Waste Knights 2nd edition - par Galakta Games

Bonjour à tous,

Update #45, comme tout les autre updates actuellement sur KS, update sur le Coronavirus…

"Greetings Knights!

First of all, we hope that despite the current global situation and the Covid-19 pandemic all of you stay healthy and safe as well as hopeful for a better tomorrow . We humans are tough beasts and we won’t let some virus end our civilization! On top of that, if you are reading this, you belong to the chosen group of Waste Knights: Second Edition Backers – hardened survivors and apocalypse-lovers, prepared to face any threat :wink:

However, as you can imagine, the pandemic is constantly testing our resolve and it’s very hard to say what happens over the next few days, not to mention months. For one, Poland has been coping with the virus for the last couple of weeks, as the disease came here later than to the Western European countries. This has resulted in a strict quarantine similar to the one in Italy or France.

For safety reasons our company has been working in home office mode for the last couple of weeks, too. As you probably know from your personal expererience, even with modern technologies it makes communication more time-consuming and hampers such things as preparing new prototypes, checking print quality etc. Additionally, it is hard to conduct any playtests, even the internal ones. Due to the current state regulations and company policy we cannot gather in bigger groups. We do have a couple of dedicated external teams who have decided to continue the playtesting of new adventures, but still the whole process has unfortunately slowed down.

Yet, we keep doing what we can under the circumstances – things are being written, edited, proofread and translated, our artists keep working on adventure layouts, we are also designing additional game modes utilizing different Add-on or Stretch Goal modules to make the game even more enjoyable. The Chinese production part is also done and we are awaiting the shipment of components. All this means that – albeit slower than we hoped – we are unwavering in our push forward, to the promised land where finished products live :wink:

All in all, at this point it’s hard to say how the pandemic will actually affect the fulfilment date, but rest assured that we are doing our best to finish the development process and prepare the files for the final production. We hope that the quarantine will ease the pandemic situation and in a couple of weeks we will be able to wrap things up. We will certainly keep you posted via updates.

Seeing that you enjoy entries from Jenny’s Critter Handbook , we have another mean beast for you, or actually beasts as the Bloodthirsty Kangaroos never fare alone!

Thank you for your unending support and patience. Take care of yourselves, stay safe at home and play board games! We will do our best to land Waste Knights: Second Edition on your tables in no time.

See you in the Waste!

Galakta Team"


Update #46 :

" Greetings Knights!

With the pandemic becoming our new reality by now, we are here to let you know about the current state of the project. Especially that it’s been over a month since our last update and many of you wish to know where we’re standing.

However, before we proceed, we would like to assure you that we will pay more attention to your feedback regarding the updates. We will do our best to increase their frequency, so that you are constantly informed about the game. We also hope that the next few weeks will be filled with new developments on Waste Knights: Second Edition .

The bad news is – we’re still under a partial lockdown , though the Polish government is slowly loosening the restrictions, and we believe that in 2 weeks or so we will finally be able to emerge from our home office abodes and return to a normal work mode (if ‘normal’ can ever be reached given the current circumstances), which, in turn, will enable us to speed up the development process.

As at this point playtesting of the last adventures is somewhat hard, so we mostly focus on the translations and editorial work – the part of the publishing job that requires both time and precision, but needs to be done to perfect the product. We hope that this will result, among other things, in the final version of the rulebook that we plan to show you soon, and that we will finish the cards so they are ready for production.

In the meantime, we add more content to the existing elements , and part of this work can be found below. In this update – as well as in the next one – you may read basic information regarding the characters you will play. These backgrounds will gain more depth in the solo adventure Road to Ruin , which will pit some of the knights against the demons of their past.

Additionally, as we cannot allow you to die in the badlands (you’re our dearest Backers, after all :wink: ), we have yet another page from Jenny Burns’ Critter Handbook . This time the Huntress has something to say about the Radeaters , nasty bugs that can devour you alive, or at least irradiate you to soften you for other enemies stalking the outback.

That’s all for this update. We hope that we’ve sated your hunger for knowledge a little and that you will be awaiting more news with renewed interest. For the moment – stay healthy and safe , and let’s hope that the epidemic will end in no time, so we can return to normal life filled with great board games!

See you in the Waste!

Galakta Team"

Je m’étais hypé à mort sur ce jeu, mais l’absence de VF au final m’avait fait abandonné mon pledge.
Me demande si ça a des chances de sortir en VF un jour mais je ne suis pas optimiste…

J ai pas l impression que ça sortira en vf sauf raz de marée de super critique. (je dis ça mais j ai pris le all in) par contre il y aura le retard classique de 6 mois 1 an

Le sujet de la VF avait été mis sur le tapis à l’époque, mais bon, 158 backers, quoi (et pas mal de texte, en plus). C’était donc totalement inenvisageable.


Update #49 :

Greetings Knights!

