Batman: Escape From Arkham Asylum - par Knight Games - fin le 7 février

1 « J'aime »

rien que pour les figs ça donne envie dde pledge xD

6 « J'aime »

le soucis pour moi reste la mauvaise pub de l’autre projet :frowning:

3 « J'aime »

Moi aussi ^^ et le fait que j’ai déjà plusieurs pledges sur le feu xD

1 « J'aime »

Demain rendez-vous à 17H pour le lancement du GF…

:uk: Tomorrow (24 January) you have a date at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at Gamefound

Et les deux dernières updates:

Update #20 - Dev Diary: Roll The Dice!!!

The black die is the one that is mainly used to increase the possibilities to succeed in Super-Villains Actions (with the Force the Odds mechanic).

The Dice Pool that is available to be used during a game is the following: 6 Black dice, 3 Green dice and 3 Pink dice. You cannot use more than these dice in any roll, so if you gain more than the available from the pool, you cannot add it to the roll.

Dice Results

The dice are fully customs, and the symbols means the following:

  • The ★ symbol is a Success Result, or just a ‘Success’ for short to represent Successes. Normally you need to obtain these symbols to reduce the Security Level, inflict Damage or open a Security Door for example.
  • The ? symbol is a Cheat Result, or just a ‘Cheat’ for short. Cheats may sometimes trigger special effects.
  • The Bat Mask symbol is a Disaster Result, or just a ‘Disaster’ for short. Disasters may sometimes trigger Reactions from the Adversaries and the Security Board.
  • The :diamonds:︎ symbol is an Opportunity Result, or just an ‘Opportunity’ for short. These results can be used when you have Opportunity markers, have an Opportunity rule on your Super-Villain character card/attack or another special rule.

Ability Tests

Whenever a model performs an action that involves a roll, it will likely be required to take a ‘test’ to determine whether the action succeeds or fails. The procedure for a test is always the same:

  • Find the corresponding Ability for the test (for example, a Manipulate Action always uses the Solve Ability, while an Evade uses the Evade Ability). The Ability value indicates how many dice to roll.

NB. If a model has an Ability value without any dice, it may not take a Test of that type unless it has bonus dice.

  • Add any bonus dice permitted by the model’s equipment or special rules.

  • Now, count up the number of Success results rolled, and compare it to the test’s Difficulty. If the number of Successes is equal or greater than the Difficulty, the test is successful. If the number of Successes is less than the Difficulty, the test has failed.

Attack and Solve Tests

These two kinds of tests have some differences with the other tests. This is the procedure for they:

Take the relevant Ability Test, following these steps:

  • Add any Bonus dice granted by the Attack/Solve Ability. The total number of dice rolled is your ‘test roll’.

  • Then choose if you want to Force the Odds or not, adding extra Black dice to the roll (gain the same number of Opportunity tokens).

  • Roll the dice together.

  • Make any reroll provided by other rules.

  • If you Force the Odds, and the roll contains enough Disaster results to activate the Reaction of the target, then it is triggered and the attack sequence ends.

  • If not, decide if you want to keep your roll, or Push the Limit (can be done up to adding all the Black dice available on the pool), each one of these breaks are called Split Second (for each Split Second, you must increase the Alert by 1).

  • Make any reroll provided by other rules.

  • If you roll enough Disaster results to activate the Reaction from the target, the attack sequence is interrupted.

  • When you decide to keep the roll or the Reaction is triggered as shown in the previous point, check the amount of Damage you will inflict to the target, the Cheat and/or Opportunity results you use, and then apply the Reaction from the target.

Reactions: When a reaction is triggered, you must apply the effect next to it adding +1 to those values by each additional Disaster result above the Reaction Value. If the Reaction is triggered when making a Solve Action, the Reaction Value is the number on the Security Level colorstretchyou are in at the moment of rolling the dice, and the Reaction is increasing the Alert by 1.

Note: Difficulty varies from test-to-test. When attacking an enemy, for example, the Difficulty is determined by the target’s Defense and Armor added together. When manipulating a Locked Door, the Difficulty is determined by the current Security Level on the Security Board and a randomized addition, and so on. In the rare instance that no Difficulty is specified, always use the Lockdown value of the current Security Level.

The result is:

In an Attack test: If the score is equal to or higher than the Difficulty the attack succeeds! The target receives one Damage point for each Success surpassing the combined value.

  • Once the final Damage total has been determined, place a Damage token next to the Adversary model for each Damage it suffers.

  • When the number of Damage tokens assigned to an Adversary equals or beats its Damage Threshold, that model is removed from play.

In a Solve test: If the score is equal to or higher than the Difficult the action is Successful.

That has been the explanation of the general mechanics of dice within « Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum ». What do you think? Do you have any suggestions? Leave your thoughts in the comments and remember that on January 24 we have an appointment at Gamefound to start the launch of this project together.


Update #21 - Dev Diary: Pointy Ears In The Shadows

He is the vengeance, he is the night… He is Batman.

Hello future Super-Villains!

Today we are going to talk in a little more detail about how Batman will work in your games. Why is he there? When does he enter the game? How do you fight against him? Here is everything you need to know about the Dark Knight.

