Cthulhu: Death May Die - Fear of the Unknown - par CMON - Livraison fin 2023 - juin 2024

On se compte :stuck_out_tongue:

1 « J'aime »

Par ici on utilise la face tentacule comme point de spawn sur la case de l’investigateur le plus atteint par la folie, ça peut un peu corser les choses.

@hexolitemax du coup plus intéressé pour te grouper sur Tours?

Bon pour l’instant on en est là :

Spock GIFs | Tenor

1 « J'aime »

Je vais pas souvent à Tours non plus :joy:
Bref, je réfléchis. Si vous avez une discussion inclus moi dedans :wink:

Combien êtes-vous pour l’instant ?

Je ne suis pas très loin de Tours, et surtout j’y connais du monde… Donc si il faut y aller pour récupérer le bousin, je pourrais faire une pierre deux coups :slight_smile:

PS : de même pour Limoges au final, il y a juste un peu plus de route. Un ami pourrait même le récupérer pour moi :smiley:

1 « J'aime »


salut, on en parle dans ce sujet : [37] Le Coin des Tourangeaux


1 « J'aime »


Petite question : est possible de faire un late pledge ?

Oui :slight_smile:

Ah… du coup tu fais comment ?
J’ai pas trouvé ou je pouvais faire un late pledge…
Mais c’est peut être moi :sweat_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Je n’ai pas testé mais sur la page KS, il y a maintenant un gros bouton LATE PLEDGE HERE! :wink:


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J’ai ouvert un PG pour la région Lorraine voir Luxembourg (et certains tentent de me convaincre d’aller faire un saut au marché de noël de Strasbourg pour leur amener leur pledge… peut être en me soudoyant au vin chaud je pourrai craquer)

1 « J'aime »

Nouvelle update sur les Halloween Relics

Update #61 - Time to meet our Relicween treats!

Hi! I am Marco Portugal, Game Designer and Senior Game Developer at CMON. Today, I’m going to talk about the two exclusive Halloween Relics for Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fear of the Unknown.

During the campaign, we launched a poll with 6 different concepts for Halloween-themed Relics. The 2 that received the most votes to be Kickstarter Exclusive Relic cards were the Pumpkin/Jack-o’-Lantern and the Skull/Headless Horseman’s Skull.

After finishing the design and art, we are now finally ready to show to you how they turned out. Please note that the game is still in development, and the final text is subject to change!


Art by Prosper Tipaldi.

Yummy! You brought a delicious pumpkin to the ritual site. Some might think you are mad. Maybe it’s because you talk to it sometimes. But you know how handy your orange fruit friend can be (and yes, it is, in fact, a fruit).

My first thought when designing this Relic was “Why would an investigator carry a Pumpkin around when trying to stop a ritual to summon an Elder being?” The two answers that came to my mind were:

  • To have a handy snack.
  • To use it as a shield in combat.

In both cases, it made sense for it to give more health to the investigators. The Pumpkin essentially gives its owner 3 extra Health. This helps to keep the investigator alive, but can also be very useful for investigators like Saito, who takes wounds to activate their abilities.


Art by Prosper Tipaldi.

After a while, you start to notice that this is not a common Pumpkin as some may have thought. There’s a supernatural being possessing the Pumpkin, a true companion that can help you fight the unspeakable horrors that the Cultists are summoning to our world.

The Jack-o’-Lantern allows the owner to “spend” wound tokens from the relic to gain a bonus die when attacking. This is not only a very useful combat ability but also a way to heal your trusty fruit companion, allowing it to take even more wounds for you in the future.


Art by Prosper Tipaldi.

You love when someone asks about the Skull that you carry around. It’s a souvenir from an expedition to an ancient catacomb. You tell the stories about how it was the only skull found there without the rest of the skeleton. What could have happened to its body?

I always liked the idea of combining the signature skills of two investigators but never had a chance to do it. It made a lot of sense to use this design space for the Skull relic since this mystical skull could keep remnants of the soul of its dead investigator. Since each signature skill in the game is unique, the fact that it can have a completely different ability each time you play is also very appealing.

The player using the Skull takes an extra dashboard, from any other investigator that is not in the game, and gains access to its signature skill. The Relic also comes with a Skull token to keep track of the skill level (although you cannot level up your Skull skill, it is relevant when the Relic flips to the other side).

Headless Horseman’s Skull

Art by Prosper Tipaldi.

It took some time, but now you see it. It’s your head! It’s the skull that you spent your whole afterlife chasing. The one that you lost in a ruthless battle and was left on the battlefield while your body was taken away. Now that you have found it, you are unstoppable!

When flipping the relic to the Headless Horseman’s Skull side, not only the investigator upgrades the Skull skill, but they can also keep leveling it up, in case they want to reach the higher levels of the unique skill, opening a range of interesting possibilities!

That’s it, folks. I hope you liked the new Relics that you helped bring to life. Let us know in the commentd below what you think.

The Great Old One stirs. Sleep tight.

3 « J'aime »

La puissance des trucs.

Autant dire que la difficulté du jeu va monter d’un cran…

Hum j’ai un peu loupé mon coup sur le pledge manager j’aurai dû attendre d’être au calme pour le faire (surtout que j’avais le temps avant qu’il ferme).

D’expérience c’est faisable d’enlever des items une fois la commande validée ?

Un mail au support cmon est nécessaire

1 « J'aime »

Je vais faire ça alors.

Merci pour l’info en tout cas.

Je faisais des tests pour les frais de ports et jeu oublié d’enlever certain items avant de confirmer.

@Mathias_M @stfmo
Hello, et Joyeux Noël !
Petite tentative : Vous en êtes où du PG, toujours de la place ?

Salut, oui il se fait bien. Tu es intéressé ? Tu habites où ?

1 « J'aime »

Je suis sur Yerres, Pontault est a environ 30 min. Donc faisable sans soucis.

Peut être intéressé pour le PG suivant combien vous êtes. :wink:

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Je suis aussi régulièrement sur Antony si cela peut arranger