Galactic Renaissance - par Matagot - livraison mars 2024

[Day 7 Update - Huge Announcements!]

Hi everyone!

We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, if any games got to your tables, let us know in the comments!

Tonight at 10 PM EST, Beneeta and Kasey will be playing Galactic Renaissance on Table Top Simulator, this stream will be available on demand for those that can’t watch live tonight, and I will include that link in tomorrow’s update. For those wanting to watch tonight, and be able to chat with the community, click the link below!

For the last 7 days, we have been listening to and discussing the feedback that has been provided in the comment section, on Reddit, and in the BGG forums. We want to thank everyone for spending time to write these out as our announcements today would not be possible without the care from our backers and the honest discussions we are having in these spaces.

In this update:

  • 5th Player Expansion
  • Announcing Add-Ons
  • The ALL-IN Pledge
  • The Hitchhiker Pledge
  • Pledge Value Chart
  • Daily Reveal
  • Questions and Answers
  • Community Poll for What’s Next

We hope by the end of this update, you all feel more confident than ever when choosing to back Galactic Renaissance, so let’s go!

Introducing the 5th Player Expansion! This add-on will increase player count but also includes 2 new planet tiles, 4 stability tiles, and 5 new objective cards. It’s worth noting that these stability, planet, and objective cards can also be played with at ANY player count.

In addition to the 5th player expansion add-on we are thrilled to announce 2 more requested add-on items to make the game feel even more epic!

  • Question: Will the sleeved cards fit in the game box?
  • Answer: Yes, we are designing our insert to make sure sleeved cards will fit.

In an effort to accommodate all of these new add-ons, you may be wondering what would be the best and least expensive way to add them to your pledge…

One thing requested was a pledge level of just the base game, with no game-ups, and no-reveals. This is just the base game, for 2-4 players. It is available to pledge directly following this update.

With all the information provided today, we wanted to create a chart that shows exactly what each pledge level will be receiving.

We are including Spot UV, and Gilding on the box! Also included in today’s reveal is 2nd announcement of adding artwork on the inside of the box! While not all of our reveals are cosmetic, it is exciting to be able to add these to all pledge levels at 75€ and higher!

  • Question: How will the Game-Up expansions ship?

  • Answer: The Game-Up expansions will ship in the base game box, they WILL NOT ship in individual boxes, that is just for presentation on the campaign page. Shipping the expansions in the base box will help prevent product waste, and allow for easier shipping.

  • Question: Will the insert for the game box hold sleeved cards?

  • Answer: Yes they will!

  • Question: If I pledge during the campaign, but want to upgrade after, how can I do that?

  • Answer: The pledge manager will allow you to upgrade your pledge once it opens only after the campaign ends. We will have an update about this with more information once the campaign closes.

If you made it this far in the update, I want to thank you for sticking with us, because, quite frankly, the next part might be the most important.

We are seeking community feedback on what all of YOU would like to be added to this campaign. While we are always marketing towards finding and welcoming new backers, we want to make it very clear that our main goal is to take care of our current backers and you all are why these announcements today were even made possible.

So what’s next? Let us know by voting in this BGG poll that will give us a good sense of direction on where to start discussing things next!

Backers Choice - Community Poll!

That’s it for today’s update, we’ll be active in the comments today answering any questions you all may have, thank you again for supporting us, and we’ll see you tomorrow for another update!

  • Matagot
1 « J'aime »

@froh vous comptez mettre le all in en 50/50 ?

1 « J'aime »

Bonne question ! Je vois ça demain (retour de congés)

1 « J'aime »

il est tout le temps en congés le mec !

2 « J'aime »

Je suis tellement dehypée… C’est quoi cette histoire de choix de SG? Genre, vous savez pas encore ce que le prix (élevé!) de la version KS va contenir? J’ai l’impression d’avoir des juju aux manettes.

Et le 5e joueur en addon… Ça va être la même chose pour le solo, vous allez le mettre en addon? Je trouve ces nouveaux pledge plus mêlant qu’autre chose. C’est quoi l’intérêt du mini pledge alors que ça va se retrouver en retail?

Pfiou, perso va m’en falloir bcp plus pour me convaincre de ré-embarquer, là j’ai juste l’impression de passer à la caisse et financer la prod du retail avec qq paillettes.

2 « J'aime »

Oui , mais il y a des spots uv…
Vu le prix j attendais le 5 eme joueur dans la boite de base ou en game Up et non pas un add on supplémentaire.

3 « J'aime »

Perso je suis content que le 5ème joueur soit en add-on, je n’y jouerais jamais à 5… Donc si cela permets de réduire le prix de base sa me va…

Au final, il est difficile de satisfaire tout le monde…

2 « J'aime »

Je suis d’accord, je ne critique pas le fait que ce soit un addon 5e joueur. Ce que je critique c’est que j’ai du mal à m’y retrouver au niveau du prix vu le contenu. Si la seule justification du prix c’est le spot UV et qq paillettes, waouuuuuu

1 « J'aime »

Je remplace @froh pendant ses congés… :slight_smile:
Oui, le plege all-in 60/60 a d’ailleurs déjà été ajouté sur la page de campagne.

C’est comme pour Batman et Bruce Wayne, on vous a jamais vu dans la même pièce !!!

4 « J'aime »

J’vous ai parlé de Barbarians Kingdoms ?

8 « J'aime »

Non mais t’as bcp parle de summoners War. Même que j’ai pris un pledge

Si tu es déçu, tu me le renvoie. :rofl:

1 « J'aime »

Plus sérieusement, est-ce qu’il y aurait un 50/50 sur le pledge Hitchhiker’s ?

C’est la version retail sans rien de plus ?

Oui, la version retail avec un rabais (42€ HT vs 67€ HT MSRP).
Si il y a moyen d’éviter les frais de port avec un pledge 50/50, je le prendrai avec l’add-on du 5ème joueur. Les SG pour l’instant ne me vendent pas du rêve, à part peut-être les sacs de rangement.

J’ai la même garantie sur mon all-in de BK ?

Je suis redescendu à 1€.

Non, c’est complexe de faire 200 pledges à 50/50 donc on les réserve pour les trucs les plus chers.

1 « J'aime »

Ça, il faut voir directement avec @froh. :wink: