The Witcher: Old World - par Go On Board | VF par Matagot

Tiens, j’avais oublié ce jeu dans ma liste :sweat_smile:

1 « J'aime »

L’oublie pas trop :smiley:

1 « J'aime »

C’est noté quelque part mais pas dans ma tête :stuck_out_tongue:

2 « J'aime »

Si t’oublies trop, je prendrai ta part, mais c’est bien parce que je suis sympa :smiley: .

2 « J'aime »


J’ai une question qui peut paraître bête mais ayant toujours 1€ sur mon pledge est-il toujours possible d’y participer sachant que le PM est censé être déjà fermé ?

Encore désolé si la question est idiote mais je comprends pas trop le système gamefound ! :sweat_smile:

Tu essai et tu verras bien ce qui se passe. Si tu peux y accéder c’est que c’est bon et si tu as un message que le PM est fermé c’est que c’est pas bon :wink:

Nouvelle update avec présentation de la Big Box et la mise à jour de la timeline avec la livraison début 2023…

Update #45 - Big Box is here + Production Schedule

We were waiting for the factory to prepare a physical sample of the final Big Box design. Today, the Big Box is here; we can show it to you! Additionally, we have some news regarding the production schedule.

Big Box

Developing the Big Box was a big project, and we were considering different options and solutions to make it look and protect your games best. Our priority is to provide you with the best production quality, so we had to be patient.

We’ve decided to record a video to show you everything in detail. Below you can also find some photos.

Please, notice that it’s not the final production sample. It is a digital print, and the printing quality in the final components will look better.

The three exclusive monsters from the Monster Pack expansion will come to you in the Big Box. Since some people who ordered the Big Box do not have the Mounted Eredin in their orders, the Mounted Eredin will come in a separate tuck box. But there will be enough space for it in the tray.

We will add numbers to the plastic trays to make it easier for you to place each miniature in the corresponding slot.

The plastic lids will also change slightly, as mentioned in the video.

The Big Box will fit the sleeved cards, and the kallax will fit the Big Box!

Production Schedule

The second important piece of information regards the production schedule.

All the plastic and language-independent paper components are accepted now, and the factory produces them.

The language-dependent paper components have to go through a complex process. All our partners do their translation work and prepare the printing files. Then we have to check if the files are prepared correctly. If there is something wrong, our partners are making other corrections. After that, the factory makes final files inspection. At this stage of process, there may also be a need to make changes due to the technical aspects of printing. Then the factory also goes through the files and prepares e-proofs before printing to ensure all components are printed correctly. As you can see, it’s a long process, but it must be done precisely.

We are in different stages of that process, depending on the language version. English and Polish versions are being produced already, and the factory should end their process and assembling by December. Then we will ship the games, which means we should be able to start the shipping to you at the beginning of 2023.

All the other language versions will be produced and shipped after the process of checking the files is over. The factory will produce the rest of the language versions while assembling the EN and PL versions. That means the backers of EN and PL versions will get their copies a little earlier than the rest.

We would prefer to send all the language versions simultaneously, but splitting it helps make the delivery faster for all backers. Producing games at the same time would take more time and allow for more mistakes, so we believe that’s best for the whole project.

If you pledged for multiple language versions, we will ship them as soon as all of them are already produced.

1 « J'aime »

A sortir avec un transpalette de la kalax ^^

Je regrette pas de l’avoir pris !

2 « J'aime »

Ça fait 6 mois qu’ils parlent de la Big box j’ai l’impression :joy:

2 « J'aime »

Mais elle donne vraiment bien :grin::grin:.
Sinon, livraison d’abord pour les anglophones et les polonais, puis les autres

J’espère que l’écart se fera pas trop sentir… ce serait un peu le regret de pas avoir pris en anglais sinon. :sweat_smile:

De ce que j’ai compris on est imprimé juste apres. Donc pas de trop trop gros délai.

4 « J'aime »

Dernière update avec les photos d’usine…

Update #46 - Photos from the factory and current work status

As every month, we have some news for you! We are constantly working on the project, and right now, our main duty is to make sure that each of our partners from many countries will prepare their files correctly. Checking the files and being a link between our partners and the factory is a very important and time-consuming process. However, it isn’t something spectacular to talk about. E-mails, e-mails, e-mails… :slight_smile:

Parcel from the factory

Recently, we’ve receviez a parcel from the factory. In the pictures below, you can see how your coins and dice set will be packed. It is simple packaging, and we like it.

There was also the developed playmat in the package. In the previous version, the colors were a little bit too intense. Now, even though it was a minor change, the playmat looks better, and the mass production of this component is going.

Photos from the factory

We asked the factory to share some photos from the production with us. Here they are:

As you can see, we are moving forward with the production. Hopefully next month we will have more details about the planned delivery dates.

1 « J'aime »

C’est pas très joli les dés et les pièces je trouve… :confused:

Content d’avoir pris la version light :slight_smile:

2 « J'aime »

Non ça ne donne pas envie…,

1 « J'aime »

Quelqu’un vendrait un all in avec une big box ? Je n’ai pas eu les finances pour pledger x(

J’oscille entre hype de dehype, en attendant la big box all-in. On en reparlera peut être pour la revente.

Pense à moi :smiley: