Aeon Trespass: Twelve Sins of Herakles - par Into The Unknown - livraison mars 2025

C’est à dire que s’ils annoncent d’ores et déjà une livraison en mars 2025, c’est que le projet est loin d’être bien avancé. J’en arrive à la même hypothèse que toi.

Du coup on peut se demander la raison de demander des fonds autant à l’avance…

Lancer la production des Cycles 4 et 5 ? :slightly_smiling_face:

2 « J'aime »

C’est évidemment ce qui fait peur…

Sinon j’ai reçu un mail d’eux, c’est rigolo, ils présentent ça comme le « last great kickstarter ». Je pense que c’est une erreur d’anglais mais sinon, ça veut dire qu’ils prétendent qu’il n’y en aura plus après :joy:

C’est ça. Après eux, KS ferme ou ne fait plus que du PnP ou des jeux à 20 balles.

J’espère qu’ils ont pensé à prévenir CMON, quand même… :sweat_smile:

(Le mec dans le fond qui s’est écrié : « Pour MG, pas besoin ! », une heure de colle pour mauvais esprit !)

5 « J'aime »

Et sinon, il y a une actu prévue dans moins d’une heure, ainsi qu’un youtube trailer:

1 « J'aime »

Pour ceux qui n’ont pas vu, petit récapitulatif des Dev Diaries à 3 jours du lancement de la campagne…

Dev Diary 01 - Welcome To Twelve Sins of Herakles

The world was murdered, and the blame lies with Herakles. His wrath, rage and recklessness have left the lands wasted, nations sundered, laws broken and twelve monsters unleashed.

The death toll was unimaginable. The sins… unforgivable. And hereditary.

Having come of age, Herakles’s children set out to find their would-be Father. They will follow the bloody path he carved, from the sunbaked savannahs of Nemea, to the shattered spine of the Erymanthian mountains, to the blood-stained sands of the distant shores of Anatolia, to the ends of the earth if they have to.

They will get answers.

They will have justice.

Or, if neither is available, they will settle for revenge!

This is what I wrote last time: The next chapter of Aeon Trespass begins now! Complete new game. New open-world campaigns (plural!) with new regions to explore, and a new way to play. New heroes, new villains, a new approach to Voyage, new adventures and a new character progression system, new Titans and Primordials, new Gear, of course, so much new Gear, new crafting mechanics, ICP 3.0. New everything. The same richness of gameplay, story and worldbuilding, the same passion. Fully compatible with ATO. A new epic saga of Love and Revenge.

And this is what I will tell you now: unlike ATO, in Twelve Sins of Herakles you will play one of the many abandoned children of Herakles, with all that it entails: a unique named character, a personal story, evolving customizable skill trees, abilities and weaknesses. If you pair that with our Gear system, Titan classes and strains, and the new Allies, you’ll have an unprecedented way to create endless new builds that suit your playstyle.

Achemagoras: "We're coming for you, Father."

Achemagoras: « We’re coming for you, Father. »

Nemean Cloak. Also comes in White.

You will traverse a true open world in a non-linear, but still highly narrative campaign. True open world is the operative word here – you will be able to connect every Twelve Sins of Herakles region and map together, travel at your own pace in the direction of your choosing, no timelines, but annals. You think a Cycle is big? Wait till you see the connected world of TSOH! The freedom of exploration, discovery and choosing your own path and playstyle will be unprecedented.

You see that mountain? That’s Erymanthia. You can go there. And get maimed.

Spires of Nemea…

Nemea: Here, we, go.

You may remember the Nemean Lioneater. It will devour you in the new Learn to Play.

You will again face Primordials, this time literally donning the bodies of Titans. But these are not your tame and restrained Argo-bred Titans. No. These are raw, wild, primal. Humanity feared these giants for most of its existence, and now you will learn why.

Not your daddy’s Titan.

So uncivilized. Let’s see how he fairs against an Argo-bred…

Oh. Ok.

