L’éditeur écossais Dream Big Games (Wreck And Ruin) travaille actuellement au développement de son prochain jeu Wardens of Wulvengrad (ex-The Hunted Boardgame) qui sera dans le genre monster hunting boss battler jouable de 1 à 4 joueurs avec de la gestion de deck, du jeu tactique et de la construction/tirage de sac contre un monstre contrôlé par une IA. A noter que le jeu pourra être joué en one shot ou en campagne. DBG vient tout juste de poster le lien pour l’inscription KS.
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Et voici quelques images…
All 4 hunters for Wardens of Wulvengrad are now complete! Each one brings their own unique skills to the hunt, working together as a team to take down their target. From left to right they are:
- The Trapper: carries all the equipment to support the group and to trick the monster - from throwing a net trap to stop its movement or bait to draw it away, to smoke bombs to shield his allies and first aid to heal them. He can attack at range from his bow.
- The Scout: the expert on all things monster, she can predict how the monster will act, running in to attack when it’s safe, or hiding when it’s not! Quick and deadly up close.
- The Guardian: protects her fellow hunters behind her huge shield, soaking up damage and giving her allies time to reposition themselves. Tactically minded, she has a lot of flexibility with her abilities.
- The Warrior: Nothing stands in the way of his large axe, his strength can break armour and stun his target! Defense is an afterthought, all his energy thrown into his attacks. He needs to rest the least, if he can stay alive long enough!
Les renders 3D:
Les figurines imprimées:
Le plateau:
Les monstres:
Moui, je pense je vais me contenter de mon primal.
1 « J'aime »
Si tu as primal pas besoin. Garde tes billes pour ATO… tu as vu comme c’est magnifique sur la dernière update et vidéo 
1 « J'aime »
C’est vilain de se moquer xD.