We hope that all of you are OK and starving for some premium post-apo experience! As promised in the last update and in the comments, we come back to you with the latest news on the status of the project – and what a piece of great news it is! Our team is super busy working in the badlands to bring you the game, therefore this time we have some hard facts for you in this quick update.

The most important – and the happiest for us as creators – thing happened this week. Our long-awaited shipment of components from China was delivered to the warehouse at our Cracow company HQ. In order to guarantee that nothing gets damaged, we had chosen a big container to lay out the boxes evenly and avoid any issues that could result from stacking them. Especially that these are almost 2 tons of wasteland goodness ! Below you can see a couple of photos from the biggest “unboxing” in the history of our internal projects :wink:

We immediately went through the stuff to check the component count, its final quality, and the state of the minis after such a long voyage – fortunately, everything looks great . Making the trays was a good idea and we believe you will be just as pleased once you get the stuff into your hands.

Below you can also see in detail the full set of elements for the game – at least the ones which we manufactured in China. All other stuff has either already been made (such as wooden laser-cut elements for the Remnants of Civilization expansion) or is scheduled to be made soon in Poland. We will then complete your orders and send them to proper logistic hubs.

Regarding the development progress, we have finished Rise of the Red Lord, which is the final SG adventure – it’s playtested and now is being proofread in preparation for translation. At this point we are adding some finishing touches to Deadly Cargo, the last adventure from the Through the Waste expansion , and we believe all adventures to be ready at the end of next week.

Basically, as all game components except for the books are already done, all that’s left is to finish the translation, editing and final proofreading of the adventures. We plan to send the production files for the paper elements (cards and big books, as they are the most time consuming) around mid-August . This is also the moment when we would like to get back to you with another big update on the production schedule.

This is more less everything we have for you this time. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know as usual. In the meantime, our team is focused on the technical work to finish everything without any further delays.

See you in the Waste!

Galakta Team

Ha c’est un KS que je regrette presque de ne pas avoir pris. j’avais buté sur le Pas de VF, pis je le sentais pas coté communication, du coup j’avais cancellé mon pledge. On verra quand les backers joueront !


Update #51 (bientot l’impression!) :

Game complete…and on its way to printing!

Greetings Knights!

As the Covid situation is escalating, we sincerely hope that you are holding on no matter what and staying as far away from this wicked virus as possible. We are getting back to you after a while with news on the project and we feel that you will like what we have to say.

First of all, we wish to announce that we have completed work on the game and we are ready with the production files for the English edition . We have already sent them to our manufacturer and we should get the proofs for acceptance soon. It means that the first stage of production, i.e. the printing process, has begun. We plan the first batch of games to be ready for the beginning of December.

Then the palettes will be sent to the logistics company, which is responsible for custom-designed, dedicated outer boxes to keep your games perfectly safe . The company will prepare everything for shipping and we hope that the first packages will reach you around mid-December .

We will tell you more about localized editions (Polish, German) soon in a separate update, but rest assured that work is in progress in case of both.

Secondly, as you have been waiting much longer than expected for the game, we decided to provide you with some added value and squeezed more stuff into your KS copies of the game. Besides the extra content we will provide via PDF, we have 12 more cards for you.

Check out the legendary Drop Bear , the scourge of all unwary (non-Australian) travelers through dry scrub of the outback. Join the Cattle Drive and decide for yourselves how much damage you are willing to suffer to get what you need most. Reach for the RPG – a one-shot weapon able to annihilate even the toughest target. Or maybe you want to load Mankillers into your gun and make sure your enemy stays dead?

On top of that, we added 8 Adventure Cards , which you may use to randomly choose the next scenario to play, or in future game modes we have planned. Of course, all 12 cards will be added to both the Knight and the Veteran pledges , because everyone has shown equal patience for the project :wink:

More news on the production process will be revealed in the coming weeks, and in the meantime we would like to invite you to check a smashing KS campaign from our partner, Pendragon Game Studio . It’s The Thing: The Boardgame , a thematic title based on a cult horror movie from the '80s, which will enable you to cooperate, betray and assimilate! We will be working on the Polish edition of this game and our team has already played it, therefore we can safely say it’s something worth backing. If you wish to learn more, just click the link below:

Click here to go The Thing: The Boardgame campaign site

Click graphic to go to the campaign site

That’s all for today. Expect more news from us regarding the final stage of fulfilment for Waste Knights: Second Edition and other projects waiting to be revealed to you. As usual, feel free to comment and ask questions. We will do our best to answer. And, of course, stay healthy!

See you in the Waste!

Galakta Team


Update #52 :

Shipping getting closer, time to wrap things up, English Backers!

Greetings Knights!

It seems we live in such troubled times that whenever we meet, we have to start from saying that we hope everyone stays healthy. As to our team, despite the overall craziness and gloom, we keep working and soon we will all see the final results of your great support and our effort.

