Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread - par Far Off Games - livraison juin 2023

Alors je relirai ton post et la barre que je me taperai de nouveau, si je la préférerais gratuite, me consolera de ma bêtise à trente roupies.

1 « J'aime »

j’ai acheté il y a quelques mois Xia en occas et ce jeu à vraiment fait l’unanimité dans mon club, que ce soit avec des habitués du jdr, des pousseurs de figs ou des optimisateurs de jeu de gestion… Xia est pourtant complétement chaotique pas très équilibré, avec des évènement complétements fumés mais c’est un des rares jeu ou le fun est présent à chaque fois, on vit tous une aventure spatiale, chacun ayant sa référence d’animé correspondant, on sera marchants, contrebandiers ou bien justiciers, on ne s’ennui jamais et même l’anglais n’est pas un problème.
par contre bien prendre l’extension à minima « ember of a forsaken star » (qui amène les cartes évènements entre autre)

je doute qu’on retrouve le même plaisir de jouer dans Arydia tellement l’alchimie est difficile à réussir mais rien que pour Xia je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de prendre Arydia au cas où :wink:

2 « J'aime »

Après j’imagine que l’anglais dans arydia risque d’être plus poussé que dans xia non ? Et beaucoup plus de textes sûrement…

On sera quand même sur un style de jeu très différent (campagne co-op vs one-shot compétitif), mais il y a vraiment beaucoup de choses qui font envie dans Arydia (le système de combat et de build, l’exploration, etc.)

Pas forcément plus poussé, par contre c’est un narratif donc il y aura nettement plus de texte.

Et le surtout le plateau économie, les mods (nouveau minis équipements qui limitent le hasard en sécurisant des points de dé), et toutes ces merveilleuses tuiles systèmes (trous noirs, planètes mortes, …)

1 « J'aime »

Y a t’il un lyonnais avec un pledge ?

PS : le PM ferme quand ?

Tu as le temps. Le PM et LP ne ferment pas avant l’été prochain au moins ^^

Nouvelle update pour ce debut d’année

Update #28 - January Update - Portraits and Playtesting

January Update - Portraits and Playtesting

Hey Backers! Happy, happy new year! I’m so glad to be in 2022, on this journey with all of you wonderful people! :slight_smile: It’s such a delight for me to be working on Arydia - a synthesis of game design, story telling, adventure, and fun! My world map 3 flythrough is just about done - I paused in the middle of a pretty epic boss fight to type this up! It’s so much fun to see the project really coming together, so let’s get into the update!

NPC Portraits

One of my favorite aspects of an RPGs is meeting and interacting with characters during the adventure! Some of my most memorable moments from roleplaying games are not from combat, but from the people and stories I experienced along the way. With Arydia, one way we’re bringing you into the world is through our non-player characters (NPCs). To that end, we’ve enlisted artist Eric Belisle ( to render portraits of each NPC. These stylized black and white portraits, combined with descriptions, dialogue, and tidbits, give you a bite-sized, clear idea of the character you’re meeting.

Character artist for Arydia’s NPCs

Since the creation of NPCs can be somewhat fluid - taking into account the writing process, quest design, player feedback, and implementation - we wanted to ensure that the NPCs you encounter align with the lore and demographics of the region Arydia takes place in. So, David went through all the NPC cards and filled out a spreadsheet detailing each NPC’s character type, tidbits, and description. Using that spreadsheet, we could easily check the numbers and balance them according to our objectives. We also shared that spreadsheet with Eric to give him a list of all the NPC portraits we need for Arydia.

Your non-player character ideas!

Example NPC Portrait Sketches

While working on this, I thought it would be fun to invite you to flex your creative muscles! We created some ‹ blank slate › NPCs that don’t have descriptions yet - that’s where you come in! We’re looking to make three new NPCs based on your input! So, if this is something that interests you, please share your best ideas simply by filling out this form:

We will read every submission, though we won’t respond to each individually. We’ll pick the top 3 submissions and share the results with the community in a future update! Thank you in advance to anyone who chooses to submit an idea!

