is coming :wink:

Ready for the hunt!

A great recognition goes to King of Average for his consulting work and great support on these minis, and to the factory of course, which has been very receptive and helpful through the various modification steps, providing a great quality and an excellent work so far.

The Primal monster collection is almost complete…

3d terrains guarantee the best immersive gaming experience

The Awakened is here!

However, celebration and joy aside, we are not done yet.

We are currently waiting for the final batch of models: this is the final call for catching any eventual defects or potential issues before jumping into mass production. The remaining samples we receive will undergo a detailed review process to check that everything is faithful to the resins we approved.

This step requires all our attention: learning from the experience so far, we are taking into account a little extra time for any eventual exchange with the factory to ensure everything is ready to go.

Pre-Packed Shipping and Fulfillment

Over the past two months, we have been working at full steam on the fulfillment plan for the project. We are currently talking to the main actors in the industry in order to plan every stage of the process, from the container loading in China up to the final delivery on your doorstep.

As we have already mentioned, we are working towards the implementation of a pre-packed shipping strategy for the delivery of the game, by creating customized boxes for different types of orders. This kind of solution guarantees a better quality control on the packaging and assures a more streamlined process, simplifying and speeding up the work of fulfillment hubs.

Creating a custom box for each specific combination of pledge and add-on items is not easy: each backer can add a different number of add-ons of their choice in the pledge manager, resulting in more than 200 unique item combinations.

To determine how many types of custom boxes we need to produce, together with our partners we are studying the orders, with the aim of optimizing the number of boxes produced while guaranteeing a robust package for any item combinations.

Here’s a 3D simulation image to give you an idea of the work that happens behind the scenes to get the game shipped!

While planning the pre-packed strategy, we are also evaluating the updated quotes from the fulfillment hubs to define the final shipping costs. Speaking of that, we are relieved that the worldwide shipping crisis seems to be behind us; although the situation is unlikely to return to pre-crisis prices, we are confident that the costs will be fair and reasonable with respect to what we have seen during these crazy times.

We will be glad to provide you with a detailed and comprehensive update on this matter once we have more accurate details.

Timeline Update

In the last few weeks, we had extensive discussions within our team and with our partners regarding the deadlines for each task involved in the finalization process. While we are satisfied with the results achieved, based on the progress status of the different fronts, we had to accept that we are further from completion than what we had expected. As shown in the progress overview, the rulebooks files are still undergoing the proofreading process, the translation of the narrative has been stretched with respect to the estimates, and after all components are finalized we will need to allocate a couple of weeks to thoroughly review each file.

Long story short, we need two extra months from now to finalize everything for the printing mass production, and therefore we are forced to extend the timeline compared to what was previously estimated.

We waited the last few weeks until receiving the approval of the new schedule from our factory as well as their precise estimate for the pre-packaging process that will occur once production is ready. Here below is a table that shows all details about the new updated timeline.

According to the new timeline, the game is expected to arrive at your doorstep by the end of the year. We had hoped that this final phase would have been completed in less time and with fewer unexpected issues so that we could start delivering by summer, Q3, but unfortunately the recent slowdowns force us to extend the timeline.

The technical time for finalization has proved to be more intense due to the complexity we accumulated throughout the development process. This was the first time we tackled such a huge and delicate process in which the result of years of work converges. Although we were aware of the challenges, we didn’t manage to predict exactly how intense each step would have been.

However, with any unforeseen difficulties being solved, everything is well underway and if we look back at all the progress done and the tremendous amount of work being put on the development, the finalization is now just a few steps away.

We, who are living and breathing the day-by-day progress, can see the finish line approaching and we see evidence of how the extra time we’ve invested in the project has been essential to take care of every detail and being able to create something unique. On the other hand, we feel the frustration for the wait and we sincerely apologize for not being able to shorten these last steps of the process.

Please know that all of our efforts and resources are entirely dedicated to this epic project, postponing any other projects and developments to focus on Primal which is and will be our leading project for a long time.

We want to express our gratitude for your patience and for the amazing support you consistently provided us all along this journey. We cannot wait to show how incredible is the result we achieved together, and we have no doubts it will be worth the wait.

Once again, thank you for being here, and stay tuned as we will be back soon for the next monthly update.

Reggie Games

Il a interet d etre bien leur jeu xD.

Ça sent le Q1 2024.