This is just small taste of what is to come: we have so many surprises and additions planned, so many improvements! What stays the same is our dedication to deliver the best quality game there is, and to create rich worlds full of exploration, possibility, secrets, gripping stories and down to the wire tense boss battles!

Stay tuned!

Dev Diary 02 - True Open World

The world was murdered, and the blame lies with Herakles. His wrath, rage and recklessness have left the lands wasted, nations sundered, laws broken and twelve monsters unleashed.

The death toll was unimaginable. The sins… unforgivable. And hereditary.

Having come of age, Herakles’s children set out to find their would-be Father. They will follow the bloody path he carved, from the sunbaked savannahs of Nemea, to the shattered spine of the Erymanthian mountains, to the blood-stained sands of the distant shores of Anatolia, to the ends of the earth if they have to.

They will get answers.

They will have justice.

Or, if neither is available, they will settle for revenge!

The next chapter of Aeon Trespass begins now! Complete new game. New open-world campaigns (plural!) with new regions to explore, and a new way to play. New heroes, new villains, a new approach to Voyage, new adventures and a new character progression system, new Titans and Primordials, new Gear, of course, so much new Gear, new crafting mechanics, ICP 3.0. New everything. The same richness of gameplay, story and worldbuilding, the same passion. Fully compatible with ATO. A new epic saga of Love and Revenge.

One game. Four Seasons. Twelve Sins.

That’s the pitch. So, what will it actually be like? Let me pull back the curtain just a bit…

City at the End of the World

True Open World

As in, total freedom of movement and action, of exploration and discovery. In Twelve Sins of Herakles, you will traverse a true open world in a completely non-linear fashion. You will engage with the world, its secrets and story at your own pace and in your chosen order – or not at all. You may simply free roam!

You will be able to connect every Twelve Sins of Herakles region and map together and travel back and forth between them. No timeline will hold you back. You think a Cycle is big? Wait till you see the connected world of TSOH!

It’s hard to put in words what we’re building here, because there is nothing like it outside of video games.

Let me break it down.

Diverse Regions

The ancient world of Aeon Trespass is wildly diverse. In the core game of ATO, you’ve visited 3 regions: Crete, Sparta and Delphi. The Illuminated Cycles will introduce two more: Persia and the Cyclades.

Twelve Sins of Herakles feature, you guessed it, twelve. TWELVE REGIONS! (Or more…?) Each region will introduce its own intricacies, new traversal types, new terrain, new exploration, new flora and fauna, new peoples and histories, new conflicts, contemporary and ancient, and new secrets. So many secrets.

These regions will provide varying degrees of difficulty and challenge (no level scaling, for you savvy with video game lingo!), and will be interconnected from the get-go. You will start your adventure in one place, but from there, you will be able to travel anywhere, battle any of the new Primordials, craft any of the new gear and engage in any story thread.

No Timelines, But Annals

No more running out of time. You will advance through the game at your own pace, noting your progress on the new Annals Sheets. Think of them as a calendar of sorts. Time still passes, it just does not have a definite endpoint. This does not mean narrative urgency will be gone, on the contrary, we’ve found new ways to raise the tension. Story cards, Doom cards, Exploration cards, all can add urgent events to the Annals, which will happen whether you’re ready or not, present or not!

However, you will be able to take a breather to explore the world, take a break from the ceaseless encroachment of darkness… though the Primordials will keep evolving!

Perils of Travel

The Herakleides, though powerful, don’t have a giant iron ship to call home. They are few, travel light and are constantly pursued by agents of Eurystheus. To them, travel and exploration pose a completely different level of challenge.

This will be reflected with new travel and exploration rules. You’ll still have an Exploration Deck (one for each region!), but it will work in a completely different manner. Gone are Mortal resources, replaced with dangers, terrain types, modes of transportation and road events.

Will you brave the treacherous mountain passes or would rather go out of your way and take the safer road around? Will you travel slowly, but in secret, or cover more ground, drawing much more attention?

