Frostpunk - par Glass Canon Unplugged

GCU vient de publier sa video gameplay

2 « J'aime »

Avec du travail des enfants dès le premier tour. Elle est belle la société post-apo (ouais, c’est mieux que d’avoir des enfants morts, mais quand même…)

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La vidéo est d’un ennuis … est-ce que ça a tout de même l’air bien? Histoire de savoir si je continue de regretter le fait de ne pas avoir pledge ou non.

Ben, c’est un jeu de gestion polonais dans un monde glacial post-apocalyptique faut donc pas s’attendre à une ambiance festive, c’est pas une partie de Limbo avec Rio de Janeiro en toile de fond. :grin:

Blague à part le jeu s’annonce excellent, mais ce sera une poilade du calibre de This War of Mine. Sauf que là tu es en charge de décider de qui vit et qui meurt, plus de fun garanti !

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This war of mine :heart_eyes: J’ai jamais gagné mais j’ai adoré !

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Enfer et Damnation, tu viens de me vendre le jeu!

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Ça me fait penser à un épisode de Malcom :rofl:

Dans l’actu 34, ils on mis cette photo en parlant des boîtes :

J’ai peur.

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Mais non regarde il restera même une place pour un jeu de tarot dans ta case de Kallax…

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J’ai peur de vérifier ce que j’ai pledgé :cold_face: Pourvu qu’il n’y avait que la core box.

La c’est plutôt dans la kallax entière après avoir retiré les planches intermédiaires :sweat_smile:

Je veux bien te délester un peu si tu as trop pris :kissing_heart:

Après vérification, ça va : core box + le kit de ressources :sweat_smile: Sur ce coup-là, j’ai été raisonnable. Quand je vois ce qui se profile sur 2022 en livraison !!!

Nouvelle update avec le livre de règles

Update #37

Hello Frostlanders,

Before we succumb to the Holiday mood, it is time for our monthly work progress report!

In today’s episode (as promised), we will share the final “Book of Laws” – it will dictate the course of each playthrough. This thick volume, which some could compare to a Generator’s operating manual, was finished on time thanks to the combined effort of the game’s author, GCU’s team, Context studio and the Gaming Rules! team – thank you all for this tremendous effort!

I hope that you – the backers – will find this book worthy of your support. It isn’t an easy task to serve the rules for such a complex and advanced game like Frostpunk: The Board Game in a digestible way. Nonetheless, we did what was in our power to make it so. Did we succeed? It is for you to decide; please let us know in the comments!

The file is shared with you with the “comment” option available so that you can all share your feedback should you find an obvious mistake or a way to improve the overall quality of the text significantly. Our proofreaders did a fantastic job, but we all are “just” human. In order to keep up with the schedule, we will close the option for commenting and collect what we’ve received at the end of the year. Then the rulebook will undergo final correction, and off to print it will go! Meanwhile, being translated to the languages offered by our partners.

Without further ado, here it is, ladies and gentlemen:

Another crucial element of applying the rules for Frostpunk: The Board Game are the player aid cards. They include the essence of the rules and can be used throughout each playthrough. They also include a shortened description of the tasks of each player so that you’ll be able to navigate between available options easily:

Your comments under the last month’s update made it pretty clear that most of you wanted us to share the Scenario Book as well. We will share it with you in a short, dedicated update next week – the texts need to undergo another round of proofreading because it has been prepared by the graphic studio as a digital file – this process usually causes some goblins to occur.

Additional editorial news

With the final polishes and corrections being applied to the Rule and Scenario books, we’ve finished the development of this game. All the game components are designed, all the content has been written and is being reviewed and translated. When the proofreading of the books is finished, their digital files will be sent to the manufacturer – when it is done, there is no retreat :blush:. This is one of the most challenging moments during the whole cycle of creating a board game – an almost never-ending stream of micro corrections and possible minor adjustments that finally need to be stopped for it all to be sent to hell, yyy I mean the print, of course. We are confident of our work and the effort made to deliver you the highest quality that you all deserve! The texts and the content created is the best we could have come up with. Hopefully, it will complement the gameplay and experience many of you already had a taste of and if I daresay (judging by the feedback), you liked the foretaste. The entire dish will soon land on your tables. Who’s hungry?!