We would like to inform you that unless something completely unexpected happens, we should be ready with the English version of Waste Knights: Second Edition for mid-December. The production is going very well, everything starting from the cards and ending with the boxes and inserts is long-accepted and being manufactured as we speak. All in all, we have managed to keep the schedule we mentioned in the last update and now things are in the firm hands of the professionals we hired to make this project a tangible board game. We hope to get a couple of photos from the production line and show them to you soon. Below you can check out the final look of the box and the plastic, dedicated, two-level insert custom-made for the game. Just to let you know – the Big Box will accommodate all SGs and Add-ons plus an extra set of dice if you choose to get one.

If everything goes according to the plan, the games will be shipped from the factory directly to the logistics company that will start sending them in the second half of December. Due to the unclear situation with Brexit, we will do our best to send all the games that were ordered from the UK before the end of the year to make sure the political situation does not affect your pledges.

Considering all this, we would also like to set up 20th of November, so a week from now, as the deadline for you to finally wrap up your orders in Gamefound. If you wish to change your pledges (for Veteran, hopefully), get some extras, or make any address changes, now is the time. After this date we will not accept any further changes or refunds as the games are already in production and the logistics company needs time to prepare shipping lists, individual orders and such.

Important: If you have any questions, or encounter any issues with your orders or with your Gamefound accounts, please contact us here: shippingks@galakta.pl If your pledges are OK, and you do not want to change anything, NO ACTION IS REQUIRED – simply wait for the information from the delivery company.

We hope that the shipping process will progress smoothly, however with almost 4000 English orders to fulfill we will probably need time until mid-January – especially since some of you decided to take only 1 or 2 Add-ons, or got some extra stuff, such as dice, which means handling certain copies will be more time-consuming.

Regarding the Polish and German versions – both are being translated and edited. We hope to keep our earlier declarations and have these versions ready around 3 months after the English one. This means that we should start sending the games to you at the end of Q1 2021. We will be more accurate with the dates closer to the end of this year as the translation is massive. We will also inform you about the closing deadline for orders when we finally schedule the start of the production process.

Additionally, below you can find the final version of the rulebook and the KS Guide – the leaflet containing all the additional components and rules for the SGs and Add-ons. Maybe it will inspire you to go full Veteran, if you haven’t already :wink:

Waste Knights 2ed KS Rulebook

Waste Knights 2ed KS Guide

Basically, that’s the most important information regarding the state of the project. If you have any questions or problems, please let us know. Also, remember to handle your English Gamefound orders, if you still have something to deal with and brace yourselves for the last spell of waiting. You are standing on the sand-covered doorstep to ruined Australia!

See you in the Waste!

Galakta Team

1 « J'aime »

J’ai parcouru les commentaires sur ce fil, je vois que l’absence de VF en a freiné plus d’un. Ceux qui on pledgé, des avis, retours à partager ?

Il obtient 7.8 sur BGG, ce qui est plutôt pas mal je trouve, et une traduction fanmade a vu le jour.

18 messages ont été scindés en un nouveau sujet : Waste Knights: Beyond the Horizon - par Galakta Games - fin le 18 mai

Pas mieux, je serais preneur aussi. J’avais laché en cours de campagne.
J’esperais une VF, le sujet reviendra peut etre pour l’extension, ils vont surement proposer la re impression.

Ce que je peux vous en dire, c’est que le matos est de bonne qualité, que tout tient dans la boîte (ce qui est appréciable) et que le prix (du 1er KS, s’entend) n’est pas délirant du tout compte tenu du contenu.

Maintenant, pour ce qui est du gameplay… euh, pile de la honte, j’en ai peur, mais j’espère bien que l’extension sera une bonne excuse pour l’en faire sortir. Thunderstone Quest est prévu avant (et un peu plus d’Apex, aussi), plus sans doute un peu de X-nited qui devrait arriver d’un jour à l’autre, mais sinon, après, ça devrait être plus calme, on devrait pouvoir l’envisager, entre deux parties de Tang Garden et éventuellement Foundations of Rome.

Pfff, c’est que c’est pas facile, la vie d’ex-backer un peu trop compulsif, ma bonne dame… :sweat_smile:

1 « J'aime »


2 « J'aime »

le probleme pour la vf , c’est qu il y a bcp bcp de texte de narration il a ete propose a des « petits » editeurs mais qui n’ont pas forcement l’infrastructure pour cette quantite de trad.
mais wait and see

concernant la campagne kickstarter en cours :

savez vous si pour cette extension il faut absolument la boite de base pour y jouer , ou si cette extension est un standalone ?



Il te faut le jeu de base deuxième édition pour pouvoir jouer à cette extension.

1 « J'aime »

Si tu veux y a un sujet dédié

merci , je me suis dirigé vers le forum dédié pour poser mes questions