Remember, you’re on the run, from mortal enemies, as well as new deadly Adversaries!

Nemea, ???, ???

Fringes of Civilization

The Argo is more than a ship, it’s a city, by depriving the Herakleides of one, we’ve deprived them of the other. This will have a very real impact on game mechanics, as you won’t always have access to all the options and amenities: you will have to survive in the wild! And no, this does not mean you’ll be forced to grind for survival resources, TSoH is not that kind of game.

Knots of the World and other types of Transportation

The connected Map of TSoH will be absolutely massive and traveling from one end to the other will be an unforgettable experience. Traveling it several times across because you forgot something, that might be a pain… worry not, we’ve thought of it. As you progress through the campaigns, you will unlock many types of transportation, ones that will allow you to cover more ground quickly. These will be thematic and region appropriate, like a ship sailing along the Anatolian coast or [redacted] across the Nemean savannah. Also, thanks to the [redacted] you will be able to travel through the very [redacted], between places we’re calling Knots of the World!

Quests, Adventures, Interactions

All of the above should be a pretty big hint that the world of Sins of Herakles will be filled to the brim with content, and the new ‘Voyage paradigm’ will allow for more side quests, Map interactions and endless adventures, both during and after the story campaigns.

Beastmaster Titan. Do you now see how we’ve deceived you?

Living, Breathing World

Into the Unknown’s mission statement has never changed: to tackle ambitious, unique projects, to explore strange beautiful worlds and share those wonders with you. Aeon Trespass: Twelve Sins of Herakles is the next, bold step in that direction. To not only create a game, but a living, breathing world that can one day transcend the various media.

I invite you to take this step with us during the upcoming Aeon Trespass crowdfunding campaign!

In the next weeks we’ll be revealing more and more about TSOH and the new ATO content we’re working on, here, on FB and our website, so stay tuned!

Dev Diary 03 - Characters Spotlight

Character Spotlight

The world was murdered, and the blame lies with Herakles. His wrath, rage and recklessness have left the lands wasted, nations sundered, laws broken and twelve monsters unleashed.

The death toll was unimaginable. The sins… unforgivable. And hereditary.

Having come of age, Herakles’s children set out to find their would-be Father. They will follow the bloody path he carved, from the sunbaked savannahs of Nemea, to the shattered spine of the Erymanthian mountains, to the blood-stained sands of the distant shores of Anatolia, to the ends of the earth if they have to.

They will get answers.

They will have justice.

Or, if neither is available, they will settle for revenge!

The next chapter of Aeon Trespass begins now! Complete new game. New open-world campaigns (plural!) with new regions to explore, and a new way to play. New heroes, new villains, a new approach to Voyage, new adventures and a new character progression system, new Titans and Primordials, new Gear, of course, so much new Gear, new crafting mechanics, ICP 3.0. New everything. The same richness of gameplay, story and worldbuilding, the same passion. Fully compatible with ATO. A new epic saga of Love and Revenge.

That’s the pitch.

And here’s how the new TSoH characters and Titans will work (spoilers, it’s nothing like the Argonauts of Odyssey!).



In Aeon Trespass: Odyssey, you’ve played as the Argonauts, freshly awoken crewmembers of the Argo who could control Titans through the power of the Triskelion Junction and Balaneion. The Argonauts were blank slates, slowly regaining their memories, which was reflected by the Mnemos cards.

In Twelve Sins of Herakles, you play as the Herakleides, the scions of the mighty demigod Herakles! You play named characters, and you don’t need a puny Balaneion to control the Titans. You transform into Titans! These changes have a dramatic impact on everything, from the Battles themselves to the epic stories we’re telling.

Let me break it down.

Character Progression

Becoming a named character is huge. You will have your own personal storyline, much more expansive than a Mnemos, in which you will deal with your unique heritage, situation and relationship with your absent father. You will be torn between your pursuit of revenge and of helping those around you, between your humanity and the simmering primal rage, between your selfish goals and the good of your new Oikos (family).