Ira Update - Combat Playtesting

Hello all! There are many aspects of Arydia that are being revised and polished during this phase of development, but obviously one core pillar of Arydia gameplay is the combat system. The basic rules for combat have gone through many revisions over time, and at this point, our core ruleset is quite solid and well-tested. Given that set of rules, Cody and I have used our intuition and design experience to get each combat roughly at the right level of difficulty. But, getting that balance exactly right is an iterative process, and there are many, many permutations of classes, player counts, loot tiles, skills selected, etc. That variation is great for replayability, but it also makes robust playtesting quite time consuming!

Fortunately, we have enlisted the help of two aspiring designers who I’ve worked with before, Alex McGrath and Luke Townsend. With the help of David (see below!), the combat playtesting team is set up to playtest every combat in the game multiple times, with many variations of player count, classes, starting conditions, and more. We use the following tools:

  • TTS (Tabletop Simulator) - we have save files for each combat in the game
  • Google forms - to collect playtest data
  • Google spreadsheets - to do data analysis
  • Google docs - for persistent notes and comments to each other
  • Discord - for daily communication and weekly meetings

Here is a sample of what the survey data looks like, straight from our combat playtesting spreadsheet (with the specific combat name blurred out to avoid spoilers!):

Based on that data, I set up another worksheet to help us analyze it, and see where we have holes. Here’s a snapshot of the top of that worksheet, again with the combat names blurred out:

If you look closely, you may notice numbers at the top of the columns. For the “Plays” section, those are totals. For the “Difficulty” section, those are averages. So, at the time this snapshot was taken, we had recorded 111 combat playtests in the Google spreadsheet. Before we’re done with this process, we’ll have hundreds more!

David Update

Hello Backers! My name is David and I have the privilege of sitting next to Cody in the office. I am the only employee at Far Off Games and can boast that I have received the most “Employee of the Month” awards to date. I am a Paramedic in my free time and work for our local Ambulance. Similar to Cody, I wear many hats since Far Off Games is a small business. I am currently responsible for most customer contact, platform management, shipping and receiving, and warehouse management, as well as being a playtester, gamebreaker, and office sweeper/organizer. I enjoy interacting with everyone and look forward to talking to you in our messages!


And that’s it! We’re at the end of another update, and again, so glad to be able to share this Arydia adventure with you! Really thrilled to hear your character ideas for the NPCs - and looking forward to another exciting year here are Far Off Games!

Until our paths do cross again,

Cheers, -Cody

Je trouve ça cool de proposer de participer à la création d un PNJ.

Je pense essayer de proposer quelque chose.

Petite question pour ceux qui ont suivi ce qu’il se passait.
J’ai mis $1 pour suivre et attendre les frais de port.
Là le PM est ouvert mais les fdp ne sont toujours pas spécifiés.
Est-ce que je peux attendre encore avant de payer quoi ce soit où il faut valider son pledge pour la boite obligatoirement maintenant et payer les frais de port quand ils seront disponible ?

Non, tu peux attendre jusqu’au dernier jour d’ouverture du PM et tout payer à ce moment-là.

Longue update avec un focus sur les figurines et les playtests de combat… et comme je suis sympa je vous ai enlevé le bonus à propos des skills culinaires des membres de FOG. Adam Poots sort de ces corps :grin:

Update #29

Status Update

Topics In This Update: Portraits, Miniatures, Combat Playtesting

Action Required by Backers: None

Pledge Manager Close Date: TBD (still aiming for August-ish)

Estimated Delivery: Dec 2022 (pending production and shipping details)

NPC Portraits - Backer Submitted

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted ideas for the Non-Player Characters! We had so much fun reading through the different ideas, and really enjoyed your creativity, playfulness, and sense of humor! Honestly, it was really hard to narrow them down to pick just three!

Before we get to our selections, we’d like to do a few honorable mentions! These were some of the NPCs we really enjoyed, but didn’t end up picking:

  • Pilot of the Cold Phoenix - by Tyler Robinson! This was hilarious, a real ‹ MCU › moment, which has a pilot who’s accidentally come from the ‹ XIA › universe to Arydia! So fun! :slight_smile:

  • Casila, the Felish Mage - by Freya Podmore - a very clever, nonchalant character, fierce and determined!