Production and logistics

The wood and plastic components production is still ongoing. Below you’ll find a short video provided by our manufacturer that shows the process. To be precise, what is shown in the video is the process of removing the plastic from the injection molds and initial preparation. You’ll see parts of the Miniatures, Resources and Dreadnought Expansions:

At the same time, we’re working on putting all that goodness into a box. Below is a picture showing one of the insert concepts for Core Box. It was rejected because it was too broad and too long.

And here is a more “mature” version of the insert for Core Box:

As you can see, the insert has a bit fewer separate sockets since we’ve joined the space for the board elements together. We did it because it is easy to separate these from one another due to their size and characteristic shape.

We received a pre-production copy of all the punchboards with the cardboard components. The paper/cardboard used is the final. The quality of these components is very high, and the cutting on the punchboard has been done masterfully – if you’re a member of our Facebook group, you probably saw the short video where we present the process of punching out tokens (doing it roughly on purpose to show the layers don’t peel off). Our opinion on the looks and quality? @#$% this is awesome! The double-layered generator board looks simply epic. We’ve taken some photos from the testing process.

The Crater setup:

Here is the Flats setup:

And here is the Canyon setup:

We’ve had some minor feedback for the manufacturer, and we are working to correct it now. One such remark was that the connector for the component that holds the walls (rim) of the Crater is too wide:

As you can see, the left sideline is slightly (some would say we are paranoid and make a fuss over a needle’s point difference :P) wider than the neighboring tiles. Because of how the tiles are joined, this wider component causes some of the edges of the tiles to be pushed out and causes a “chain reaction” that results in uneven gaps between tiles appearing:

That’s a minor issue, but we’re fixing it together with the manufacturer to keep the highest quality throughout the entire production.

Thankfully our One-drawer problem has been solved. We’ve received a pre-production generator tower with the redesigned entry point for the drawer. The side slides that force the drawer into the proper position work like a charm and, throughout extensive tests by our team, caused no trouble!

Regarding the generator tower, the last test in front of us is to test the pre-washed version of it to see if the technology of applying the paint isn’t influencing the results and how the cubes behave inside. We’re almost sure it won’t cause any problems, but we wouldn’t be able to sleep if we didn’t check it! We should be able to get our paws on the pre-washed pre-production (that’s a lot of prefixes :wink:!) sample next week.

The Poster Pledges (backers who chose only the poster) have all been shipped (and are still underway). The posters included in bundles (pledges that include the game) will be shipped with the game and other expansions. Soon another wave of 300 “Edge of Kinship” miniatures will be shipped.

The holiday season…

…Christmas or however you wish to call this period of the year, one cannot deny there is something peculiar about it. We’ve all been through a lot. We fought an invisible threat (still are, to be honest, and will for some time), and some of us lost loved ones and friends. But if there is one prime thought passed down through generations, cultures, and media, we – humans adapt and endure. Like the people whose fates you will soon decide while leading the last city on earth in Frostpunk: The Board Game (and like some of you did in the original – digital Frostpunk), we must carry on no matter what.

I wish you all endurance and hope on behalf of the entire Glass Cannon Unplugged crew. May your apathy never rise above your motivation. May your anger never overshadow care.

We wish all of you that you find respite in those upcoming days, gather strength to begin 2022 with a bright spark in your eye!

Jakub & GCU Team

2 « J'aime »

J’ai plutôt confiance sur la qualité globale du produit. L’enssemble à l’air bien fichu !

Une petite news avec les fichiers partagés

Scénarios :

Feuille de responsabilités :

Livret de règles :

3 « J'aime »

Par contre s’ils sont encore à relire/valider les règles ça sent la livraison en mai-juin au mieux :frowning:

Même avec le Pain de Sucre en fond, Limbo c’est pas rigolo hein.


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Dans les commentaires, livraison espérée pour juin Vo ( autre localisation juillet-aout :thinking:)

Est-ce que quelqu’un revendrait un pledge?