I cannot stress enough how big a narrative difference this will make! And it’s not purely narrative either!

Gone will be the Mnemos cards – you know who you are – and in are the new Ability cards. You’ll start with 3, each with several levels, unlocked individually, but later you will gain more and will be able to create a custom ‘ability loadout’ each time you go to Battle. Some of these abilities will be similar to those found in ATO, others, completely new. Things like passives, weapon proficiencies and synergies will make the deep customization even deeper.

Transforming into Titans

The Titan is literally in your blood, and you can transform into it at will. This will play a role both during Battles and the Journey Phase – as you may travel incognito or cover more ground as a towering, attention-drawing behemoth!

Your basic Titanform is that of the Herakleides Titan Type-II. This beast is much more than a tamed, subdued Dreamwalker. It’s more powerful and versatile (especially with character Innate Abilities), but more wild, prone to rage and the wills of fate (here’s where the new Trauma, Kratos and Moiros decks will come in).

Herakleides Type-II Titans are fierce

Gaining Titanforms

You’ll start with the Herakleides Type-II Titanform, but, just like in ATO, you will soon gain more. In Odyssey, you gained new unique Titans from Technological Breakthroughs, exchanging Primordial Cores for a new Argo-bred Titan.

In Twelve Sins of Herakles, you will also expend Primordial Cores… in a much more gruesome manner. You see, for your character to gain a new form, they need to eat the Primordial Core. This opens up new story and mechanical possibilities.

It will also play a strategic role during a TSoH campaign: who gets to eat the new Core? Titans are not interchangeable, like in ATO, so a character is stuck with the forms they… acquired. Will one of you hoard the forms? Will you spread them out? Remember: your body can only take so many new forms before it breaks down – or you go insane.

Stormruler Titan… that’s a long way down.


Much has been said about the way the division between Argonauts and Titans mitigates ‘true’ death in battle. After all, Argonauts are spared the worst and die seldomly, at least compared to Titans. The Herakleides have no Junction to hide behind. If they die in Battle, they die.

Thankfully, it takes much more than death to stop an heir of Herakles! Thanks to the Gaiapact, when a Herakleides dies… they don’t truly die. Instead, they are reborn from the womb of Gaia, the very earth itself.

It’s not all roses and rainbows though, the Gaiapact is not eternal. For it to remain in place, you need Gaiaseeds – the equivalent of Titans from ATO – and once your Oikos burns through them all, the next death will be very real and will spell doom for the whole campaign!

A death carries other grave penalties too: you will lose the Titanform you were donning right before the unfortunate incident, and you will also lose a part of your humanity – there is always a price.


The Awakenings in TSOH are quite… well, that’s all the time we have today, as we’ve just crossed the 2000 words mark! For info on Awakenings and much, much more, you’ll have to wait ‘til the next Update.

So… yeah. May is going to be big. Like, titanic big.

Dev Diary 04 - Carcass Delves & Sneak Peaks

Carcass Delves

Only good Lioneater is a dead Lioneater!

You may have seen the latest KoA video on the subject, but if you didn’t, you better sit down! The economy and Gear crafting in ATSOH work differently than in ATO. It’s no wonder, the Argonauts have access to state of the art facilities and a legion of crafters. What do the Herakleides have? Brute strength, a few friends and some hired hands…

In Twelve Sins of Herakles, you craft your Gear right after the Battle. You take all 18 of the Primordial’s BP cards (levels I, II and III!) and shuffle them into one deck. This is called a Resource Deck. Then you draw a certain amount of those Resource cards, based on the Primordial Level. The cards have resources denoted in the upper right corner. Then you simply take all those resources, along the ones you saved from previous Battles, and you craft what you want.

