Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid - par Corvus Belli - Livraison novembre 2022

Et le 3ème Remote pour Nomads…

TAG Raid Remotes are here! New figures to join the TAGs and Prospectors in Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid battles. These remotes will be made in metal at our factory in Spain and will be included in the game’s Core box. Today we introduce you to the remote of Rocaworks!

Sculptor: Antonio Moreira
Painter: Rodrigo Akore

On parie pour un genre d’animal pour les ariadnais ?

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J’espère :smiley:

Un louveteau en exosquelette mécanique :sweat_smile:

Raté ! LAIKA a quand même bien changé ^^ On est plus proche d’une version alternative de Wall-E…

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Il est énorme quand même !

clairement wall e ^^

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Le dernier Development Note sur les modes de jeu. Les Tags de Codeone pourront être joués dans IDTR…

Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid offers us chaos galore and an unending frenzy of action. It’s not just the violent greed of enemy Miners willing to kill for your Teseum, but also the chance of ending up inside a colossal MegaBeast. If that happens, believe me, you don’t want to know how you’ll end up getting out.
But if you need to add more danger, if you want more options to get an adrenaline boost during battle, or if you simply wish to change things up a little, you can do it with TAG Raid.

While we were developing the base features of the game, ideas for some options and modifications to the base game kept popping up. Although they weren’t quite in line with what we were looking to do with the game, these ideas were worth saving, realizing that with a little tweaking here and there, they could become game modes in their own right. So, if no two matches could ever be the same in the base game, with game modes the experience couldn’t be the same either. Therefore, TAG Raid can all but guarantee fun for hours on end.

But let’s get back to the main subject of this article: game modes. What can we find in the rule book?


What is the base game? Well - just that. No extras, and no modifications. I won’t say much about this game mode, if you want to know more about how to play it, I’d recommend you check the demo we made on our Twitch channel.



Within the base rules, there are several game modes that use the different elements of TAG Raid to completely change a match.

For example, we can focus our attention on the TAG’s action, forget the MegaBeast, and play out the more ‹ classic › Infinity Deathmatch experience.

But if simply playing with TAGs is just not enough for you, we can include a prospecting team to support our TAG. We could use the help of a Prospector or a Remote when extracting Neomaterials.

And if customization is your thing, then you can invest Oceanas into the Black Market to obtain new Tools and modifications of dubious legality. After all, there’s never a bad time to add some extra Armor or to acquire a brand-new set of hydraulic Rotors to help you hit extra hard.


If you want to put some order into your life and do away with casual and unconnected matches, then the narrative experience of the campaigns is for you!

As the campaign unfolds, you’ll feel the adrenaline and the danger of a prospector’s daily life.

In each chapter, you and your team will have to complete your corporation’s various assignments as they struggle to get their hands on as much Teseum as possible while trying to survive the other miners’ short temper or the attacks of the lurking MegaBeast.

The more Teseum you obtain, the more Oceana’s you’ll be paid. This will allow you to reinvest it in your prospecting team, granting them new capabilities and upgrading them with new Tools for the Black Market.

If this is still not enough for you, every campaign will have you face a different MegaBeast!


Can you imagine a TAG split in half and seeing a Cutter with a gigantic Circular Saw behind it? Or the one who took down your team was a Sphinx with a drill? Don’t worry if you can’t imagine it, you’ll see it with your own eyes!

The TAGs from Infinity Codeone will have their own game mode in TAG Raid, and they won’t mind getting their hands covered in dirt and oil.

With all these game modes, you can expect to have fun for countless hours with TAG Raid. Now that you know what game modes are in store, which one will you try first?

Et maintenant la megabeast

j’ai pas vu passer le rachat de Corvus Belli par MG ?

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C’est leur prochain MonsterapoTAGlypse :grin:

D’ailleurs je me demandais si avec l’incorporation de ce steindrage ce Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid ne va pas faire le lien avec le longtemps évoqué futur jeu axé fantasy.

Ce week end, j’ai ré-essayé de regarder leur vidéo. Je me suis forcé, mais je n’ai pas tenu plus de 35 minutes. Le jeu a vraiment l’air d’un intérêt quasi nul, pour moi… C’est un genre de Code one, mais où tu controlles 1 seul perso (au départ, plus ou moins le même pour tout le monde), et que tu peux changer son arme en lootant au pif des items… Et quand ton perso meurt (ce qui devrait arriver souvent), tu repars sans ton équipement d’un autre point de la carte.

Les tuiles sont vraiment inutiles. Plutôt que donner une trentaine de tuiles à placer au pif, ils auraient mieux fait de donner quelques tuiles pour faire les obstacles (les endroits où il n’y a pas de tuile bloquent la visibilité, dans la version actuelle) plus un poster pour faire le plateau…

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La version demo des règles est là pour ceux qui n’ont toujours pas déserté …

Are you interested in learning how to play Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid? You can now download a DEMO version of the game rules! And very soon the demo will be available on TTS so you can play it from home!

Download the demo rulebook:…/infinity-deathmatch…

celui-ci a de la gueule :slight_smile:

J’ai lu les règles, c’est très proche de Code One, sauf qu’on ne controlle pas autant de persos, en gros. Du coup, c’est pas tellement stratégique, c’est plus pour jouer à bcp.

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quelle faction ?

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du coup je suis allé à la source (bureau aegis) c’est une tag pour l’armée combinée, apriori au moins une faction alien dans le jeu.

Yes, je ne faisais que relayer les infos de la bas.

Les TOHAA sont morts de toutes façons, donc ça restera la seule a priori :slightly_smiling_face:
Ils ont prevu plusieurs extensions.

Je ne suis toujours pas intéressé par le jeu, mais suivant le prix, les figs pourraient faire de bonnes figs pour gamma wolves

Tu as oublié la fig du dragon… :grinning: Moi sur celui-ci en temps normal ce serait je passe mais comme c’est infinity … :sweat_smile: Faudrait déjà que je me plonge sur les règles demo que je n’ai pas eu le temps de lire pour le moment

Corvus Belli a partagé le lien KS pour la future campagne de financement

Follow us on Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid page on Kickstarter and you’ll be notified when the campaign will start!…/infinity-deathmatch-tag-raid

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La version TTS est prête ^^ On devrait avoir les premiers retours la semaine prochaine…

We are looking forward to reading your comments about the new battle royale based on the Infinity Universe and we have almost everything ready. On Monday you can finally enjoy the demo of Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid at TTS, so see you then! Have a nice weekend!

EDIT: La version TTS est dispo

Infinity Deathmatch TAG Raid Demo available now online and for free on Tabletop Simulator:

:es: Module in Spanish:…
:uk: English module:…

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