  • Cantaloupe Okkatu - by Guillaume MATEO - I just loved the name on this one!

Of the many amazing submissions, we selected three, and submitted them to our artist Eric Belisle! He was very quick, working with the descriptions you wrote, and gave us the following portraits:

Dame Ellie Hillgazer, the Halfling Knight - submitted by Andrew Ronzino!

Cestasyn, Son of the Road - submitted by Justin Gibbons!

Zoshu, the Musician (Felish Bard) - submitted by Felina Haun!

You can look forward to meeting these characters in your travels through Arydia!

Again, a huge thank you to everyone who submitted ideas! We had so much fun reading through all of your creativity, and it was really difficult to only choose three!

Miniatures Update

We’ve already submitted all of the final 3d files for the monster miniatures to our manufacturer for review. If you remember in a previous update, the process requires their mold technicians to look at the 3d files and determine what changes, if any, are needed to make the miniature using injected plastic molding. These mainly involve two aspects:

  • Thickening small / thin parts on the miniature, to ensure they don’t warp/break.
  • Sometimes miniatures are too complex to make in a single mold, so the technicians need to divide the miniature into separate parts, then assemble them with glue after molding.

Example Above: Here’s a Puccle monster miniature we submitted. The top row is the 3d file we submitted, and the bottom row is the re-sculpt from the Panda technicians. Notice the sword has been thickened, and the secondary color (green) denotes that the leaf shield portion of the miniature is divided off. It will be made in a separate mold, then glued on before painting! Here’s a couple more for you to look at - see if you can spot the changes! (no spoilers, these are all miniatures revealed on the campaign page)!

Practice Dummy

Rat miniature

Halfling Bandit

Player Miniatures

As many of you know, it’s been the Chinese New Year – Happy Year of the Tiger! Since Panda’s factory is located in Shenzhen, we wanted to use that time as best we could. To that end, I spent the last week working on finalizing the ‹ Small Bodies › sculpts that we received from Barruz Studio, our sculptor!

It’s me! Working on finalizing the Small Bodies miniatures.

With the Small Bodies expansion, I knew we were going to have to slightly revise the ‹ head pegs › for all the player miniatures. We made them slightly shorter to fit inside both the normal sized bodies, as well as the bodies in the Small Bodies expansion.

New, shortened peg on the left - old longer peg on the right.

The player miniatures were a fun puzzle to create - making each body work with every head, and not just so they fit mechanically, but so that each combination of head+body looks natural, given the tilt of the head, and rotation of the shoulders, etc. If you remember, there are six player classes, each with a unique body, and we doubled that number with the Small Bodies expansion. Over the course of the Kickstarter campaign, we unlocked new player characters as well, giving us a total of 18 unique heads! This means there are lots of combinations that we needed to account for! To that end, I made a ‹ master head, › grouping all of the character heads together into a very odd-looking ‹ chimera. › That ‹ master head › allows us to quickly check the geometry of all the heads to ensure there weren’t any clipping issues with the Small Bodies miniatures.

The ‹ Chimera › or ‹ Master Head › - which lets us test all the head geometry at one time.

We then have a ‹ negative space › peg hole, which we align to this ‹ master head › and use that to cut a hole inside the digital sculpture.

Master Head and ‹ Peg Hole › negative space geometry for making the hole the peg fits into in the miniature bodies.

All of this is a fairly time-consuming process, since each individual miniature has unique quirks:

Small Body Cleric’s collar needed slight adjustment to make the heads fit.

For example the large collar on the Cleric miniature needed to be just the right size so the beard of the Dwarf and long hair of the Elves don’t clip through it. It’s very fun to get into all the details and manipulate the miniatures, yielding a set of Small Bodies that’s going to look really good and work with every single player head!

Cut-away of the normal size, and Small Bodies warrior miniatures.

I’m pleased to say we have all the player miniatures, Small Bodies miniatures, and player heads finalized and submitted to Panda for review! I’ll keep you updated as we get the re-sculpts back from their technicians!