The Moirai are fickle mistresses though, and rarely deal the Resources you need the most. You know how drawing cards can be… Later in the game you may influence the draw with Critical Wounds, Carving Weapons and more, however it may still not be enough. Thankfully, you are not at the mercy of the Fates, you forge your own luck.

You go on Carcass Delves! After gaining Resources but before Crafting, you have the option to go on a Carcass Delve. The Carcass Delve is a mechanic that lets you gamble something – in the case of the Nemean Lioneater, one of your Resource cards, for a chance to gain something, like a Resource Redraw, a bonus Resource card, a specific resource, a Primordial Core – and more!

To perform a Carcass Delve, place one of the Resource cards you’ve just drawn before you and roll the number of Power Dice denoted on the Carcass Delve Track on the Primordial Sheet. If you roll Power equal to or higher than the value in the Gate space of the level 1 reward, you may gain the bonus shown to the right of it or continue delving. If you continue, you will roll again, this time trying to match or beat the Power from the level 2 Gate. If you succeed, you will get all the bonuses from the current and all prior levels. You may continue to delve as long as there are higher levels to that particular Carcass Delve, however, as soon as you fail to roll enough Power (roll lower than the current Power Gate), you will lose all bonuses you gained up to this point, as well as the Resource card, and suffer the Loss Effect shown at the top of the Carcass Delve Track (in case of the Lioneater, a random Titan will gain +3 Danger).

If you decide to stop delving after a successful roll, you immediately resolve all bonuses from the current and prior Delve Levels. In the case of the Lioneater, the first 2 levels allow you to redraw a single BP card (first return a card to the Resource Deck, then draw a new one). The third level awards you with an additional resource (Beady Eye), while the forth one grants you a Lioneater Core!

Note: In the full game, Primordial Cores will allow you to gain new Titanforms (in case of the Nemean Lioneater, the Beastmaster), craft or enhance powerful unique Gear and more!

WIP Crafting and Delve Sheet

Sneak Peaks

You’re not ready for these Primordials, I will tell you that :wink:

And some painted minis!


Sinon, les previews sont prévues pour lundi, en espérant surtout des vidéos gameplay ^^


You heard that right, there are TSoH impressions coming out!

Time to hunt some lions!

1 « J'aime »

Les vidéos de gameplay je n’y crois que moyennement

N’empeche que je suis assez con pour prendre le risque de pledge malgré les risques ultra élevés xD.

Je ne dirais pas que les risques sont ultra élevés…

Tu dirais quoi du coup ? ^^ plus que ça ?

Du coup ton appréciation sur une échelle de 1 à Mythic c’est quoi?

1 « J'aime »

Je dirais des risques non négligeables. Je suis pas fan de cet éditeur, franchement, mais j’ai l’impression que c’est très différent de MG.

J’ai plus confiance en leur capacité d’alener ce projet jusqu’au bout que lorsqu’ils ont fait ATO et n’avaient aucune experience de la prod de jeux de société.

Donc si je résume bien:

  • on a vendu ATO à 129$ mais ça nous a coûté plus cher, on ne rentrait pas dans nos frais
  • du coup on le vend maintenant à un tarif qui nous permet de rentrer dans nos frais
  • on va refaire la même connerie avec 12 sins après avoir tout juste regait la même avec KF


  • soit ils sont très mauvais gestionnaires (MG?)
  • soit ils racontent des bobards.
  • soit un mélange des deux

Je ne pense pas que le coût de prod pure d’ATO soit plus que 129$. Si tu rajoutes le coût de dev, peut-être. On sait quelle est la taille d’ITU?

Soit le contenu de 12 sins sera en fait bp bp plus faible.

1 « J'aime »

Ils disent un petit peu plu faible, mais pas énormément

Preview par One Stop Co-op Shop sur TTS

3 « J'aime »

Ça pue l’alerte quand même.

Quelle alerte?

L’alerte sur la fiabilité des bonhommes. A fortiori avec le retard d’AT:O (qui n’a même pas fini d’être livré).