Primal: The Awakening - par Reggie Games - Livraison septembre 2022

Moi ce qui m’inquiète ce sont les 90 pages de règles :sweat_smile: On parle d’un jeu de combat de boss sans déplacement… Qu’est ce qu’ils ont pu bien rajouter…

Quoiqu’il en soit, ce qui m’inquiète c’est qu’on a jamais eu trop d’info sur le mode campagne qui aurait dû être le point du jeu qui aurait pu générer plus de travail que prévu. Apparemment c’est plus l’équilibrage et les règle + la traduction qui leur demandent plus de temps, surprenant :thinking:

Je ne sais pas vous mais j’ai une petite angoisse qu’au final il y ait une demande de rallonge pour le jeu :

  • Impression que ça fait x mois que les figurines sont prêtent et qu’ils n’ont toujours pas lancé la production.
  • 12+ mois de retard
  • Pas vraiment de nouvelle depuis le KS sur le mode campagne.
  • Les 3-4 updates sont un peu vides de contenus
  • Packaging pas clair
  • Pas de nouvelles sur les frais de port
  • Date de livraison pour l’instant floue
  • Update un peu moins régulier qu’auparavant

Vu que le jeu était déjà cher à l’époque, ce serait ennuyeux qu’il faille rajouter encore plus…

Mais bon cette sensation est très subjective…

Tu nous ferais pas une petite MythicGamithe aiguë ?

6 « J'aime »

Surtout qu’on a pas encore payé les fdp, donc ils vont pouvoir mettre la somme qu’ils souhaitent ^^.

Oui je crois que c’est ça, mais je n’ai pas de doute sur la livraison finale concernant Primal juste que je trouve que les derniers points de progression du jeu et de la communication ont l’air moins maîtrisé qu’auparavant…

Leur dernière update est très bien et assez complète je trouve.

D’ailleurs si tout les late-pledges ont le meme status que moi, notre cartes n’a toujours pas été débité.
Du coup ca me fait dire qu’ils sont sérieux et ont toujours une marge de manœuvre.

Je commencerais a m’inquiéter si ils nous débites mais que la production n’est toujours pas prévu.

Note: ca va faire bizarre de voir 150+$ passer sur le compte alors que j’oublie a chaque fois que j’ai pas pas payé encore.

J’avais réglé par paypal justement pour ne pas me faire surprendre.

Moi j’avais tout payé à l’époque du KS (je viens de vérifier). Du coup, il ne me reste plus que le shipping ^^

Attention Update où ça parle du shipping (enfin à payer dans backerkit) pour août-septembre…

Update #46 - Progress Update + Ozew Preview

Hey Hunters,

It’s time for our monthly update from Thyrea! Today we want to address some frequently asked questions about the pledge manager, our shipping charge schedule and the TTS release. Then we also want to go back to the gameplay talk with a quick but in depth preview!

But before anything else, let’s review the progress we’ve made in the last few weeks.

The rulebook has been refined, proofreaded, and will receive an ultimate update on all graphics and art to get to the final print version. Meanwhile, we have finalized Frost, Venom and Feather Expansion Books which are going under the proofreading process within this week. Stretch goals and 5th player Expansion are almost complete as well. The work on the expansion rules turned out to be shorter than what we estimated, and our proofreading partner is doing a great job to help us catching up.

Writing and narrative translation are progressing at full steam as well with only the last batch of texts to be finalized, translated and double checked by our team. Finally, all the Campaign books for the base game and all expansions will undergo an ultimate graphic update.

While some tasks can take a little longer, others are turning out to be shorter, saving us precious time. The preparation of files is already begun, and with the main issues behind, we are on track with the current timeline; the next month and a half will be crucial for finalizing everything and ensuring it’s ready for printing by the end of June.

Pledge Manager Update

Many of you are asking about the Pledge Manager closure and the shipping charge date. Consistently with the approach we adopted with respect to the shipping costs, our position stays the same: we will calculate the shipping costs as close as possible to the freight shipment so that we will be able to provide the actual (and, hopefully, the cheapest) costs.