Ira Update - Combat Playtesting

Ira has a photomosaic of Yoda looking over him while he works!

Hello everyone! We have continued to make substantial progress on all aspects of playtesting combat in Arydia, with excellent ongoing support from Alex and Luke. As of last update, we had recorded a total of 111 combat playtests, and at the moment I’m writing this, we’re now at 248 combat playtests! I credit that rate of progress to Alex and Luke’s hard work, but also to the systems we had gotten in place prior to this, allowing us to test and iterate quickly. Cody and I are getting a lot of data and feedback, and then we’re using that to ensure every combat delivers the sort of experience we want!

To give you a better sense of the sort of changes we’re making at this point in the process, here are some examples of things we changed recently:

  • Increased the HP of an enemy from 7 to 10, to increase the difficulty of a combat.
  • Modified the special ability of an enemy to target all adjacent exiles, increasing the relevance of ranged vs. melee attacks against that enemy.
  • Reduced a player skill from +2 movement to +1 movement, since it was too powerful.
  • Swapped the order of two player skills in the Rogue skill tree to create more interesting choices at early levels.
  • Designed a new Warrior skill called “Weapon Master” that gives a mid-level Warrior more flexibility to use a variety of attack patterns from different weapons.
  • Powered up the starting Rogue skill related to hiding, since the previous one was too weak.
  • Balanced the Knocked Down rules for enemies and players, making them consistent and more tactically interesting.
  • Modified the Warrior’s block mechanics with their shield, since it was too powerful (see below for more details)

One thing that we watch particularly carefully during combat playtesting is if anything is too powerful (in which case players may feel compelled to always use it) or too weak (in which case players may feel compelled to always avoid it). Both situations reduce player choice, and one thing we strive to maximize is your ability to play the sort of character you want! That’s not only more fun in the moment, but also leads to more replayability in the long-run since you can play the same path multiple different ways!

Through the playtesting process, we identified that the existing Warrior’s block mechanic was too powerful, especially in combination with other effects that boost d20 rolls, of which there are many in the game. The previous system was an all-or-nothing roll, where you could completely block all damage from an incoming attack. This also created other balance challenges, since we wanted some big boss enemies to hit really hard, but at the same time didn’t want a single die roll from the Warrior to completely block it.

Therefore, we revised the block mechanic for the Warrior, and added a special physical token. Now, you place that token on your character mat, over a 2-square area on your body, showing what you’re protecting. Here’s a picture of the prototype in action:

Then, when enemies attack you, if it hits a location you’re protecting with your shield, you get to roll an Endurance check to see how much damage you block. The roll is no longer all-or-nothing, but more of a gradient based on the quality of your shield, your Endurance attribute, your roll, and any modifiers to that roll. It’s not only more fun to sometimes get big defensive rolls, it also lets us balance big boss enemies who hit hard. Because the enemies in Arydia use different attack dice, a clever warrior can place their shield effectively against certain attacks, depending on the enemies you’re battling and their threat levels.

I hope that gives you a sense of our progress with combat playtesting, and feel free to ask questions in the comments!

2 « J'aime »

Mais tu as aussi enlevé la photo de Codi et de sa fille :scream:

Plus sérieusement, il parle quand même plus du jeu et des updates que de la cuisine, et ça semble avancer correctement :wink:

1 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update de Cody

I’m working on another personal update, which you will see in the next couple days to let you know how me and my family are doing. I cannot tell you how much your words of encouragement and support have meant to me and my family. Thank you, seriously.

Until our paths do cross again,


P.S. Just wanted to shout out to my friend Kris. He invited me over, and made me street tacos from scratch. Food and friendship go a long way in hard times.

A non pardon, je me suis trompé :grin:

Update #31 - March Update

Status Update

Topics In This Update: Key Art, ??? Elves, and Podcast

Action Required by Backers: None

Pledge Manager Close Date: TBD (still aiming for August-ish)

Estimated Delivery: Dec 2022 (pending production and shipping details)

Key Art ‹ Cutscene › Illustrations

As a reminder, one of our unlocked Stretch Goals was getting 3 additional ‹ Cutscene › artworks:

I’d contracted with the artists at Caravan Studios, who came very highly recommended to me for these remaining 3 artworks! I thought you might enjoy seeing the progress of one of the pieces!