As you know, what Batman knows how to do best is stop the plans of the bad guys, and this time it was not going to be any different. Batman will be in Arkham Asylum trying to find the location of the Super-Villains and put them back where they belong!

However, he does not begin the game already inside Arkham Asylum, because news of the Escape has not yet reached the outside world. Instead, he enters play when the Alarm reaches Red level on the Control Panel.

Once this happens, the first thing you will need to do is randomly place 3 Batman Hiding tokens face down. They are the possible spots where Batman is hiding, just 1 of them have Batman himself behind it!

When a Super-Villain enters, a tile that has a Batman Hiding token, that token is revealed (flip up). If it is the token that contains Batman, the Batman miniature is placed in that Tile, and a Batman Combat Challenge against him is triggered. If it is another token, that token is simply removed from the board game as it is a decoy.

To represent the gadgets of Batman, you must place in the Control Panel, the first card of the Batman Upgrade pile. These cards grant a modifier to the Batman, and the Super-Villains may try to disarm by spending the specified resources.

Batman is always an Adversary of the Super-Villains that is going to be activated (because each player just activates 1 Adversary group per round), and that player moves all the Batman Hiding tokens (or the miniature) and if necessary, triggers a Batman Combat Challenge.

A Batman Combat Challenge is the result of a Super-Villain entering a Tile that contains the Batman miniature, the Batman Miniature entering a Tile that contains a Super-Villain or a Super-Villain declaring an Attack action against Batman.

It is quite different from attacking any other Adversary, you first need to draw a Batman Combat card from the pile:

  1. Name: The name that defines the Challenge.
  2. Damage: This is the amount of Damage Batman deals to the Super-Villain. The second value is only used when Batman or/and the Super-Villain is inside a tile that contains a Batman Spot Anomaly token.
  3. Effects: The Impact Effect that is applied when the attack is resolved, the only way to evade it, is by Driving Off! Batman during that Batman Combat Challenge.
  4. Dice Pool Penalty: During this Batman Combat Challenge you cannot use the instructed dice from the dice pool.
  5. Handicaps: Some special effects that are taken into account during this Batman Combat Challenge.
  6. Reaction: The value of Reaction of Batman for this Batman Combat Challenge and his effects.

With this information in mind, the huge difference, as Batman is hitting you at the same time as you hitting him, you can use your successes to cancel incoming Damage from Batman (parrying his Attacks). When you have enough Damage to pass his Defense and Armor and his Damage Threshold, you Drive Off! Batman, that means that he is going to hide in the shadows, preparing again to appear the next time you raise the Alarm level inside the Red level, or increase it again to that level if you manage to reduce it during the gameplay.

That is one of the Batman mechanics into the Arkham Asylum. What do you think?


3 « J'aime »

c’est parti !
et c’est définitivement trop cher pour moi.
S’ils vendaient les figs à part (hors boite de jeu) ça pourrait m’intéresser (je joue à leur jeu de fig batman), mais j’ai pas vu, donc tant pis

Boudiou ça pique oui . C’est beau mais c’est cher !!

Déhype totale à la vu des tarifs. Des vidéos gameplay chiantes à mourir, allez hop, next !
(pourtant j’avais envie d’y croire)

Entre le fait qu’il faille absolument payer dès le choix, qu’on a aucune visibilité sur la campagne et les SG, et que si on ne le fait pas dans les 24h ça va coûter 20 euros de plus pour 4 figs… Je me couche !

1 « J'aime »

Paie ta licence!
Je n’ai rien vu concernant la VAT mais j’imagine qu’ils ne la prennent pas en charge… c’est beaucoup trop cher pour ce type de jeu.
A moins de 100e la corebox je me serais laissé tenter mais là c’est mort. Dommage les figs me faisaient bien :drooling_face:

Il me semble avoir vu au contraire que c’était pris en charge déjà dans le prix

Argh y a un mode ou on peut jouer batman ^^!

C’est qui qui fait la traduction FR on le sait ?

C’est pas plutôt sur gameontabletop ça?

Sinon d’apres la faq la tva est incluse et on peut choisir le pledge en vf donc c’est plutôt cool.
Bon reste que ça pique un peu niveau prix donc j’ignore si je me laisserai tenter au final

2 « J'aime »

J’ai simulé un pledge et si j’ai bien compris il me demandait de régler sur le coup, mais je peux me tromper, si quelqu’un peut confirmer?

Tva comprise (voir faq) mais prix élevé à mon goût plus carences sur le projet précédent = je vais sans doute zapper ;(

Gamefound only collects your payment at the end of a successfully funded campaign.

1 « J'aime »


Je dois le Backer du coup comme punition ^^?

Non tu dois nous offrir un pledge !! :smiling_imp:

:scream: coupons la poire en deux, au mieux je m’en offre un! ( Et la on est encore plus hypothétique que dans certains sujets :grin:)

Vu la mauvaise pub je vais faire l’impasse… dommage le coup de jouer batou me faisait craquer mais j ai pas envie d attendre 50ans le jeu