With that said, accordingly with the recent updated timeline, we want to confirm and remind you of the steps we need to take in the next months with the regards of the Pledge Manager:

August: We will insert the final shipping costs into the BackerKit system and we will notify you about the possibility to make any eventual last minute changes before orders are permanently locked.

September: Around the end of summer, we plan to charge for shipping and add-ons. Please, keep in mind that this may still slightly change; however, as we get there and calculate the final shipping costs, we will publish a dedicated update with any instructions and information you need in view of the Pledge Manager closure.

TTS Demo Update

As we previously announced in Update#42, we are going to release a new TTS demo with an additional monster (chosen by you!) to be tested out while waiting for the physical game to arrive at your table. As you might have guessed, due the recent timeline update we had to postpone the TTS release accordingly.

The setup of the demo requires most of the files to be finalized (rulebook, cards and any other component that show up in the TTS); since we don’t want to publish a version which does not correspond to the final quality, we have to wait until we have everything ready. Also - and this is no less important - preparing the TTS takes time and we want to put every resource we have to focus on the finalization of the game itself.

Long story short, the TTS demo will be released as soon as possible, with the current schedule being around the end of June/first half of July.

In the meantime, today we want to give you a little taste of the monster you voted, which is the one that will be added to the digital demo.

Gameplay Preview: Ozew

Ozew belongs to the thunder monster category and it focuses on throwing lightning and controlling the players’ hand through discard and forced recycle effects. While the gameplay of its scenarios feature some random elements, Ozew’s mechanics are designed to give players enough agency to plan strategies and have control over what’s coming.

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this section if you don’t want any spoilers about the monster behavior!


Ozew features two main gameplay mechanics that make it unique: Swarm cards and Rumble cards.

Rumble cards are special cards that mark, in yellow, specific sectors of the board (the diagram in a Rumble card is oriented so that the front side is the bottom one). These are the sectors where Ozew’s lightnings are going to strike! At the end of each round, players that are in a marked sector will be the target of Thunderstorm (the keyword « Ongoing » means that the card remains in play for the entire scenario).

In this example, Dareon (in the Front sector) is safe, while Mirah and Thoreg (in the Flanks) are going to be the target of Thunderstorm!

Now let’s turn to the other key feature of Ozew: the swarm cards.

In the fiction, the monster is part of a huge swarm that includes monstrous insects of any size. The swarm cards represent those creatures taking part of the fight to protect the monster.

The swarm cards prevent players from dealing damage to Ozew: when a player would deal damage to Ozew, they must choose a swarm card to be the target of that damage instead.

In addition, each of these cards features an ability text that is active as long as they are in play.
As it reads in the cards, to defeat a Swarm card and be able to remove it from the game, players have to deal an amount of damage equal to Ozew’s toughness value.


Hold the Dodge! Choose a weapon that allows for a solid number of dodge cards in your deck. The monster will pose some insidious threats that will require you to answer with a dodge.

Lightning is one of the monster’s signature attacks. The reaction icon « ! » means that the behavior triggers immediately as the card is placed on the monster board. You will see it coming most of the time (while it’s on top of the behavior deck), but it’s likely to have it jumping into play when multiple behavior cards trigger and get replaced within the same turn.

With the aim of including at least 5 dodges in your deck, above are shown some good options for Dareon. However, since Ozew is weak against Crystal and Horn, by equipping cards of those elements (weapon, armor, helm or item), you can further modify your deck composition. Following the elemental weakness rule: for each two equip you have of those elements, you can add 1 action card of a color of your choice to your deck. This way you could end up adding up to two dodges to your deck and maybe using your preferred weapon with a dodge addition!

Make a discard-proof plan. Do not base your game plan on a single card combo: that’s what Ozew is waiting for. Chances are that card will get discarded (probably recycled), and your strategy will be completely disrupted.

Keep an eye on Surge and Overcharge. If not addressed properly, Surge and Overcharge behavior cards can really checkmate the player providing a deadly bonus damage to the monster’s attacks.