*(Spoiler warning - this one artwork is a very minor spoiler. I can’t show the other two because they would be major spoilers.)

First, when bringing on a new artist, it’s important for them to ‹ be on the same page › and coordinate the artwork they’re doing. To that end, I made a ‹ style guide, › which is basically a PDF with references to all the important artwork in the game. The style guide gives our new artists an idea of the color pallet and art style, as well as what the different character types look like, and what sort of clothing and weapons fit in the world of Arydia. You can see part of the Style Guide PDF below:

Arydia - Style Guide Blurred/Cut for Spoilers

Then, I gave them specific briefs for each illustration. With these, I try to communicate as visually as possible. I draw for them a ‹ really bad stick-figure drawing › just to give them a general idea of what I’m thinking of for the illustration. You can see part of the specific design PDF below:

Cutscene Guide - Blurred / Cut for spoilers

And if there’s any map artwork where the cutscene takes place, I include that as well. The goal is for Arydia’s artwork to be as cohesive as possible, even when we’re using different artists. In this way we want the artworks to feel like you’re getting multiple views of the same world. After looking over both the style guide and the specific artwork guide, the artist usually ask some initial questions, then works on a few sketch ideas:

Mist Cathedral - Sketch Ideas

I look over these and decide if one fits better than the other for the scene we’re doing, or if any additional changes are required. Once we’ve chosen a sketch, the artist comes back with a ‹ rough coloration, › which gives us an idea of the color pallet:

Mist Cathedral - Rough color version

For this, I liked the general color, but the image was too dark for the scene we were doing. After the feedback, the artist puts it all together adding high resolution details and painterly touches to give us the final illustration:

Mist Cathedral - Final Coloration / Details

This final illustration is delivered to us in a high-resolution, multi-layered Photoshop file. We ask for distinctive parts of the artwork to be on discrete layers so that we can use items for marketing, animations, or in the rule book without having to hand-cut them after the fact.

Caravan Studio has been an excellent creative partner, and I’ve been really happy with their work! I hope you enjoyed this little look into making the Key Art ‹ Cutscenes › in Arydia! :slight_smile:


A few weeks ago Ira and I decided to record our weekly design call. David kindly went through it and produced it into a little podcast for you to enjoy. We’d love to know if this is something you’d like more of! If so, let us know in the comments below!

*(Spoiler warning - we discuss details about lots of player skills.)

Podcast - Cody and Ira weekly design call MP3:

???* Elves - Name Ranking

As a reminder, we revealed a new character type during the Kickstarter campaign. You might notice these elves don’t have a name yet! That’s because we’re going to choose the name together!

*One of my favorite things about Kickstarter is allowing you, our precious backers, to join in the fun of finishing off the game! So let’s give these fine elves a name!

During the campaign, we invited you to submit ideas. We’ve curated them and selected our top 5 choices for the names. And now it’s time to choose! Please follow this link and tell us your top 3 choices! We’ll compile the results and see what we get! :slight_smile:

2 « J'aime »

avez-vous la date de fermeture du PM ?

Pas de date pour l’instant…

1 « J'aime »

Il disait l’été de memoire

1 « J'aime »

Avec ma prime qui arrive je ressens a nouveau la folie des grandeurs m’envahir entre Middara et d’autre… celui la me fait de l’oeil aussi… juste la vf qui manque sinon j’aurais pas hesite :blush:

1 « J'aime »

Moi aussi j’hésite encore fort sur celui-là. J’ai mon € sur Malhya, mais je suis un peu rebuté par le gros tas de règles et micro-management, l’infiltration et tout le bazar qui me semble aller au delà de ma limite de « fun ».
Arydia et son univers coloré me tentent un peu plus pour le moment, l’anglais n’étant pas trop un soucis.

T’as pas peur d’avoir le meme problème du point de vue des regles et mivro management sur celui-ci ? Voir meme en pire…