Ozew features low damage values through all its stances, because of its impactful attack rate. Its damage value must stay that low! Players have to be careful while playing aggro cards and must keep moving on the board (to avoid becoming threatened), not to trigger Surge and Overcharge. Otherwise they must have some tactical countermeasure to avoid the attrition damage and any other source of damage based on the state of the game.

Avoid Thunderstorm. This is definitely the main threat of the scenario making the fight challenging and dynamic every round. Players have to coordinate their movement and strategize on who should take the aggro in order to avoid ending up in the targeted sectors at the end of the round. Each round, the goal is to designate a player who has the best chance to have dodges in hand, maintaining the control over the monster.

Use the Objective card. Yes, you really want to avoid thunderstorm, no ifs or buts. That’s why Hit the Horn! objective card is so precious for the players. As the card ability reads, hitting the monster’s horn will prevent it from attacking through Thuderstorm. If you are out of dodges, cannot coordinate the moves or the aggro with your allies or don’t like challenging your fate too much, have a player dropping that blue-red-red sequence and blank the monster ability!

Slay the Swarm wisely. Once the Swarm cards are revealed, depending on the abilities they bring into play, it becomes crucial for players to decide the order in which to remove them. This tactical detail may be overshadowed by strategic choices on how to approach the scenario, but it can make a difference during the final rush to conclude the encounter.

If that was your swarm configuration, which order would you choose?

We hope you liked Ozew’s preview and we cannot wait to have you putting your skill to the test against this monster!

Let us know in the comments if you’d like to read more gameplay previews like this. Which monster would you like to have a showcase of? :wink:

That’s all for today, we will be back around mid June for another update from Thyrea!

Until next,

Reggie Games

2 « J'aime »

Ça reste quand même étrange qu’ils n’ont plus fait mention si oui ou non ce sera égal à l’évaluation réalisée lors de la campagne… Je comprends la volonté d’attendre la date fatidique mais qu’il n’y ait même pas un ordre de grandeur à donner à 3 mois du paiement… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Et puis en septembre, je comprends que la production du jeu aura été réalisée, prêt à être envoyée, comment vont ils gérer les retardataires car 1 mois pour récupérer les paiements avec plus de 11k de Backer avec les européens qui sont en vacances… Étrange :thinking:

80% des sous ont déjà été récupéré, il s’agit juste des FDP et des late pledges
J’imagine qu’ils ont un peu de marge
Et peut-être que la facture de la livraison arrive après le transport

N’empêche tu ne m’ôteras pas le sentiment que ce sera plus cher que la prévision donnée lors du CAPEX…

La pillule passera mieux alors que les jeux se trouvent dans les containers.

Ils avaient indiqué une estimation pendant la campagne ? Parce que je n’en ai pas souvenir, et il n’y a rien d’indiqué sur la page.

Ahhhh, c’est juste que l’illustration refusait de se charger à cause de ma connexion pourrie, merci ! :sweat_smile:

Oui, clairement, même 35€ pour prendre la marge haute, ça semble difficilement envisageable… :confused:

Le pledge manager est toujours ouvert et si je le prends, j’aurais le jeu en même temps que vous ? :face_with_monocle:
Il est écrit « pre-order » dessus et je crois que c’est la première fois que je vois ça sur backerkit.

c’est juste un late pledge, et oui tu l’auras en meme temps que tout le monde, juste plus un peu plus cher que si tu l’avais backé pendant la campagne à l’époque (et encore, faudrait comparer le cours du dollar)

1 « J'aime »

Deux petites questions sur le jeu :

Niveau gameplay, quand une carte dit de cibler « un allié », on peut se cibler soi même ? Spontanément je pense que non, vu qu’il y a aussi des cartes pour cibler « un joueur », mais sait-on jamais.

Concernant la VF, j’ai vu que des gens ici avaient participé à la relecture… un avis sur la qualité de la trad ? Toujours le dilemme VF ou pas…

Je crois que c’est @urfnir qui a réalisé celle du livre de règles. Pour la campagne je ne sais pas où ça en est…